
Severus mustered about as much sarcasm as he could into that single syllable. He even raised his eyebrows to add to the vindictiveness and loathing.

Harry, sitting lazily across from him, merely stared at him with his brilliant green eyes.

Severus's lip curled.

"Potter, tell me why you are here."

Harry's eyes sparkled.

"You see, sir, I was under the impression that you knew that, due to the fact that you invited me into your office saying you would like a word. I was hoping you could tell me."

The boy was hopelessly impossible. Severus felt something in his neck twitch.

"I suppose it isn't your fault you were born so dull. You are here because of the evidence that you were in my personal quarters last night. I would like to why."

Harry's face was the look of innocent surprise. "I wasn't in your quarters last year, sir."

Typical. With a gentle wave of his wand Severus produced two goblets of what appeared to be firewhiskey.

"Have a drink, Potter."

Harry looked startled, than slightly amused, almost happy. "Thanks," he said, taking a large sip.

Stupid, stupid boy. It amazed Severus. Of course it was spiked with Veritaserum.

In a loud, demanding voice, Severus said,"Potter, why were you in my chambers last night?"

Harry knew he mustn't tell Snape, he couldn't say. If he knew he would die.

But the words seemed to slip out of their own accord.

"I wanted to see what you looked like when you slept."

Harry's eyes grew wide in horror, and slapped a hand over his mouth. Shit.

Severus was surprised. He was sure he had brewed the Veritaserum correctly, but how could that be true?

He didn't notice the slight pleasure he felt at the idea.

"And tell me, Potter, why you would want to know what I look like when I'm asleep?"

Again, the words seemed to slip out of their own accord.

"I thought you would look cute. Cuter than normal anyways."

A weird feeling crept over Severus.

"What exactly do you think of me Potter?"

Despite his fear, Harry felt a dreamy smile creep over his face.

"I think that you are the most beautiful and amazing person ever. The way you look when you stare at me, like you wanna kill me, just about makes me melt inside. I love the way you say my name, with the emphasis on the last syllable. And when you breathe down my neck in Potions it makes me shiver in delight. I want nothing more than to kiss you, right now."

Severus stared at the boy in amazment, and saw, for the first time, his beauty. At that moment, he, too, wanted nothing more than to kiss Harry.

He leaned over the table and pressed his lips against his. The softness his lips was irrestistable.

It only lasted about 5 seconds. Harry jumped back in surprise, wrenching himself away. "What the fuck?!"

It was Severus's turn to be surprised. The same words were playing on his lips.

Harry looked horrified. "I wasn't serious! Did you seriously think I would drink that shit?! Do you really think I'm that stupid?! You're disgusting!! What would Ginny think?! You creepy, sadistic, child molester! I am not my mom, nomatter what you seem to think!! I'm going to Dumbledore right now, dammit!!'

Then he turned on his heel and stormed out of the dungeon. Severus sat in silence, feeling as if he had lost Lily all over again. Not to mention his job.