"NO WAY IN HELL" screamed Blair.

"Miss Waldorf" said Headmistress Queller with a look of distaste on her face.

"Sorry, headmistress but there has to be a way to change this" questions Blair.

"Come on B, it will be fine" Serena mentions.

"Everyone else has no complaints about their partner, they will be no switching" explained Queller.

Six people have been chosen to go to Italy in the whole of Constance and St Judes. Queller thought it would a good learning experience if the rooms were mixed sex so they can learn what it's like to live with someone when they get in a relationship, sounds pretty crazy doesn't it that's what Blair thought too.

"I am going to repeat partners again, Serena Van Der Woodsen and Dan Humphrey, Jennifer Humphrey and Nathaniel Archibald and" pausing to give a look to Blair who just glared at floor.

"Blair Waldorf and Chuck Bass" says Queller.

Chuck just smirked at Blair and Serena who both just looked at him in disgust.

"Don't worry Blair it's not that bad" Serena tells Blair.

"S, he didn't you on a helipad" says Blair looking down.

"I'm sorry" whispers Serena

"Don't worry about it S, anyway how you feeling about sharing with cabbage patch?" says Blair.

"Well it's going to be awkward but I think I'll live" mutters Serena

"Excited about sharing a room with me" says Chuck smugly coming up behind Blair.

"Ugh, no!" says Blair looking annoyed.

"Aww, come on" wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

"Get off me" says Blair grabbing his arm flipping over so he was now lying on his back on the floor, she just smirks while he is lying there, gob smacked.

"How did you do that?" asks Dan with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Here, I'll show you" Blair tells Dan and before he can protest, he is lying on the floor next to Chuck.

Nate, Serena and even Jenny are all laughing hysterically.

"You two just got beaten up by a girl not even a strong girl" says Nate still laughing.

Jenny and Serena look at each other they know what is coming and WHACK Nate hits the floor too.

"Nate, don't ever call me weak" Blair says sweetly patting his chest while he is lying with the same expression Chuck and Dan had minutes ago.

The three boys get up and dust off while the girls are getting on the mini bus, well an Upper East Side version of mini bus.

Blair and Serena sat together gossiping and listening to music.

Chuck and Nate sat together discussing what they want to do in Italy.

Jenny and Dan sat together talking about how they got in this mess.

This is my second fanfiction

I know that it is very unlikely that Blair could flip Chuck, Dan and Nate but it's just some fun.

They will be longer chapters after this one

Well that's the first chapter a bit short I know

Should I continue??

Or should I give up??

Reviews are nice.

