Disclaimer: I do not own twilight, but I wrote this story so – haha!

A/N: ok so here's the last chapter. Thanks to everyone who read and review it! Sorry I took so long but I had like a million projects to do and I had exams and I forgot to work on it. I know it's short but at leati finally posted it.

Bella POV

I was still crying as Jasper carried me into the Cullen's living room. I knew that those men would never hurt me or even come near me ever again, but I was still in shock from seeing the people who I had hoped to never see again. He carried me into the Cullen's immaculate living room and sat down on the couch with me on his lap.

After a while my sobs had ceased and I looked up at Jasper, who had comforted me the whole time. He smiled down at me while still sending me waves of calm.

"Are you ok now?" he asked

"Yes, thank you for everything today jasper. It was a great day before they showed up." I said while getting slightly angry angry when I thought about my attackers.

After sitting there for awhile I felt jasper tense and life his head.

"They're back from their hunting trip" he said obviously hearing everyone running toward the house. Jasper turned to me "are you going to tell them or Edward what happened, because Edward will see us sitting like this and expect the worst of course" he said with a chuckle.

I wanted to tell them but I didn't think that I would have the strength to do it, so I turned to jasper, "Do you think that you could maybe do it?" I asked him while nervously playing with the edges of my sleeves and softly biting my lower lip.

A small smile came to Jaspers face and he gave me a soulful look "Bella, what would make you think that I would say no, I thought that it was pretty obvious by now that I would do anything for you."

I started thinking his words over trying to figure out what they meant when Jasper intruped my train of thought saying " That means yes Darlin'."

I thought about what he said againg then turned to him with mischief clear in my eyes, asked him the obvious question, "So does that mean that you'll change me?" I asked innocently while smiling widely.

"No, sorry Darlin' but I would like not face the wrath of Edward." He said while smirking. We both burst out into laughter.

While we were laughing about the thought of Edward freaking out, we didn't hear the door opening or the rest of the Cullen's walking in.

"What are you two laughing about?" Edward asked, making me and Jasper jump at his sudden appearance. We look at the confused look on Edwards face, then at each other and started laughing again.

I knew that at that moment we had found our brother/sister relashonship, and I hoped that we would always have it.