A/N: So random bunny popped into my head and it was linked with 'Steamy' so I wrote it in a manor of three hours or so.

I suppose if there are any missing scenes people would like me to write I wouldn't mind taking on the challenge.

Disclaimer: I own the plot bunny that attacked me. Sadly I don't own a real life bunny.


Bonus Chapter: Quinn Interrupts a Lesson

"Rule number one about sex is it's gotta be equal give and take. Especially because your totally in love with this girl dude," Puck face was one of seriousness and focus. "Rule number two doesn't always gotta be sex." He looked ready to explain all his rules and regulations when giving Finn his first lesson of pleasing his women when he stopped.

This wasn't the young grasshopper's first lesson with his Sensi about sex. Puck finally thought Finn was ready to learn his rules in all aspects of pleasing women.

"That's it? Only two rules?" Finn's voice and face held skepticism.

"That's all you need bro. If you seriously need more than those two rules I ain't sure your game is totally on point." The mohawk styling teen said.

The football captain nodded, "okay, I think I got it. Keep going."

Puck quirked an eyebrow, "don't think you do dude cause I ain't done explaining the rules yet." He started pacing, almost like a drill Sargent, hands behind his back and shoulders back straight. "First rule doesn't apply to a time period, meaning that if you get something at that moment don't mean you gotta give back right away. Just like if you give something to your women don't ever expect something in return. Only time it should ever, and I mean ever be expected is during sex."

Just as soon as Puck was getting into the grove of his teachings a particular blonde burst into the Hudson living room. The boys instantly looked suspicious and Quinn picked up on it instantly.

"What are you two up too?" Finn's girl asked nonchalantly.

"Not a thing Queen Q. Why you ask? Better yet why are you here? Didn't you say something about going out with Santana and Brittney," was Puck's rebuttal.

"Mmhmm," Quinn hummed then shrugged, "whatever you say. As for my fellow Cheerios they couldn't make it because they got detention from Mr. Schuester, something about cheating on a quiz. Anyways I was thinking, since you boys do practically nothing all day, you could take me to the mall. I've got somethings I need to buy."

Finn looked to Puck talking while trying not to give anything away, "I could do with some bro-bonding but I still gotta wrap my head around what we learned today. I could so use a break."

Rolling her green eyes before they narrowed slightly, something suspicious was definitely going on. "you weirdo. Come on, the mall doesn't stay open forever. You two can help me pick out a new outfit for Brittney's party this Saturday."

"Ah shit, I totally forgot about that!" Puck groaned. "Santana had a bitch fit the other day so Brittney said 'I was too mean to be at her totally cool party'." Puck added with a scoff.

"Like that stopped your before man? Last time someone disinvited you, you punched them in the face. I'm not suggesting to punch them in the faces but dude grow a pair and man up." Finn said, with a bit of 'Puck-itude'.

"I'm beginning to think the two of you spend a little too much time together." She glanced between her two best-friends. She sauntered her way towards Finn, smirking devilishly. "Don't you remember this is going to be a pool party Finn?" Instantly each of them had a flashback to the Fabray hot tub.

Grinning widely the boyfriend was on his feet. "Mall time here we come."

Puck and Quinn both laughed. "That was way too easy for you Quinn, yet I don't think that I should be checking out my man's girl while she puts on a show."

"I asked you to come because I want to make sure I don't pick out something San has already and I know you snoop through her things." The blonde shrugged. "Besides your acting as if you've never seen me in a bikini."

In no time at all Quinn convinced them they should go to the mall. Since the Lame-o-mall didn't exactly support the best store it was always a hit and miss when picking an outfit. The trio browsed three stores before finally finding one that sold decent bikinis.

"How about this?" Quinn picked out the top, and before she found the bottom Puck shot it down.

"Santana owns that one too."

"How many bikini's does one girl need?" Finn questioned to himself. It was obvious his opinion would only matter when the outfit was placed on his girl instead of on the rack.

Finally it was Puck who found one that Santana didn't own and yet was quickly turned down by Finn. "Dude really?" was all Finn could do to described the hot mess Puck picked out.

Quinn started laughing; it was very funny to witness two, supposedly, tough guys almost on the cusp of being fashionable fashionistas.

"Ah ha!" Quinn exclaimed finally finding something very cute and very un-Santana like. Showing the top and bottom to the two raising fashion gurus, each nodded. Smiling brightly the blonde scurried to the changing rooms egger to put on the bikini.

Shuffling slowly to the change rooms Finn whispered to Puck. "Sorry about the girlfriend. I know it's supposed to be our lesson time."

Something clicked inside Puck's head. "Actually this could be the perfect time to demonstrate what I was talking about. If she likes it and you like, buy it for her. That way she's gotta give ya something in return. Since it's only a bikini don't be expecting something huge in return though."

"Alright cool. I remember you saying don't expect it right away either." Finn nodded, agreeing to the plan. "How will I know when she's returning the favour?"

"What favour?" Quinn came out from the change room and she watched Finn's mouth drop.

"I-I-I" Finn became flustered.

"He said flavour." Puck quickly covered for Finn and tried to avoid staring.

The blonde pursed her lips, but it was best to ignore it. Twirling on the spot she held out her hands. "Well, what do you think?"

Clearing his throat before he spoke the boyfriend was finally able to come up with an answer, "think its a good fit. You look...hott, really really hott."

Curling in her bottom lip into her mouth Quinn held back the small laugh, "thanks. I think the yellow and white are a good pair too." She turned to get changed. The boys turned to each other giving looks of relief, they dodged a bullet.

Their lessons was kept secret only because they knew Quinn would flip her shit if she ever found out. Besides the best-friends thought it was cool being all spy like and sneaky.

Finn bought the bikini and the trio made their way out of the mall. Satisfied with their mission half way accomplished Puck entrusted Finn to inform him of any thing Quinn does for him, and he meant anything. As soon as he left the couple, Quinn quirked an eyebrow at her boyfriend.

"I'm beginning to wonder about you two. You may think I don't know but trust me, I know." Quinn said, and it caused Finn's head to snap up.

She knew? How could she know! The blonde, after that sly remark, kept to herself about the secret she knew and Finn was left with a headache.

A day in the life of Finn Hudson was a complex and intense roller coaster with Quinn Fabray driving the wheel.