I do not own anything in this story. i do not own the characters, t

Chapter 1 – Cute?

"Dammit! I hate that bastard!" Edward slammed the door to Roy Mustang's office loudly "He thinks that just because I'm young he can mess with me. I'm not a kid anymore. I'm fifteen!" he stomped angrily down the hall of Central Headquarters.

"It's not that bad, Big Brother. He's just-"Alphonse was cut off by more shouting.

"Just a bastard!" Edward was fuming.

"I'm not that bad am I?" Edward spun around to see a man with short black hair, his hands in the pockets of his blue military uniform, and a smug smile on his face.

"What, now you're stalking me too?"

"I work here, Fullmetal, I think I have the right to walk through the halls, don't you?"

"Well . . . yeah. I guess. But I still hate you! All I did was give you my report and you just sat there making damn short jokes! I'm still growing you pompous ass!"

"Calm down, Fullmetal Shrimp. I just came to tell you that you have to report in at 8 o' clock for your next mission."

"Ugh. Already? We just got back!" Edward glared at Roy, "Can't you give us a break or at least schedule this for a time that isn't so early?"

"No. Orders are orders. 8 o' clock. Now can you leave? You're disrupting everyone's work." Roy tried his best to sound annoyed, but he actually thought that Ed was cute when he was angry. 'Wait. Did I just call Edward cute?'

sorry this chapter was so short. I promise the next will be longer. I have already started on the chapter 3 and it is ALOT longer so please forgive me.