Okay be nice to me on my first Jake and Renesmee story. First I would like to tell 2 things

I thank 2 people who were willing enough to help so I thank,

kellygirl96 And Love Of Blood

I am inspired by them and especially EdwardHasMyHeart. She inspired me to do this whole thing so enjoy the Preface.

I was inspired by kellygirl96 and Love Of Blood

I do now own Twilight!


I felt a dagger through my heart like I was dead from awaking that I am not. Cute boy with black hair in my school say "I hate you!" It felt like that boy put a dagger through my heart! Screaming to my heart and breathing as hard as ever.

Sorry this may be confusing but it is a dream from Nessie and she is dreaming about Jake and she gave me a little of this idea and I thought it was pretty good but I put it in my own words. So thanks so much kellygirl96