
Written by: Adventure-Seeking-Juliet

When: Listening to some funny songs

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter whatsoever, that pleasure belongs to J.K. Rowling.

A/N POST DH epilogue, sometimes your House is not what you expected...or what you wanted it to be...it just is. That's a lesson one Malfoy, one Potter, and one Weasley must learn. Please review, three shot. By the way people, this features Scorpius Malfoy, Lily Lune Potter, and Hugo Weasley :)

Chapter 1- Scorpius Malfoy

Scorpius was surprised that he wasn't visibly shaking as his turn at the sorting hat drew ever nearer. He was standing on the side of the mass of first years nearest to the Slytherin table, hoping that somehow standing closer to it he would just immediately become a part of the house.

" Longbottom, Alice." Scorpius gulped as the tall blonde girl made her way to the sorting area. L's are always before M's.

His sharp, blue eyes nervously searched the group of students, searching for someone as scared as he was.

He accidentally caught the eyes of the Potter kid his father had warned him about. Scorpius frowned and looked away quickly. Albus Potter, as his father had referred to him, was the spitting image of the great hero Harry Potter...minus the scar of course...and his father loathed Harry Potter.

Therefore, Scorpius would loathe Albus Potter...along with the red-haired, genius, Rose Weasley. The daughter of Draco's other least favorite Gryffindor prodigy's Ron Weasley and Herminoe Weasley nee Granger.

Scorpius frowned and tuned back into the sorting just in time to hear the Sorting Hat belt out," Ravenclaw," for Alice Longbottom.

Scorpius took a deep breath as the Ravenclaw table erupted into cheers, and allowed his eyes to follow Alice as she skipped over to her new House table. When the girl tripped over what seemed to be air, the Slytherin table erupted into laughter, and Scorpius tried to relish the moment, but only felt bad about snickering about the girl.

And then he felt bad about feeling bad.

"Malfoy, Scorpius."

Scorpius froze momentarily, before slowly walking up to the chair and placing the hat on his head.

As soon as he did so, the strange voice of the old hat entered his thoughts.

It's refreshing to see a Malfoy with some common decency.

Scorpius glowered under the hat," Just sort me already, stupid old hat."

You? A puny eleven-year-old wizard dares to call me a 'stupid old hat'?

Scorpius nodded, unafraid. What was the worst it could do?

I am not an It.

Scorpius blushed," Sorry."

Now, seeing as you've already proved that you're not kind enough for Hufflepuff...let's see what House would actually need you...

"Is that an insult?"

Shut it.

"Yes sir. I mean-eh...nevermind."

And certainly not intelligent enough for Ravenclaw.

"Hey!" Scorpius's voice was loud enough to be heard by the professors sitting behind them.

That leaves...Slytherin and Gryffindor.

"Slytherin, of course. I'm a Malfoy."

And what does that mean? Do you dare insist that I choose Houses based on your family genealogy?


I'll teach you...let's see how you like this...


Scorpius gasped, along with a good majority of the onlookers. He stood up slowly and walked over to the Gryffindor table numbly.

Scorpius stared at the feast before him glumly.

His father was going to kill him. No, it was worse, his father was going to rip out his heart, feed it to a basilisk, burry him in an unmarked grave, and then dance on it.

He was interrupted from his musing by Albus Potter and Rose Weasley, of all people. The two had also been sorted into Gryffindor earlier.

" Hey, Malfoy!" Albus smiled, but a slight smirk played on his lips at the same time.

"Why don't you come sit by us?"

A/N Plzz review!