A/N: Was inspired after reading Sailor Moon manga...but ig got late...and now I'm soooo sleepy so I haven't fully proof read it but want to post it anyways, cause I can. I've decided where this going, I wrote a little outline and everything. Have to through some unexpected drama in here to make it all work out but it'll be fun to write, and hopefully somewhat easy. Also I have already started the next chapter and I'll work on that tomorrow and hopefully have it up sometime before bedtime.

Chapter Seven: Falling

His lips fell upon mine and I melted into his arms, like I had in so many of my dreams. I felt like I could stay forever in this moment, a quiet peacefulness settled around us as the audience was too dumbfounded to speak. He slowly pulled away from me, and I opened my eyes half way to see his dark blue orbs staring into me. His smile was soft and loving.

"Odango..." he barely whispered, gently wiping the tear that was siding down my cheek away with his hand. There was silence for a few minutes afterward until...

"THAT WAS THE BEST CONCERT EVER!" A girl screamed from crowd, breaking the silence and inviting a river of noise to start flowing through the night once again.

"Odango..." Still holding me to him tightly, Seiya looked out over the crowd, a lone sweat drop falling down the side of his face. "Maybe now would be a good time to leave?"

"Oh um..." I glanced around hopelessly, still too shocked to do much.

"I see you still panic easily," with that he scooped me into his arms and laughed softly. He turned back to the crowd and carefully took a bow, making sure not to drop me, before walking onto the platform, which began to lower immediately.

As it hit the bottom, he gently put me back onto my feet. I smiled up at him, reaching up to touch his cheek.

"Seiya-kun, you're really here right?" I asked him with a shaky voice.

"Yes," he place his hand over mine and nuzzled into, kissing my palm softly.

"I'm so happy!" I threw myself into his arms and held onto him tight. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me, placing more kisses on the top of my head.

"Enough with the mushy stuff, I think I'm going to barf," A deep, yet feminine, voice said with a twinge of disgust. I looked up to see Haruka and Michiru standing next to each other, with Setsuna a few steps behind them.

"Haruka-chan, Michiru-chan, Puu-chan, what are you doing here?" I stepped in front of Seiya, one hand still holding his tight and the other clutched in front of my chest. Were they here to make him leave? I wouldn't let them keep me from him a second time.

"Relax, Princess," Setsuna said in her ever calm voice, "We are not here to take you from him."

"It's true," my love placed his hand on my shoulder and squeesed it tight, "In fact, were it not for them I would never have been able to get here tonight. It would seem Michiru-sama has some connection with your manager."

"Michiru-chan and Sakano-san?" I looked from Seiya to the three senshi and back, utterly confused.

"Some people are blessed with good fortune," the aqua haired girl said.

"By good fortune she means family connections," Haruka stated flatly, trying very hard to seem bored. "Sakano-san is her uncle."

"Sakano-san...is...Michiru's...what?" I stammered, my brain going into overload. In my new sense of confusion I felt my fuku start to fade as I shifted into my human form.

"It's not important," the violinist said.

"Right, what is important is that I have foreseen something," The green haired woman stepped forward, her garnet orb flashing in the light.

"You've had a prediction?" I felt myself tense up. The senshi of time only told us of what she;s foreseen if some tragic is about to happen.

"Sailor Star-Fighter, no...Kou Seiya," She started, staring at him with an eerie sense of seriousness, "It has been declared that your companions and yourself have been..."

"Relieved of duty!?" Maker cried out, staring at her princess in disbelief.

"Yes," Kakyuu stood before her throne, a look of sadness on her face.

"Princess, why!?" Healer clenched her fists hard, her entire body shaking.

"You have completed your mission and fulfilled your sworn oath," the fireball princess stated calmly, "Also, it has been vividly obvious that you three no longer wish to remain here on Kinmoku-sei, which as been proven by the abandonment of your leader, Star-Fighter. I hereby release you of your duties as Sailor Senshi, and in consequence, your identities as sailor senshi." With a flick of her wrist, Kakyuu summoned forth the two soldiers compacts, causing the two to shift to their chosen normal forms. "In accordance to Kinmoku-sei law, you are also banished from this Palace, seeing as you are no longer my senshi. Since I am still your friend, as well as your Princess, I will send you to where your hearts truly lie. Goodbye, my starlights."

"Princess, please no! Don't send us away like this!" Taiki cried out, slamming his fists against the orb of light Kakyuu had enveloped them him.

"Princess! Please, we don't to leave!" Yaten collapse to the ground, sobbing.

'It's for the best,' Princess Kakyuu thought as she sent the orb away, spiraling to the blue planet, 'This way I cannot hurt you by mistake. This way, Sailor Moon can protect you.' She looked back up at the night sky, watching the stars twinkle soundly in space.

I couldn't believe it. My princess had disowned me, her most loyal fighter. Well, I do suppose I wasn't that loyal anymore, I did kind of run away. I held my Odango closer to me, her warmth helping me to stay calm.

"That's so horrible! Why would Kakyuu do such a thing!?" She cried out, tears streaming down her face for me. I felt guilty as I smiled a bit, happy to see she cared so much for my companions and I.

"Her reasons are not yet clear to us, but we have a very ad feeling about this," Pluto stated, turning her gaze to the sky.

"As of now, there are no evil energies present within our solar system," Neptune twirled some strands of hair between her fingers as she chose her words carefully, "We should all just go about our lives as normally as we can, until something gives us the reason not to. We three will keep an eye o n things, and if anything should occur, we will be sure to handle it."

"And you better make sure nothing happens to her while she's with you."Uranus gave me that look that very clearly meant 'or I will destroy you.'

"I'll protect her with my life, you know this," I gripped onto their princess tighter, worried that the blonde would come over and tear her away from me.

"USAGI-CHAN! SEIYA-KUN! OVER HERE!" Minako's voice made me shudder. Memories I truly DID want to forget came rushing back to me.

"Odango," I whimpered, taking a few steps back as I saw the four inner senshi come rushing towards us, knocking over poor bystanders in the process.

Suddenly we were surrounded. Three of the four girls all started chattering at once, and the three older women smirked almost evilly at me as they disappeared into the shadows whence they came.

"THAT WAS SO COOL!" Minako-chan shouted.

"SEIYA-KUN WHEN DID YOU GET HERE!?" Rei screamed at me, inches from my face.

"More importantly HOW did he get here?" Ami was fiddling with her computer next to the three rampant girls.

"IS TAIKI-KUN WITH YOU!?" Makoto squealed, looking around eagerly.

At the mention of Maker's human name, I saddened, thinking back to what Setsuna had told me. Sensing my shift of mood, Usagi grasped my hand tighter.

"Taiki should be arriving..." I was cut off by bright flash of light and a loud popping noise. In front of me lay two bewildered, upset, wet, and very naked men, "...right about now."