AN: SasuSaku fic set after the manga and Madara has been defeated. Team Seven members are 21.

Chapter One: One Year

Beep. Beep. BEEP!

Sakura jumped in her seat, startled by the alarm on the machine regulating her patient's breathing. He was unstable. Rushing to his side, Sakura forced the remaining bits of her chakra into his body to stabilize his breathing. Drawing down to the bare minimum, Sakura called in another nurse to standby. If something else happened to him… Glancing at the tattered ANBU uniform and the blood still scattered on his skin, Sakura took a shaky breath.

The man was trapped in an unstable genjutsu that threatened his health. He had been the last of a team brought in after coming into contact with an S-rank missing-nin. After healing his comrades, she had used all of her chakra... and she was the only one capable of breaking the jutsu. Sighing, Sakura waited for the nurse, ready to take chakra injections just to make sure he would make it. She didn't know how long his mind could remain suspended in such a state before he gave in. Who knew what horrible nightmares he was having.

Hearing the nurse, Sakura closed her eyes, reassured she could rest for a moment.


Hearing the familiar voice, Sakura was surprised to find Tsunade before her, scrutinizing her.

"Shishui!" Sakura said.

She hadn't seen her former sensei for months and wasn't expecting her back in the village for some time.

"You've done enough here, Sakura. I'll take care of this man," Tsunade said.

Sakura frowned. "I'd like to stay until he has recovered, master."

Tsunade sighed. "Look, Sakura. I understand that you feel responsible… but you need to rest. You look awful."

Sakura glanced at the man, her eyes growing heavier and heavier. She had analyzed every wound on his body. Every trace of the jutsu used on him. She could still sense the presence of Sasuke's chakra …

"I'll stop him, Shishou. I won't let this continue," Sakura said.

"It could be much worse, Sakura. Right now all it seems he is doing is avoiding capture. They engaged him, not the other way around. So far, his offences are expected."

Sakura nodded as she watched Tsunade break the jutsu on the ANBU. He stirred before falling back asleep, and Sakura smiled gently.

"Thank you, Shishou."

# # #


Sakura was staring at one of the Hokage's special ANBU's standing outside her front door.

"And the Hokage wishes to speak with you immediately."

Sakura shut her door quietly, pausing for a moment to take a breath. Unable to process what she had just heard, Sakura went to her closet and pulled on her outfit numbly.

Sakura's hair swayed as she moved towards the Hokage's office, the long pink locks reaching down her back. Her hands were sweaty and gripping the inside of her glove from nervousness.

"Naruto," she said, her voice trembling. "Is it true?"

Naruto was sitting on his desk, his hands folded serenely in his lap. "There was nothing I could do, Sakura. The order has been put forth… it's simply too dangerous to let him keep wandering around on his own. With how much trouble Madara caused, it's no surprise the alliance is shaky without Konoha dealing with him, even if Sasuke did help bring Madara down. People are scared of him having no authority to answer to."

Sakura felt Naruto's words hit her like an icy wind. They chilled every bone in her body and froze even the tears she might have once cried for him.

"How long?"

"One year."

Sakura held herself steady, trying to let the shock pass through her rather than strike her head on. She knew it was coming… she knew they wouldn't give Sasuke an indefinite pass for his transgressions. His grace period would soon be over… and he would never be able to return.

"Sakura…" Naruto said, his tone suddenly serious. "If Sasuke returns within a year, he can still be pardoned."

Sakura recalled a conversation she had had with Naruto a few months ago. "Yeah. I'll see you soon."

# # #

~Three Months Later~

Sakura handed a piece of bread to the small child in the bed before her, smiling to cheer him up. He had a fever and was dying. There were so many small children in this part of the Land of Lightning that simply could not survive the winter. Despite having found no trace of Sasuke, Sakura couldn't find it in her to leave these children when they had no medicine but her to keep them alive once she had discovered them. Now, as January rolled on, Sakura felt that they were finally strong enough for her to leave and continue her search.

She crossed three different major countries and countless small ones searching for any trace of Sasuke, but none came. It was February when she found herself in a northern village somewhere in the Land of Earth. Coming across another local clinic not unlike the one she had spent so long at before, Sakura stopped to see if she could be of any help.

Noticing a man stumble on his walking cane, Sakura pulled off her headband and tied up her hair, insisting he let her restore his leg. When she finished, he could walk fine, and everyone around her in the small clinic applauded her. By nightfall, the arrival of the medical genius spread throughout the village. Having used up much of her chakra, Sakura sat exhausted on one of the empty hospital beds, about ready to find a room for the night.

"Sakura Haruno?"

Sakura turned at the sound of her name, seeing a woman with fiery hair.


"Are you the medic whom everyone is talking about?" she asked.

Sakura nodded. "Is there something I can help you with?"

The woman surveyed her skeptically. "I have a friend who might be able to use your help."

Sakura nodded. "What's wrong?"

"It's his vision. He is going blind."

Sakura stood up and noticed her headband fall from her pocket. Letting her hair loose and picking it up, she placed it back on her head and glanced up at the woman.

"I am too tired to do anything tonight, but I could take a look at him and see if I would be able to help," Sakura suggested.

However, the woman suddenly looked flustered about something.

"Is something wrong?" she asked.

"Oh… N..nothing. I don't think you can help us," she said, turning to leave.

Sakura couldn't miss the way the woman had scanned her headband and immediately changed her stance. As if suddenly struck, Sakura put together the hesitation towards her medical ninjutsu, the reaction to the Konoha headband… and the friend with deteriorating eyesight. Dropping her bag, Sakura followed the woman out into the street, making sure to keep her distance. Making sure to keep her chakra masked, Sakura followed her down the crowded street until she turned into a side alleyway. Disappearing into a side door, Sakura followed her inside, and descended several levels into a basement like corridor. The air was cool and wet, making Sakura nervous. Approaching a lit room, Sakura paused outside, casting a delicate genjutsu to hide herself, and still not reveal her chakra to them.

"Any luck?" a male voice asked.

"No, none," said the red haired woman.

Sakura frowned. She was intentionally lying to whoever she was talking to.

"Well, that does it for around here. We are going to have to change locations again," said a third voice.

"No." The fourth voice was low, and unrecognizable, but something about it sent a chill down her spine. "I can't keep traveling… you'll have to go without me."


"Shut up, Karin. Just go. Each of you go to the next three destinations on our list and return."

Sakura remained frozen against the wall trying to understand their muffled voices when the door opened and the woman and two other men walked out the way she had entered.

Bracing herself, Sakura entered the room, only to be knocked to the floor immediately. Her heart beat increased tenfold as she felt someone's full weight upon her. Panicking, Sakura struggled against her opponent, trying to take in every aspect she could to get an upper hand. Whoever attacked her was breathing heavily, like they were sick. Grunting out in frustration, Sakura finally got a hand loose. It was pitch black and there was a silent struggle as both of them raced for a kunai, but Sakura was faster. Locking her opponent in a tight hold, she twisted until she was on top, gaining control of the situation. Confirming her opponent was a male, Sakura's chest constricted as she wondered if this could really be Sasuke. He was incredibly strong despite the way he was breathing and she could hardly keep her hold on him. Losing her grip, Sakura didn't quite dodge as he lashed out at her, cutting her cheek. Flung against the far wall, Sakura summoned the last remaining chakra she had and caught his arm before he could deliver a fatal wound to her chest. With her enhanced hold, she finally caught her breath and slammed him against the wall, a kunai dangerously against his throat, and even as Sakura pressed it tighter, she felt sweat and blood roll down her skin. She could feel his silky strands of hair floating against her skin, the smooth skin of his neck on her hand.

"Sasuke?" she breathed, her voice barely above a whisper.

Beneath her, Sakura felt his entire body restrict. He stopped breathing. Then, without warning, he broke her hold on him, releasing himself from her grip. Hearing him stumble and fall to the floor, Sakura's eyes widened.

Panicking, Sakura felt around the small room and located a candle on the small table. Carelessly using a small fire jutsu with her low chakra level, she lit it, holding it out before her.

And there he was… just as she had imagined. His dark hair fell down around his face, his chest heaving more than it should have been. He was leaning against the wall, the red line on his neck bruising from her blade.

"Sasuke," Sakura said, scared of what might have been wrong with him.

Then she noticed it. The way he looked at her… and didn't see her at all. Sasuke was blind.

AN: This will be a chaptered fic, but don't expect it to be too long. I plan to put more care into this one though. So far, I really like the outline. Please review!