Hello My Readers,

I am so sorry for my extended absence. To try to break down and tell you about the hellacious time I have had lately would make a longer tale than this current story. Lol. I can tell you it consisted of deaths, deployments, reunions, surgeries, pregnancy, transfer and family illness and family cancers...See? And I didn't even touch on each individual thing...

Anyway, I am in the process of currently revamping EY and trying to finish it. I am NOT going to post any chapters until I have the last one written. That way I will be back to my original one chapter a day postings. Unless I receive lots of reviews, then I might just post 2 in one day. *hint hint*

My husband is currently deployed again and I am doing the single parent thing while also making frequent trips between NC and VA to help family with my brother's cancer treatment. So my time is a lil' limited at the moment, but this story WILL be finished!

I opened my story the other day and Draco practically tackled me to the ground! Needless to say I was tied up and * clears throat * punished for several hours. Not that I'm complaining, mind you...Ahhh how I missed my mischievous dragon...

I am doing my best to complete everything for you guys since you have all been so patient with me. When I get this story revamped and completed, I will delete this note so as not to interrupt the story. Thank you so much everyone for your patience and understanding. I hope the finished product will be worth the wait.

Love, Casey