The Volturi Experiments

Chapter Two-Gone Gone Gone...

Seth pov-Newborn Battle-Forks Mountains.

I smelt a scent. Scrunching up my nose I resisted the urge to gag. Instantly I knew it was what I feared most a vampire. My stomach felt as if mini people were inside scratching and punching their way through my belly. I felt sick. I have only ever seen the red eyed vampires through the eyes of the pack. Saying I was nervous was a big understatement.

It can't be...not now, not here

I let out a piercing howl and quickly trotted towards the edge of the forest line. Peering through the thick woods I saw a flash of red.

Oh damn!

My chest rumbled as I let out another howl. Sam! I yelled in my mind. She's here! The red head, she's here! There was no response. I could hear them but it was as if they ignored me, their main focus being the pointless battle that they were fighting in.

I growled frustrated. LEAH! I screamed. I waited for a howl in return or even a response in the pack mind but nothing. Some pack...

The stench got increasingly worse. I stilled, tilting my nose straight up towards the darkening sky as I smelt the air and boy did the scents hit me. There's not just one red eyed vampire...there's more? I found myself questioning myself.

What do I do? What would Sam make me do? Do I run with Bella? But there's not enough time, they will catch us eventually and once they do I'll be nothing but delicious red meat to them! I started to pace around the tent. I have to fight. I have to. I turned around looking at the tent. I need to protect Bella.

I stood in a crouch facing the thick wintery forest and growled at the incoming vampires. They are so dead. I stood there tensely in the creepy silence, not one animal dared to show itself. No one was out here, except for us. Hiding out so far from everyone else started to sound like such a stupid idea.

"Seth?" I heard shuffling in the tent as Bella tried to get up. "I heard a howl. You okay out there?"

She started to come out of the tent. I quickly turned to her and growled. I didn't want to scare her, but she needed to get back into that tent. I got down onto my furry stomach, trying to seem less intimidating as she stood frozen in shock. I let out a bark.


"What's wrong Seth?" She looked at me worried.

I nudged my head quickly back into the tent. Woof!

"You want me back in the tent?" She asked.

I nodded in relief. She got it...


Never mind.

I howled and nodded my head back to the tent, pulling the flap with my big black nose and looking at her irritated. I groaned mentally. So stubborn!

A little giggle erupted throughout the clearing. Bella's head jolted up as she looked behind me and she looked afraid of what she saw. Her eyes widened and her mouth became slack, she took a nervous step back. For the first time, Isabella Swan was showing signs of fear.

In any other situation I would've joked around about this but not now, not when blood thirsty vampires were eying me like they wanted to slurp my blood like I was some kind of thirst-quencher.

I turned around and just about collapsed.

You have got to be freakin' kidding me!

Not only did the red head stand there but a whole bunch of vampires were crouched behind her and boy did they stink. This was way more vampires then I imagined. I Seth Clearwater was so dead.

It doesn't matter; I will die to protect Bella. Bella has to stay safe. I am a protector for a reason; I have to protect and guard her life. I am her bodyguard after all. I snarled deeply, while I nudged Bella with my hip trying to hide her with my body.

The red head giggled again. "Oh little pup, I can still see her."

"You want me to take care of that mutt." A blond vampire hissed.

I growled. Mutt? I wouldn't be talking evil life sucking mosquito! I was defiantly hanging around the pack too much.

"Yes I would like that very much." She smiled up at the blond vampire. "Unfortunately little pup will only be in the way of things." I nudged Bella again. She had to leave, it's too dangerous. She tumbled a little bit but didn't move.

The red heads demeanor changed dramatically. It was kinda creepy. Her smile dropped and her face became filled with anger."Your stupid friends fell for it, and now I can finally kill you. You disgust me more than your foolish mutts. You deserve what is waiting for you. You are nothing to me." The red head hissed at Bella. I snarled back, salvia dripping from my bared teeth.

"Obviously I mean more to you then you're willing to admit or else you wouldn't have gone through such lengths just to kill me." I turned to Bella stunned that she had spoken.

Turning back to the smelly red head I noticed she started shaking, a lot. Her teeth gritted tightly and she clenched her fists into small fists. She hissed through her clenched teeth.


The blond haired vampire smiled at her and nodded his head. Riley then turned to look at me. His smile disappeared as he whispered so lowly it was hard to hear. "You're dead."

Than all the sudden they jumped at us. It was all in slow motion. This blond dude named Riley ran at me, I tried to aim for his neck but he took his finger nails and dug them into my neck trying to rip my head off. I yelped and quickly tried bite his arms.

I heard Bella screaming my name trying to warn me but it was too late. Instead of feeling the tear of my head being ripped off, I felt teeth; cold hard teeth sink into my skin. I howled and fell limply to the ground. I couldn't see, I couldn't move, I couldn't hear. All I could feel was fire. I was burning.

Damn, so much for fighting...

Carlisle pov-Newborn Battle-Forks Open field.

Witnessing someone's death was the one thing I could never become understanding too. I have become an onlooker of death more times than I would like to admit through my existence. I am familiar with death, I have seen it, heard of it, and have felt it. Yet death seems so alienated and foreign as if I have never heard of the word death in all my years.

Death horrifies me and haunts me. Ironically the one the thing that hardly affects me is the one thing that scares me most because death is the one thing that permanently pains you forever. The one thing you can never fully recover from.

My family will forever be scared for the death of Isabella Swan. I stood silently, my arms wrapped around my horrified wife Esme. Her shoulders shook as she sobbed quietly; she stared off into the eerie forest completely lost. "Carlisle?" She whispered. I raised my head to look at her, she did not look at me instead she continued looking blankly at the forest as her shoulders frequently shook.

"H-how...why is it I lose everything?" Her face filled with confusion. Her brow pinched in the middle and she kept biting her rosy lip. She blew out a big breath. "She's babies they always ...die...why?" She looked up to me, her eyes glistering with unshed tears.

"Why? Why? Why?" She muttered as she looked at the snow covered ground shaking her head. I did not respond. I had no idea of what to tell her. I was at loss of words.

"Dammit!" Esme cursed.

My eyes widened, taken back.

She turned to me her eyes burning with rage. "Why Carlisle. Why me? Why us? Why Bel-!"

"Stop it!" Rosalie hissed. "See what she's done to us? She's brought nothing but pain to us" Rosalie said as if expecting us to agree with her. "All Bella has given us is grief and fear. I knew this would happen! I knew what she would do this family. I wa-"


We all turned to Edward. He sat knelled on the frozen earth. His shoulders slumped in defeat and his head hung low refusing to look up at anyone. "Don't you dare." He looked up sharply, glaring at Rosalie. His eyes filled with clear hatred.

"Edward I'm not trying to be rude or uncaring."

"Well right now that's exactly how you are acting." Edward hissed, his eyes darkening and his hands clenching the venom tainted snow.

"She was going to die. We al-"

All Edward's anger seemed to disintegrate as his eyes glazed over and true anguish liquefied his eyes. He looked back down to the floor. "Please Rosalie. Just stop, not right now. I can't...I just can't"

Rosalie looked like she was about to respond, I lifted my hand towards her. "That is enough Rosalie." I said sternly. Her eyes tightened and stiffly she turned around walking towards Emmett. Emmett looked at her clearly unhappy.

"Hey tic." We all turned to face the wolves, the only female shape shifter stood there with her hands on her hips. She glared, "I'm sorry to break up this little grieving session, but where the hell is my brother?"

Alice walked forward, "He didn't make it. He's gone, I'm sorry. It's my fau-"

Alice looked as if she was going to break down again.

"No" Leah shook her head refusing to understand. "Tell me you damn leach! Where the hell is my brother? Tell me what happened!" Alice looked up her eyes filled with fear and as she turned to me, her eyes were blank and I knew she had a vision.

Bella pov-Unidentified Location.

I lay crumpled in heap at an unknown place. I kept my eyes shut, and from what I could feel my hands and legs were bound by a cold metal. I felt weak, lethargic. I could barely keep my head up. I tried to say Seth's name but only a soft mumble came out. My stomach rumbled. I was hungry, no starving.

How long have I been here?

Where is here?

My head pounded, and throbbed to the beat of my slow heart. The only warmth came from the side of my head, and I knew the heat came from the blood that trickled down onto my dirty chin. I attempted not to vomit as the smell of blood consumed my sense of smell.

"Seth" I mumbled, as I tried putting myself right-side up.

I heard a weak groan. "Bells...that you?"

"Yea" I smiled relieved that Seth was safe. I swallowed my voice scratchy and rough. "I-I thought you were dead..." I whispered feeling myself turn even colder. "You were screaming." I whispered lost in the horrifying memory.

"They bit you." I said frowning. "H-how...I thought...are you okay?" I said avoiding the true question.

How did he survive?

I heard shuffling and felt heat come to the side of me. I turned my head and saw Seth. I winced. Awful scars covered his face. The scars were course and jagged looking an angry colour of red. I swallowed the bile that rushed up my throat. Oh God... "Are you okay?" I whispered, trying to withstand the tears.

Seth chuckled. "Yea, they barley hurt me. But I should be asking you that. Your bleeding a lot, are you okay?"

I bit my lip. "Uhmm...I think so." Other then the pain on the side of my head and the fear that consumed my body I was fine.

"You're not okay." Seth stated looking at me with concern.

"I'll be fin-"

"Don't" Seth said interrupting. "Don't lie. I know you're not okay. You're scared, and honestly I'm scared too. But don't worry. The pack will find us, I know it."

"You're scared?" I whispered. My gut hurt. This is all my fault. Seth shouldn't be involved...

"Well yea, it's not every day you get chained up with human sized mosquitoes waiting to suck your blood dry. It would be a little weird if you said you weren't scared...Just don't tell the pack, kay? I don't want them to think I'm a baby or anything...cause I'm not." Even in the dark I could see the blush that coloured his tanned skin, he was embarrassed.

I laughed weakly. "I won't tell, and if it helps I don't think you're a baby. You're the bravest wolf in all of La Push."

"Really?" His face brightened as he looked at me surprised.

"Yea really" I laughed lightly. "I wouldn't lie."

He beamed at me. "Thanks"

Just then a bright light entered the dark room. I cringed closer to the cold wall, trying to bring my chained hands to cover my stinging eyes.

An annoying voice shattered the quietness of the room."Gag them. They are both awake and I don't want my little sweeties coming up with anything they'll regret later." I opened my eyes and my eyes watered as a light beamed down on us. Someone was holding a flashlight. I saw a flash of red hair come close to me.

Victoria came up to me grabbing my chin and squeezing my cheeks with her sharp nails. I winced trying to get out of her painfully grasp. "Hey Hun, I told you I would get you." She whispered in my ear. "You don't look to smug now. But don't worry were almost there." She leaned back smiling.

Almost where!

I wanted to yell that so badly but instead I said this. "Why would you bring Seth? He has nothing to do with this! Bring him back." I voiced angrily. Although the response I got from her was nothing of what I expected.

She slapped me, hard. I recoiled, looking at her taken back. I heard Seth shouting at her but then heard him get hit as well. He groaned as a pair of boots smashed into his ribs. I shut my eyes. This is not'm sleeping, this is a nightmare. A stupid nightmare. The sting in my cheeks hurt and a few tears slipped down my cheeks.

"Look at me." I opened my eyes, my vision blurry as I looked at her warily. Her face was furious. "You don't talk unless spoken too. Got that?" I nodded.

I was spoken to...

"Gag them now." She ordered and a big burley man came up to me. He took out a dingy piece of cloth as he shoved it into my mouth. I gagged and tried to push him a way. "Stupid human" He muttered as he tied the material behind my head. The taste of the cloth was gross; it tasted salty, like sweat mixed with blood. It made me nauseous.

"Sedate them." I heard Victoria demand. I looked up at the man scared. He smiled as he took out a case and pulled out a long needle. "This won't hurt." He said grinning. I kicked widely, squirming and yelling through the piece of cloth. He took my arm and jabbed the needle roughly into my skin. I winced as I squeezed my eyes shut.

I felt my body become weak, very weak. I felt vulnerable as I unwillingly slumped forward and my vision became blurred. I tried keeping my eyes open but it was useless. In no time I was unconscious in a room filled with vampires.

Edward where are you?

Please help me...