A/N: If you like Rebecca, it's probably best you don't read this. Hope you enjoy
Disclaimer-Booth, Brennan, Parker, Angela and any of the squints, you know who they are, plus Rebecca and Drew, they don't belong to me. I'm just adding a little fluff to their lives. Ok a lot of fluff.
"Hello, Dr Brennan?"
"Yes, speaking"
"Hello, my name is Julia Smyth; I work at the Hoover Primary school..."
Brennan sat up straight in her office chair, instantly recognizing that this was the school Parker attended
".. As vice principle"
Brennan frowned
"Yes, how can I help you Ms Smyth?"
"Well, Dr Brennan, were you aware that Seeley Booth has made you a point of contact for his son Parker?"
"Yes I am, is Parker alright? Has something happened to him?"
Temperance stood up now feeling a little agitated with the thought of Parker being hurt, over the past few months she has seen a lot of the little Booth, and has become quite fond of him.
"He's fine Dr Brennan, he is sporting a rather large bruise to his left eye but nothing…"
"A what! Why what happened"
"Parker has been getting bullied at school recently, and today seems to be no different, this time however when I told him I would contact his mother, he insisted I call you instead, and got rather upset at the alternative"
"Is he there, I wish to speak to him"
"Yes Dr Brennan, I will put him on"
There was a rustling noise; then Parker's little voice on the phone
"Hey Parker, are you ok?"
"I have a sore eye, Bone's will you come and get me please?"
Tempe smiled
"Wouldn't you prefer your father come and get you Parker?"
"No Tempe, I really want you to come"
Temperance was already in the process of turning off her computer and putting her files away
"Ok Parker, I'll come get you"
Parker smiled, happy in the knowledge that his dad's best friend was coming to get him
"Really Parker, I'll be there soon ok?"
Parker handed the phone back to Miss Julia
"Dr Brennan?"
"Yes I will come to the school now"
"Very well, when you arrive go to the school administration building"
"Yes ok thankyou"
Brennan hung up the phone, got her bag and left her office in a hurry, locking the door behind her self.
"Hey sweetie, whatcha doin?"
Tempe looked up at her friend walking toward her
"I'm going to pick up Parker from school. He has been getting picked on"
Angel smiled
"And you're picking him up, why?"
Brennan frowned
"The school called me; Parker requested I come get him"
Angela raised her brows in a conspiratorial manner
"What Ange? Why are you looking at me like that for?"
"Like what sweetie? I think it's great. Now go get him, don't keep the little Booth waiting"
Tempe smiled and walked away.
Walking up the steps to the school admin building Tempe felt strange, her stomach was tight and curling for reasons she couldn't understand until, when she entered the foyer a mop of curly blond curls came hurtling toward her screaming her name happily, causing Temperance's coiled belly to relax.
She knelt down hugging her partner's son close, whispering in his ear
"Are you sure you're ok buddy?"
He nodded against her shoulder his little arms holding strong to her neck
"Dr Brennan I presume?"
Tempe looked up then stood holding Parker to her hip
"Yes. Ms Smyth?"
"Yes, and please call me Julia..."
Brennan nodded
".. Now there are a few forms I need you to sign before I can allow Parker to leave the school grounds, you understand"
Again Brennan nodded following the vice principle over to the front desk
"Now I have not been able to reach Ms Stinson, although admittedly I only gave it one attempt due to Parkers distress, and I have not tried his father yet"
Brennan smiled tightly
"That's ok, I will see Seeley later"
She handed the pen back and shifted Parker slightly on her hip, getting a better hold on him
"Very well"
She checked all the paper work and nodded
"Ok well all done..."
She lowered her eyes to Parker, who was nuzzled into Tempe's neck
"..You be good Parker and I'll see you next week"
Parker looked up briefly at the vice principle and gave a small smile, before turning back into Brennan. Julia smiled and held her hand out to Tempe
"It was lovely to meet you Dr Brennan"
Temperance smiled and took the offered hand shaking it firmly
"Thankyou and thankyou for calling me"
Brennan took Parkers school bag from Julia and turned to walk out. Ms Smyth walked over to the office ladies, as they all watched on amazed, as the famous Temperance Brennan carried out a very affectionate and loving Parker Booth, a side of him they had never witnessed unless it was his father picking him up.
In the car Tempe turned to Parker in the front seat
"So Parker, how long have you been getting bullied at school"
The little boy shrugged his shoulders
"Umm I dunno"
Brennan smiled at the very Booth like manner in which he tried to deflect the question
"Why didn't you want your mom to pick you up from school?"
Parker turned in his seat facing his dad's partner
"Coz mommy would say I'm always in trouble and that it was daddy's fault. And she's always mad at me now anyway I didn't want to make it worse"
Tempe nodded
"Well we can go back to my place, but we have to go visit your dad first ok?"
Parker lowered his gaze a moment thinking silently
"Ok… Bone's?"
"Yeah Parks"
"Did you get bullied when you went to school?"
Tempe thought back to her school years
"Yes Parker I did"
This was a question that Tempe had often asked herself
"I'm not sure Parker, why do you think you get bullied?"
Brennan could tell he was thinking about the answer
"I don't know, I think it's coz I'm smaller than the other kid's coz only the big kids pick on me. Except Tommy in my class but he picks on me coz I'm smarter than him, and I like to read but I don't care about that. Even mommy gets cranky at me and tells me I should try to be normal, and play a video game instead of reading all the time"
Temperance was slightly shocked that a mother would encourage her child not to read
"Tempe do you think daddy got bullied at school?"
Bones couldn't imagine Booth being the subject of school yard bullying, however she knew his father beat him up as a child
"I really don't know Parker, maybe you should ask him"
Parker nodded
"I don't think he would of, daddy is too brave"
"Parks. I don't think being brave has anything to do with if you get bullied"
"Do you think daddy is brave Bones?"
"Parker your daddy is the bravest man I know, but I…"
Parker interrupted
"Daddy says you're the bravest lady he knows"
Tempe smiled
"Look Parker… being brave doesn't mean you don't get picked on, some people just think that picking on others is ok, and you know what buddy if you want to read and study, I want you to do me a favour and keep doing it no matter what, don't let anyone tell you its not normal"
Parker was nodding furiously
"Ok Bones I promise"
Stopping at a red light, Tempe reached over ruffling the boy's hair
"Good, now let's go see your dad ok?"
Well good? Not good? Continue? Don't continue?
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