Author's Note:

Okay, that probably didn't seem like enough closure for many of you. I know, you want to see them arrive at Stalag 13. Well, don't worry we're getting there. My idea was to set up each character's story like this so that they all arrive at Stalag 13 at the same time, and then get together. This will probably take a while to get done, but it's a project I'm determined to accomplish. The whole series is called In the Beginning.

The point of this story was basically to show the impact of the war on the men fighting in it early on. They had less I think to hope for since the war was either in a stalemate or the Germans were still taking ground. That is why I opened up with Dunkirk. For Newkirk and LeBeau, I always thought that they just knew more about camp life. They always seemed older in their own ways. LeBeau's eagerness to help meant to me he just wanted to get back in the fight. And Newkirk's distrust and lack of faith in everything at first meant to me that he was always a little wary before doing something because of past demons. Also in the story, I tried to show things that come on later on in the show. Newkirk and LeBeau take to helping towards the escape. They use their skills just like they do in Stalag 13. And the officers take to recognizing their usefulness as well, which Hogan does. Through this, they are also trusted by the other prisoners.

To me, one of the most impacting chapters relating to what their job would be at Stalag 13, was when Newkirk and LeBeau are asked to escape and then come back with information. I always wondered how at Stalag 13 the prisoners could really cope with knowing they had a way out. I had Newkirk and LeBeau wrestle with this in their minds on the mission, which to me was important for the future. I think in Stalag 13, they would be able to cope with this better when they determine that they won't escape unless the other does. If they always had someone to at least come back to, it would be easier to cope with. That was where their loyalty for one another was really shown.

Thanks for all the support my readers have given me throughout the entire story. I enjoyed the reviews I got, and hearing all the feedback. I did try to be as historically accurate as possible. Just as a reminder: Bielski, Stalag XXXA, and the nearby SS concentration camp were all fictional. I do not want to offend anyone. However, the conditions of all the camps I tried to make as realistic as possible. Before I had any of the prisoners do anything, I did research on the probability of such a thing occurring. All of the prisoners' escapades really happened somewhere in some camp. If you read enough archives, you'll get more stories.

Anyway, thanks for all the support again. Now, I'm going to take a break. Eventually I'll be back with part two of the In the Beginning series, which is going to be about Kinch. I hope all of you enjoyed the story as well!

Simone Lyon