A/N: I was not going to do this as a McKeller story, but I can't help myself. McKeller fluff warning.

As Woolsey predicted, due to the steak, it was packed. Looking around, he didn't see Jennifer and his shoulders slumped. The Help Desk team was seated at a table near the door with Sergeant Stackhouse, Doctor Esposito and a couple soldiers Rodney didn't recognize. They appeared to be deep in conversation when Elisa suddenly laughed loudly. The pretty brunette was obviously flirting with a soldier, while Heather, the blond who Rodney had to admit was cute, smiled sweetly at Stackhouse. Dwayne and Mitch were seated with Doctor Esposito and a redheaded Marine that reminded him of Cadman between them.

Because he had a rotten day and suddenly realized these folks did this on a daily basis, he walked over to them with the intention of making their evening even better. "Glad to find you all together," he said.

"Doctor McKay?" Elisa gasped as she looked up. "Wh-what…"

"Don't worry, I'm not here to send you to work. As a matter of fact, I think you all should get an extra week of vacation," Rodney said. The stunned faces and silence at the table prompted him to fill the void. "I know this is early as promotions aren't announced for a couple more weeks, but I wanted you to know you're all going to get promoted and I'm moving the tech room to a larger space."

Silence and slack-jawed expressions greeted the physicist. Feeling awkward as he never delivered such good news to anyone in his life, he glanced around for an easy out. When he saw Sheppard with a perplexed look on his face, he jumped. "Sorry to leave so quickly, but I gotta talk to the Colonel. Enjoy your evening and don't worry about tomorrow, Doctor Zelenka's got it covered."

"Rodney, what are you doing here?" Sheppard asked when Rodney drew close.

"I'm getting dinner," he said.

"Alone?" John replied.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Rodney asked.

"Aren't you supposed to be eating with Jennifer?"

"Yes, but I can't find her," Rodney replied without thinking. He was concerned when she didn't answer the radio.

"Well, she's probably in her quarters changing, like you should be," John said motioning toward the door.

Why didn't I think of that! Of course, she's changing." Rodney smiled at John as he turned to leave. "Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow."

"McKay," John said stepping closer. "Don't bring Zelenka any broken laptops tomorrow morning." His eyebrows wiggled and a smirk spread over his face. Before Rodney could respond, he slapped him hard on the shoulder and walked toward the table with the Help Desk team.

As Rodney left with thoughts of Jennifer and what she might be changing into in his head, he thought he saw the newly promoted computer technicians all clinking glasses together at the table. Well, they did just get promotions with raises, so they must be happy.

Rodney hurried to his quarters to change and then he was going to Jennifer's quarters to knock on the door. Like a date on Earth would do. A date. With Jennifer Keller. I can't believe it. Wait a minute? How did Sheppard find out? A sense of dread filled Rodney. Sheppard! He made sure the day was stressful and probably had Jennifer ask Rodney out only to leave him waiting like an idiot for her to never show up. Why do I let myself fall for his pranks after all these years?

The spring in Rodney's step was gone. By the time he reached his quarters, he was ready to sulk with some MREs in Janus' lab for the night. Jennifer did not ask me out. John set up the entire day and now I'll have to suffer through another lonely night working until I pass out.

Once he entered his dark room, he pulled off his jacket and flung it at his desk to the right of the door. He heard it fall on the floor, but didn't care. A hot shower and some food is what I need right now. Stretching out his stiff muscles, he turned on the light and suddenly realized he was not alone in his quarters.

"Hello Rodney," Jennifer said as she got up from her seat on the sofa.

Rodney couldn't take his eyes off her as she walked to him, nor could he find the power of speech. She was wearing a light blue sweater with a V-neckline that Rodney thought went too low to be worn in public and tight-fitting jeans that accentuated her curves. He was certain that his heart stopped and all blood left his body. "J-j-jen…" Rodney started only to stop as she stopped right in front of him.

"I figured you had a bad day and thought we could have a quiet dinner in your quarters," she said as she smiled shyly and then looked more confident when his face lit up. "I grabbed us steak dinners. Can't believe the mess hall is serving steak without anything to celebrate."

"Yeah, that's weird," he said as if mesmerized by her eyes that reminded him of chocolate.

"Mister Woolsey, who was going to cook tonight, was upset because there was a mix-up with the menu," she said with a smile that caused more fluttering in his chest. "I love corn on the cob, brown rice and steak, so it's perfect to me."

Rodney nodded. "That's nice."

"I also thought we could watch one of the movies you've been complaining that you haven't seen. Maybe the Sixth Sense, but I have to warn you that it scares me," Jennifer said with another smile, this one was mischievous.

"Sure," he agreed. I'll say anything to keep her here.

"You are quite agreeable tonight, Doctor McKay," Jennifer said with a smile. She touched his arms and slid her hands down to take his and tug him toward a table he hadn't noticed set up next to the sofa.

"How did you…" he started only to be cut off by Jennifer, who was walking backwards, leading him to the table.

"I have my ways," she said laughing.

The feel of her hands holding his sent his heart rate into overdrive. The small, smooth hands that had saved countless lives held his very soul in them. Does Jennifer really want to spend the evening with me? The concept was more than the genius could possibly comprehend.

"After dinner and a movie, I thought I could give you a back rub," she said as they stopped next to the table with a table cloth, candles and a bottle of wine.

"Back rub?" His brain was suddenly only capable of a level of speech used by those with IQs of a lot less than two hundred and five.

"If you think you're up to it?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Sure." He continued to enjoy the feel of her hands, which he was holding firmly, the scent of her shampoo or perfume and the beautiful face that filled his vision. The physicist knew he could stay here forever.

"Rodney?" Jennifer asked squeezing his hand. "Carson said you thought you were exposed to orange juice earlier, do you feel okay? I don't believe you have ever said so little to me before. What's going on in that genius mind of yours?"

"Not much," he replied truthfully as his eyes zeroed in on her smile and the perfectly shaped mouth that made it. If he were more forward, like Sheppard, he would have taken her being in his quarters with food and offering a back rub as permission to kiss her, but he wasn't that guy. Instead, he stood like an idiot waiting for some sign from Jennifer of what she expected.

She drew her hands away from him and suddenly looked away. "I see. Well… I… I just thought we could have a… a real date. The drink last year wasn't really a date and you had just ended it with Katie, so… Look, I'm really sorry Rodney. I thought you liked me. I never seem to catch a break with guys, so I don't know why I thought you might be different."

As soon as Jennifer turned away to grab her jacket, Rodney began to comprehend. Her words caused his eyebrows to shoot up his forehead. Jennifer really thinks this is a date. Because his brain had taken a leave of absence, it took him a few minutes to get up to speed. During that time, Jennifer must have interpreted his actions as a lack of interest.

"Jennifer," he suddenly said loudly, causing her to jump. He grabbed her by her shoulders and turned her back to face him. "Don't go. I do like you. I like you more than I've ever liked another person. I… I… I suck at this. You even said as much before we had that drink. Please, please don't go. Dinner and a movie are a wonderful idea."

Jennifer raised one perfectly curved eyebrow as a questioning look passed over her face. "Are you sure? You didn't seem too excited to find me here."

"I was stunned. What man comes home from a rotten day to find the woman he dreams about in his quarters?" Holy crap! I said it out loud. I can't take that back.

Silence filled Rodney's quarters as he heard his heart beat and blood rush past his ears. He closed his eyes and reluctantly let go of her shoulders. "I… Jennifer… I…" He couldn't think of the words to apologize for fantasizing about her. What a pervert she must think I am? A wonderful woman like her doesn't want to know about my fantasies.

Rodney felt a hand slide along his cheek and another rest gently on his left forearm. Opening his eyes, he saw Jennifer's face inches from his. "That's probably the sweetest thing you've said to me," she said with a smile as she leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his lips. It was quick, and she pulled back almost as soon as it started.

"Wh-what, what was that for? I just said that I… I mean, you must think I'm a creep or something," Rodney said, amazed his lips could move after hers touched them.

"I've been having fantasies about finding you in my quarters too, so I'd be a hypocrite if I was mad at you," she said as she stepped back.

Rodney heard her mention fantasizing about him, pulled her none too gently into his arms and kissed her with all the passion and love he felt for her. The heat and intensity he conveyed with his kiss was returned with equal fervor. Jennifer's arms wrapped around his neck as quickly as his arms wrapped around her waist and they moved toward the couch.

It was difficult to have any idea of where you were going when you were finally kissing the woman of your dreams and she was kissing you in return. Rodney wanted to just drop onto the floor and make love to her, but was in control enough to realize it could be a long time before they got that far. As he backed up to the couch, a crash pulled their lips apart. Jennifer's computer had fallen to the floor.

They both looked at each other and Rodney muttered as his mouth descended once more on her swollen lips, "I'll take it to Radek first thing, it's his problem now."

A/N: So, was this a normal day at the Help Desk? Rodney'll never know. Thanks for reading and reviewing.