Hello again! Guess what? My Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands story! Insert exited squeal I'm sorry if you were disappointed with my One Last Kiss story, but hey--One more step to a good story! Enjoy "Captivated!"


Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands


I chugged down a glass of water as I stood in the middle of my field. "Ah!" I sighed and licked my lips.

It's been three months since Vaughn and Sabrina's wedding. Surprisingly enough, I was Sabrina's bridesmaid. Julia was confused of why I was happy for Vaughn, but now everyone knows what I did, due to Julia's mouth. It was great wedding. I enjoyed I enjoyed it like it was my own.

The down side is, we don't hang out as much anymore. Though, I still have other friends.

Nothing left to do, I decided to buy more seeds at Chen's shop. I walked down the brick road, waving to everyone nearby. This island is extremely popular, and lots of people live here. I stared up at the blue sky as leave flew in the breeze.

Suddenly, someone bumped into me. I fell backwards and shut my eyes, waiting for myself to fall. I didn't feel anything except a firm, but gentle hand on my wrist. I opened my eyes.

It took me a minute to recognize him. He was blocking the sun, and with a light voice, he asked:

"Are you alright, Miss?"

I could see his features now. He had blonde hair that flipped out at the sides, with beautiful blue eyes. He was wearing a black shirt, white jeans and a white and yellow jacket.

But his voice was the thing that surprised me. It was light and graceful, and sounded like bells chiming.

"Um…" I blushed.

He pulled me up and I heard his light voice again. "Are you alright?"

"Y-Yes!" I forced myself to answer.

He rubbed the back of his head. "I'm sorry, I was daydreaming. It happens from time to time."

I couldn't help but giggle. "It's okay, I do it too sometimes."

He smiled a friendly smile. "Ah, introductions. My name is Will." He bowed like a prince does to a princess.

I blushed. "C-Chelsea! Nice to meet you!"

I realized he has a white horse with him.

"Just like a prince…" I whispered.

"Hm? I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you."

"O-Oh! Nothing!" I laughed sheepishly. He smiled again, the afternoon sun making his hair golden. "Aren't you a cute one."

My cheeks turned pink, but I smiled back.

Maybe I have another shot at love.

Chapter 1:

"Julia, you haven't talked to me in days! I miss you." I whined.

She sat next to me, resting her head on her palm. "Sorry, Chelsea. But you've gotten kind of boring, I can't hear the usual stories of you and Vaughn anymore." I frowned.

"That's horrible. I gotta stop talking to you." I turned away and crossed my arms. She chuckled.

"Where's Mark, anyway?"

She hesitated. "I don't know."

"Oh, well."

It was quiet for a while.

"Your right, I am boring."

I remembered the Will incident. Should I ask her about him? No, I don't want to sound desperate. Maybe I could convince her I'm just curious?

"Hey Julia..."


"Do you know who the new guy is?"

She thought for a second. "I've heard of him. I've never seen him, though. Why? Do you have an interest in him?" She grinned.


"N-No! Of course not! just happened to bump into him today, that's all!" I soon realized what mistake I made.

"What!? What happened? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

It happened like, 2 hours ago! I have a farm, of course your gonna have to wait!"

"Is he cute? What's he like? His name--"

The door suddenly opened. "Mark! finally, what took you so--" I was interrupted by someone else walking in.

Julia and I stared in awe of what came before us.

Will, the guy I saw not 2 hours ago, was standing without a shirt in swimming trunks with a towel over his shoulder. "Hello, girls. Was I interrupting anything?"

We both shook our heads vigorously.

He walked up to us, glancing for me to Julia. "I believe we haven't met." He said to Julia. He flashed her a smile. "My name is Will. I'll be living here for a while with my cousin. Nice to meet you."

"Y-You too, Prince--I mean, Romeo--I mean, Will!"

He laughed. "That's not the first time I've been called that. Yes, I come from a wealthy family, envied by most--" He began doing poses only princes could do without looking ridiculous.

While he was talking, I whispered to Julia. "This is the guy."

"Really? He's kind of weird."

"He wasn't like this 2 hours ago, I swear!"

"Didn't he say something about staying with a cousin?"

"I don't know. I was to busy trying to avoid his body." I sneered.

"Hey! It's not my fault."

"Don't mind my shirtless self being here, I was taking a walk down the beach, it's beautiful, I might like it here." He finished.

"The beach? It's Autumn!"

"Yes, but the weather doesn't matter when you can catch the beauty of the ocean."

Julia and I just stared at him.

Suddenly, the door swung open. "Sorry I'm late guys, the owner of the Hotel was all like--" Mark stopped dead when he realized a shirtless man he's never seen before was making conversation with us.

"Hello there. My name is Will." He flashed another perfect smile.

He narrowed his eyes. "Oh, I see how it is. Well two can play at this game!" Mark suddenly pulled his shirt off. The girl's eyes nearly popped out of their heads. Will looked confused. "Excuse me?"

Mark walked past him and sat across from Julia and I, ignoring Will. He flipped his golden hair and turned back to us. "May I take a seat?"

"S-Sure." Julia stuttered. He sat next to me, and I was still blushing madly from the scene. "S-So, Will, who is your cousin?"

"You may not believe me, but Sabrina is my cousin and Regis is my uncle."

The whole room went quiet.

"Oh man, I'm sorry." Mark said.

He laughed. "It's alright. He's not as bad when you've known him all your life."

Mark narrowed his eyes. "So, your not like, half vampire, are you?"

"M-Mark!" I scolded.

"No, no. I'm quite human." He chuckled.

"You DAD was a brother to REGIS?" Julia asked.

He nodded.

The room was quiet again. Will looked at the clock hanging over the kitchen. "Well, I must depart, fair maidens, and Mark. It was a pleasure talking to you." He smiled and made his way out gracefully, making Maribelle gasp in his presence.

Again, it was silent.

I looked at Julia. "Did you see his--?"


"And his--?"


"What about that--?"

"Oh yeah."

Mark rolled his eyes and snorted. "He's not all that great. Him being related to the island's vampire says so."

"Come on, he's not all that bad. I think he's sweet."

"And crazy."

"You know, it wouldn't bad for you to be romantic once it a while, Mark." I said playfully.

Something flashed in his green eyes that I couldn't recognize. Then he grinned. "Good luck getting me to be like that."

Well? Does this prove the story is gonna be great or what? I'll try to hurry with the other chapters A.S.A.P! Also, when I looked at my One Last Kiss story, I realized there were countless mistakes of it! I'll try to do a rewrite of that.

Reveiws, please!
