Disclaimer: -Man and anything associated to it rightly belongs to Katsura Hoshino. Well, it's kinda obvious though, since this is afterall.

Summary: Futuristic AU; Yullen with a F!Allen. With the use of modern science, humans are powered by their greed, experimenting on orphans and forcing them to go through endless torture in hopes of creating artificial soldiers of war that were capable of superhuman strength, powers, and most importantly, the wielder of Innocence to fight against the Noah Clan.

Note: Rated T for language. Ellen is around 7 and Kanda 10 in this chapter.

A/N: This is my first try writing a FFic, so please go easy on me xD. This story was inspired by Chapter 189 of the manga, along with a few FFics i read. Well.. I shall cut my crap here, and i hope you'd enjoy. Thank You ;D

Waking Reverie



Science has evolved our world into one completely different from when it first started. Because of science, we have technology, and that is why we can afford to live in luxury now.

But as technologies grow more and more advanced, so does our greed for more. Humans are beings that are never truly satisfied, and yearn for much more that they can hold onto.

The wealthy, the poor. The healthy, the handicapped. Humans are discriminated into such groupings, and the wealthy would look down on the poor, thinking them to be as filthy beings that they often kick around. The healthy would then look down to the handicapped, shying away from them as if they're diseased, and abandoning them to be on their own, be it friends, relatives, or even families.

But aren't we all the same?

The same homo sapiens that roam the Earth – the same beings that walk on their two feet, has a pair of hands that function, a pair of eyes that helps you to see. A set of ears that allows you to listen to Nature's wonderful voice, and a nose that you can smell with. Of course there would be a few exceptions, be it that you're deaf, blind, or missing a limb; all of us are shaped the same way. Most of all, all of us are living beings, and I can think just like you do, and I feel the same thing that you do.

Amongst the billions of humans that inhabit the planet we call Earth, there are some who believe they are righteous, and tries to put a stop to what we call the 'unfairness.'

And then, that was how the term 'Equal Rights' came about.

Slavery was put to a stop, poaching was made illegal, child labor was deemed inhumane, poverty was a distant thought, and with the law enforced, our kind reinforced what we call 'peace' and 'just'.

Or so we were made to think.

Underneath all the sweet phrases and propaganda, slavery, poaching, child labor, and even poverty still exists. Only that they were not made visible to the outside, and were done with more secrecy.

Families that were too poor to make ends meet were forced to sell their children to wealthy even before they reach adulthood in hopes for their own survival. Some were ripped from their mother's arms even before they could stand on their own two feet

Animals were hunted down for their meat, skin, medical uses, or simply sold as decoration. They were captured to put on show or for experiments that they claim would save lives and help the suffering, when what they're actually doing is injecting chemicals into them and tossing them away like trash when it failed.

But greed soon took hold of the scientists.

Animals were no longer able to satisfy their experimental needs, and they wanted to try out on something more real, something human. As a result, orphans were snatched off the streets as they were made to believe that they would be brought to somewhere they could call 'home'. However, what they met at the 'centre' was nothing like what they were promised.

The 'Dark Order' was an example of such 'centre'. The Order has a twenty-four hour surveillance and aims to create immortal humans with extraordinary strength and capable of wielding supernatural power – the 'perfect soldier' for war. Or better yet, these soldiers are called 'Exorcist', who wield a substance called Innocence. The purpose of creating this artificial soldiers of science was to rage a war against the 'Noahs', who aims to drive humanity into extinction.

The Noah Clan that consists of thirteen individuals who each wields a tremendous amount of power. Each and every one of the thirteen has different abilities, and it is said that they are capable of manipulating dreams, and have the pleasure of manipulating the element around them such that they are capable of passing through solid objects, and even stand on air. And as such, came the existence of the 'Dark Order', by the commands of the Pope himself to take down these foes with the use of what they call the 'God's Crystal', Innocence.

The children of the Dark Order were forced to submit to the experimenting as they were made to do tests and have chemicals injected into them whole day long. They were forced to endure the pain and agony as they were not sedated through the 'practical experiments.' Sometimes the pain becomes so immense that the not-yet-matured hearts of the children are unable to take the shock, and stop beating.

Normally, for those who made it after going through the 'practical experiment', the children, or better yet known as 'subjects', are taken back to their 'rooms' that is usually shared among fifty subjects. Those that did not make it were labeled as 'failed products' and are sent into the 'Rejection Chamber' to be burned the next day. However, as to those that were a success, they were then brought to the 'Grand Chamber,' where they are no longer subjected to as much or as painful experiements.

However, death may seem to be a blessing as the subjects are forced to go through the never-ending hell of experiments. That is, until the day they produced satisfactory results; or until the day they break.

As for those who 'succeeded', if there was any, remains a mystery even until now, as the experiment on children ceased five years later when its results proved to be unsatisfactory. However, rumor has it that the Dark Order has succeeded and managed to create an artificial Exorcist, the 'Second Exorcist.'

25 December, 2003

'Did you know that even if you fake smile when you're sad, your brain would pick up the action of smiling and think that you are actually happy? You won't have to fake a smile or frown anymore if that happens.'

Dark blue eyes studied silver ones for a moment before he opened his lips to reply.

'Are you on drugs?' the boy asked seriously.

'Huh? Of course not!' the speaker's face turned into a pout, 'What makes you think that I'd take something as awful as that?'

The boy simply rolled his eyes as if doubting the other's intelligence.

'Anyway,' the figure recovered immediately, and a smile returned to her features, 'What's your name newbie?'

'Am not a newbie! And isn't it polite to give your name before asking for others'?' the boy retorted.

'You're new here so you're a newbie to me!'

The speaker gave a hearty laugh and offered her hand before continuing, 'Name's Ellen Walker, been here for as long as this thing came up. So what's yours, newbie?'

'Stop calling me that! Can't you leave me alone and play with the other brats here?'

'But you're the new here! How many times must I repeat that?' the speaker's brows furrowed. 'Besides, you're the first one to be here other than me.'

'Huh? But I thought you said you've been here for like…' the boy paused as he thought, 'four years?'

'How could I be the first one here?'

Ellen visibly flinched and the hand she was still holding out seemed to droop.

'Nobody… made it so far.'

Dark blue eyes widened as he caught the meaning behind the words.

Nobody survived through the experiments long enough to have been a 'success' to make it to the Grand Chamber.

'Technically speaking, you aren't exactly the first, but all of those who came here never did stay for more than an hour or so,' Ellen seemed to recover in no time and offered her bright smile. 'Getting back to the point, you still haven't tell me your name.'

The boy sweatdropped as he thought, this girl has issues.

'Kanda… Yuu.'

Kanda then averted his gaze away from Ellen's as if he was embarrassed.

Ellen flashed another smile and said, 'Yuu-chan, eh? That's a nice name! It kinda sounds royal.'

'C-Chan?! That's a suffix for girls! Girls!'

'Ehh… Really?' Ellen perched her lips as she thought, 'Ah well, who cares about that! You're Yuu-chan and that's it!'

She seemed to decide that her offered hand has been neglected for too long and grabbed onto the boy's hand and shook it. And then, without notice, Ellen suddenly pulled Kanda towards her and seemed to stare at this face, and then to his hair.

'W-What –' Kanda stuttered, uncomfortable at the sudden close proximity.

Ellen ignored him and fished out something from her pocket, and then went even closer to Kanda, who had by then, clenched his eyes shut from fear of what she was going to do.

'I'm done! You can open your eyes now, Yuu-chan!'

Kanda simply stared at his own reflection in the mirror that Ellen held out for him. His long hair was tied up in a high ponytail except for two streaks of hair that ran down the sides of his face.

'How do you like it?' Ellen piped, 'I can't imagine how u stand it with your hair kept so long!'

Ellen continued lecturing him about his hair and how he should care for his hygiene and whatsnot, but Kanda was too transfixed in his reflection that nothing Ellen had said registered into his mind.

Suddenly, Kanda saw a fist nearing his face and he had no time to react before he was sent flying across the room.

'What the hell did you do that for?!' the enraged Kanda yelled.

'That's for ignoring me even though I so kind-heartedly gave you my precious ribbon!'

'H-huh? What ribbon?'

Ellen cracked her fingers one by one as she prepared to deal another punch, and a black aura radiated off her as she approached the terrified boy as he backed up against the wall.

''What ribbon' you asked? What ribbon my foot! The one on your head, obviously! What do you think is keeping your hair tied up together? A rope?'

'H-Huh? Oh!' Kanda sweated as he scanned the room for any exits.

He barely managed to mutter a 'thanks' before he saw another fist coming at him, and quickly covered his face with his arm and clenched his eyes shut, preparing himself for the inevitable.

Ellen sighed as he took in the sight before her and withdrew her hand. The boy seemed so traumatized that he was almost on the verge of crying.

'… I'm not going to hit you so you can remove your hands now,' Kanda slowly, but cautiously, lowered his arms to peep at Ellen. A moment of silence passed before Kanda deemed it safe to lower his hands completely.

'Aren't you going to hit me?'

'Don't tempt me,' Ellen snapped.

Kanda immediately brought his hands up again, and Ellen heaved a sigh.

'That ribbon's the only thing I have before I came here, so you better take care of it.'

Dark blue orbs stared at the girl in front of him, seemingly in a loss for words.

However, Ellen seemed to grow frustrated at the lack of response and her eyebrow twitched in annoyance.


Kanda squeaked, and then nodded furiously, 'Y-Yes. I'll take care of it, I promise.'

Satisfied at the answer, Ellen the brightest smile that seems to emit its own glow, and gave a pat on Kanda's head.

'It's a promise then.'

'…Anyway, Yuu-chan,' Ellen said after much inspection. 'Are you crying?'

'W-Wha?! I'm not crying you you – you – ARGH!'

Ellen seemed to find it funny and laughed as she chanted, 'Yuu-chan's crying! Yuu-chan's crying!'

'Am not!' roared Kanda.

'Yes you are! You're face all flushed!'

'Y-you're lying! Give me the mirror!'

'You admitted!'

'I did nothing of that sort! Now stop laughing and hand me that mirror you old-man!'

'No way! And I know I'm not old, so I don't care!'


God is all but nothing of a figure that some believes in and pray to, while others might not think so. With different kinds of people comes many different Gods, but in the end, everything forms up to become a figure one bestows upon, a figure which holds them strong, a figure they can pray to, a figure that they believe with all their heart that holds a power so strong that it could change one's life with a twitch of His fingers.

Therefore, God, or any other being that holds a power much like Him, please, hear my prayer, and put an end to this war that sows nothing but tragedy and death.

A/N: Yep, as i've said earlier, this is indeed my first attempt in writing a FFic of any kind. I'm not that good at writing Yaoi, and i just felt the impulse of turning Allen into a female, and therefore the the F!Allen. Do note that there is a slight OOC-ness in Kanda here as this is before when Kanda turns into what he is now.

It would matter a lot to me if you readers could kindly click the Review button right below and drop your comments. So please do, and thank you once again for taking your time to read through my crappy story. :~