AN: OMG! It's the last chapter! After this, it's DONE! The End! Finis! Finito! Y'en a plus! No more! This is how it ends! No epilogue, and no, not just cause I'm too lazy! But..
So, I'd like to thank all of you who reviewed. I'd also like to thank all of you who favorited and alerted this story. Also, if there are any, those readers who read but didn't review, I'd like to thank you too! Because I'm too lazy to name you all individually, this chapter is dedicated to all the readers. :) You guys are the best! Not only did you stick around through my horrible updating, you encouraged me to keep writing, and because of that, I actually finished a story! So thank you all! You all deserve a hug!
And, because about half of this story wasn't written by me, I feel the need to thank TrueJackVP408 for the last time in this story, for putting up with me and helping me with the small as well as the huge writers blocks. Also, for putting up with my venting. Haha, so yeah, thanks!
In advance, I'm sorry if this chapter has random parts that change POV's.. I think I got them all, but you never know..
OH! And I'm sorry that it's so short! I wanted to make it longer, you know, end with a BANG! But the way I had planned the ending didn't really allow that, so yeah.
And on that note, I finish this incredibly long authors note, and begin the story! Enjoy! :)
Courtney's POV
I looked out the hotel window. It would be a year the day after tomorrow since I'd left. No doubt Duncan had moved on. I sighed. I missed him so much it hurt. He was always on my mind. The sight of green in someone's hair made me jump. One of my co-workers had eyes the exact same colour as him, but for some reason, they just didn't look as pretty. I heard a knock on the door.
"Come in! It's unlocked." I mumbled.
"Oh, come on Court! Stop being such a party pooper! You know, it's not safe to keep the door unlocked." My boss said, laughing. I did my best not to turn around and glare at him. I hated that man. He didn't give me this stupid promotion because he thought I was best for the job. He gave me the job so that he would be the only constant guy in my life. Turns out it wasn't his decision to take me off work either. It was recommended by my boss' boss, cause he was getting to, oh what was the word they used, ah yes, obsessed with me. Turns out the guy had been spying on me and decided that Duncan had to go. When did he decide to tell me this? Oh yeah, the first night I tried to call Duncan after figuring out I didn't have to pay to call long distance. And the rest of my friends? They were considered distractions. I blew a piece of hair from my face and turned to face him.
"Yeah. Your point? Who knows? Maybe it's safer to keep it unlocked. I mean, you never know when some freak will come out of nowhere and pick the lock anyway!" I screamed, on the verge of crying again.
"Now now. Is that any way to be talking to the man who gave you this wonderful job here?" He asked me.
"I didn't want this stupid job. I wanted to stay where I was with Duncan. Did you know he proposed to me on the day you told me I had to leave? No, of course you didn't! Well, he did. And I had to say no! I promised I'd try to call! But you won't let me! Because you can't let me be with the one person I am in love with!" I yelled at him, before pushing him out of the way and stomping out, slamming the door shut. I ran to the elevator. When it hit the ground, I ran out the doors and into the park, not caring that I was dressed in a pair of sweats and one of Duncan's shirts that he had packed without me knowing. Also not caring that my makeup was running and I was crying, hard. I kept running, not caring enough to look where I was going, until I hit something, or someone. I looked up to see that a man who looked to be about my age with tan skin was rubbing his head.
"Ow! Watch where your going why don't you?" He said rubbing his head.
"S-sorry." I said, sniffling. I looked down at my feet, still on the ground, fully aware he was staring at me. Than he sighed.
"I'm Noah. Sorry about that. My girlfriend says I'm insensitive. She's trying to get me a little more sensitive. I guess I could start here." He said, lending me a hand. I flashed back to the night when Duncan proposed, and started crying harder.
"Okay! Jeez, if you didn't want me to help, you could have just said so!" I sniffled.
"No. It's just." I sighed and looked up at him. "It's a long story. You sure you have time." He looked at his watch.
"Well, seeing as my girlfriend is an hour late, yeah, I have the time." I laughed a little, causing him to smile a little. "Come on. We'll go sit on that bench or something." He lent me his hand again, and this time, I took it. Despite his size, he was able to lift me to my feet. He was just a little taller than I was. As we walked, I told him everything. From the time my car broke down, to the first time me and Duncan did it, to Justin stealing Bridgette, to my boss making me leave, to the proposal, to finding out my boss wants to get into my pants, to why I was running and crying today. At the end, I let out a huge sigh.
"Wow. That's one heck of a story." He said.
"Mmm, I guess." I said. I felt, empty. I didn't want to cry. I didn't want to smile. I didn't want to break something. I wanted, I wanted Duncan. "He's probably moved on anyway. We were complete opposites. He probably found someone else." I said, speaking my mind. Just than, a red head popped up out of the corner of my eye. She ran up to Noah, tackled him to the ground, laughed, jumped up, pulled Noah up with her, than kissed him full on the lips. When she pulled back, they were both smiling and breathing heavily. She looked at me and stuck out her hand.
"Hey! I'm Izzy! I like fishcakes! Seeya! I'm gonna go all ninja on that monkey-gators butt!" I blinked, than turned to Noah.
"Sorry bout that. She's gone crazier since she visited Canada. But sometimes, just sometimes, love overcomes being extremely opposite." Than he ran off, caught up to Izzy, held her hand, and they walked off. Could he be right? Could love really overcome being opposites? Either way, I knew what I was going to do next.
"But Courtney. Come on! You can't leave!" My boss was yelling from outside my hotel door. I smirked. He was right. That lock was 'safer'.
"I can, and I am! Find a new assistant! Cause me? I QUIT!" I yelled, slamming my suitcase shut when as I said quit. I zipped it shut, grabbed the ticket I had bought after my conversation with Noah, picked up the hotel room key, unlocked the door, opened it, stepped around my boss and left, ignoring the shouts my boss was sending at me. I sighed with relief as the elevator doors closed. I got to the front desk, checked out, slid my sunglasses down over my eyes, and left the hotel. I hailed a taxi, and stepped inside.
"Airport please!" I said cheerfully. The driver smiled and nodded. I probably looked stupid. I was still wearing the exact same thing, only I had rolled up my sweats to my knees, and of course, I had my sunglasses on. But I could care less! I was going home! And I was staying there. We got to the airport in twenty minutes, and I handed the taxi driver the amount due, as well as a five dollar tip, grabbed my stuff out of the trunk, and left. I walked into the airport and dropped my bags off. Than I sat down, and shortly after, my flight was called. I handed them my tickets and got onto the plane. I popped in the headphones they gave me, and found a radio station I could actually listen to. I relaxed, and soon, I was asleep, dreaming of Duncan.
I got off the plane in what felt like no time at all. I walked out of the airport after getting my stuff, found my car in the parking lot, threw my stuff in the back seat and got behind the drivers seat. Suddenly, all my doubts came crashing back. There was no way Duncan wanted to see me. Even if he didn't have someone else, there was no way that he wasn't over me. I sighed, and decided to go see Geoff and Bridgette. Just than, my stomach growled. Okay, maybe after going to DJ's restaurant. I'd heard it was a hit and almost impossible to get into unless you made reservations or you knew someone. And I definitly knew someone. With my mind set on that, I pulled out of the airport's parking lot, and was on my way.
"UGGH! You stupid piece of JUNK!" I yelled, swearing under my breath, as my car once again broke down. I than swore as loud as I could, knowing that it wouldn't help at all. I looked out my window, and had the weirdest sense of deja vue. There, outside from where I had broken down for the second time, was Hatchet's Car Shop. Butterflies hit my stomach, but not in a bad way. Was, was Duncan working today? I took a deep breath, and stepped out of the car. For the first time, I was fully aware of what I was wearing. I fluffed her hair a little, put my sunglasses back over my eyes and applied a bit of lipgloss. Please let Duncan be there. I begged in my head. Please.
As I walked into the shop the first thing that caught my eye, was that it was exactly the same as the first time I'd been there. The second thing, was that one of the things that was the same, was Duncan. I walked over to him, and even though we were both smiling, I decided to act like I'd never met him before.
"Hey. Um, my car sort of broke down out there. I was wondering, could you fix it?" He looked at me confused for a minute, than caught on.
"Sure thing, princess." He said, winking.
"My name isn't princess." I said, faking anger.
"Well than," He said flirtingly. "What is it?"
I smiled, and stuck out my hand. "Courtney, and you?"
He grabbed my hand and pulled me toward him. He planted his lips on mine, and slipped a ring on my finger. "Hi." He said quietly against my lips with his eyes closed. Than he opened his eyes, and I was once again staring into his gorgeous teal eyes. "I'm Duncan."