Disclaimer: I Don't own Assassin's Creed.

A/N: I know you all have been waiting for this moment. Now you can rejoice because the moment is here. Fucking new chapter! Alright!! xD Hope you all enjoy and thanks so much for the reviews, favorites and alerts, they really do get me writing faster.

Chapter 4~~ Amir

I was watching him from afar. What was the worst that could happen with such a simple assassination? Al Mualim might have said to negotiate with the nobleman but Altair and I both knew what Master had truly meant with those words. The nobleman was an easy target; his guards were clueless to the ever approaching Altair. The Creed's top assassin. What could have possibly gone wrong? He moved like a blur and just as the wind picked up harshly against him, he jumped.

It was as if the world had slowed down.

He landed so gracefully that it barely seemed like he had made a sound. There was a strong, concentrated will in his eyes. His arm pulled back in practiced precision with the amount of force needed to kill the nobleman. His back straightened and his right hand grabbed the back of the nobleman's head, almost like a caress. His left hand moved like a blur even in the stillness of everything else.

And then, his hood fell back.

As his blade entered the nobleman's jugular, Altair's indifferent gaze, the precision of his attack, the glint of animalistic hunger for the man's death, all caught my attention like a trance. He was beautiful in every sense of the word. Who would have thought? The first time I had ever truly seen his face was after he had killed. Not once in my life had I ever felt the need to dominate someone as much as I had at that moment.

The world was brought back to normal with the screech of the first innocent to witness what had happened. He turned around and I felt like I had been struck by with lightning. A tingling sensation of electricity ran through my body as our eyes met and I watched the blush form on his cheeks. He pulled his gaze away first and it helped me escape from whatever had possessed me to be still.

I moved quickly through the frantic crowd of screaming civilians towards the boat, easily climbing the side of the boat railing and onto the deck. His head snapped up to catch me glaring at him and he stood, opening his mouth as if he were going to say something. That damn hood was still off. I moved quickly, grabbing his arm and pulling him into a tight hug. He would never allow me to push him back, so holding him was the only way. I pushed him against a wooden door, making sure to be hidden within the shadow of the stairs and pulled his hood over his head.

I made sure nothing else was out of place on him before I realized the severity of my actions. His body in my embrace was so thin and fragile. The desire was clear in my eyes. I wanted him. I pulled away quickly before I had any chance of making a fool of myself. Altair was not what I was supposed to be thinking about in the middle of such a chaotic scene.

I could still feel the touch of that fine hair on the tip of my fingers…that fragile body…I've become extremely interested in the strong will in those eyes. Why would I develop such a deep interest in a total stranger? Nothing made sense but I knew what I was feeling. It was hot and overwhelming. I stepped back away from him for the sole purpose of controlling myself.

"Hey, you! What's happened here?"

'Shit…' I moved in front of Altair quickly, blocking him from the sight of the guards climbing up the ladder to their master's boat. I pushed him roughly against the wall and turned around to face them as I moved my back against his small chest, whispering, "Stay still." He nodded in conformation as I eyed the guards of the nobleman.

When the guards situated themselves, all standing on the platform where their master had been, another man spoke up. "Did you see what happened here? Why has our master been killed? Did you do this?"

"Watch your tongue heathen and calm down. Can't you see that I am of the Brotherhood? What makes you think I did it when I've just only arrived myself?" The man backed up in surprise when he looked at me, his eyes moving up and down over my body. By the look of utter shock I could tell he realized I was telling the truth.

"Please forgive him; he knows not the dishonor he has brought upon you for he is an idiot. Please dear Knight, we all meant no harm in questioning you." They all bowed and graveled, causing a small smirk to twitch upon my face.

'That's better…'

"Only this once will I forget such blatant disrespect…I can assure you it will not happen again." One of them stood and moved closer to me, nodded like a child begging for a treat. He stumbled over his words.

"Uh, um, Yes, yes, of course not, I will make su—" the guards words were cut short as I drew my knife and held it against his throat.

"You will not be given another opportunity. Use your spared life well." He nodded his head quickly, backing away from me and I pushed Altair farther back against the wall. It was getting more dangerous to hide him as I was.

"Filthy assassin, he thinks he can escape? We shall hunt him down, quick Knight of Templar, come and join us in such a glorious hunt." Another spoke as he and the rest stood, clapping their hands in agreement.

Then I felt myself being pushed forward and Altair was like a blur again. He weaved in between the five guards on the boat deck and killed the man at the end, who had made the insult, with quick precision. It was practically a lunge for the man's throat that brought them both to the ground. As he pulled his blade out of the bleeding carcass, he stood just as the others turned around in roaring protest.

"I am not filthy." Altair seethed before stabbing yet another guard with his hidden blade as he turned around. The body fell to the floor and he drew his sword to fight off the others.

"It's the assassin!!" One screamed and then turned towards me accusingly, pointing at me with their dirty, stubby finger. "You! You're not a Knight of Templar; you're an assassin as well! Guards!"

At the call of his shout, city guards slunk around the corner before realizing the struggle and ran towards the boat. At least ten more joined the already fighting three that were trying to kill Altair. I stabbed one in their side, which left an opening for me to tug at Altair's arm. I pulled him towards the edge of the boat and made him jump down.

We landed on the platform with a silent thud and in unspoken orders; we both sprinted to the middle of the scattering townspeople. The two remaining bodyguards followed after us and we were soon surrounded by the rest of their companions. They had us trapped in a makeshift circle, causing Altair and I to stand back to back, scanning for an opening.

"We're going to have to fight…" I whispered to him, drawing my sword as we stepped around the circle, counting how many more guards could possibly come if we allowed the fight to continue for too long.

The guards lunged forward for an attack.

We watched each other's back as we parried different blows. Fighting them was much harder than expected since none of the guards were coming at us one by one. They attacked in consecutive blows; one person slashed across Altair's chest and then another would swipe at his head. The flow of attacks were random and surprisingly enough Altair participated in helping me with disposing of them.

He pushed and then stabbed a guard in the stomach with his long sword. I blocked another swipe to his chest and slashed at the man's face and Altair kicked the man in the shin, bringing his sword into the man's shoulder. The scream tore through the entire plaza along with the sound of clashing metal. I pushed tow guards into each other and slit the throat of a third, who cried out in pain as he clutched at his neck tightly, the blood pooling out of him like running water.

We killed three more before an opening within the circle was made and I pushed Altair through it. I motioned with my hand for him to run, blocking another swipe across my chest before following after him. There was only one alley open and despite the unusually convenience of it, we ran straight through. Archers conveyed on our position quickly and the remaining guards, who weren't keeling over in pain, followed.

I dodged an arrow to the cheek before turning to Altair. "Why didn't you hide behind me and stay quiet?! All of this could have been avoided if you had been patient." He chuckled.

"I'm an assassin. I have no need of hiding under the guise of ill placed trust. That's your thing…" I sighed, rounding a corner and climbed the wall onto a ledge. Altair took to the other side, scaling the wall with finesse.

"…I suppose you just love doing everything the hard way? One of the many perks and downfalls of being you….That and you're angry he called you filthy…"

"What did you say!?" He shouted defensively from across the other roof. I discarded an archer of his bow, snapping it in half and throwing it to the side. He drew his sword but I simply tripped him into a haystack down below. Altair killed the man as his side before rejoining me as we both jumped into the crowd of people.

"Nothing. Concentrate on running before you lose your head." I chuckled at the expression he glared my way and when I smirked he got angrier. If Altair was a tea kettle he would be boiling the water inside him and steam would escape him in an excessive amount.

"Liar! Tell me, it had better not be about what that guard said. I've got more honor than that." He demanded shortly.

'Then why did you kill him if being called filthy didn't bother you?'

"I said your age makes you rash." I glanced at him, chuckling lightly at the glare he was throwing my way in heated rage.

"Rash?! Rash?! I am not rash!" He defended himself with nothing else. It hadn't helped his case in the least.

"Oh and provoking that fight wasn't rash? When you could have just as easily stayed silent and we would have been in Masyaf by now. You know that's a day's ride, correct? We could have simply walked away before you killed that guard. Now, we're running in circles because not only did you fail at killing the Nobleman stealthily, but you've been killing almost every single guard we've passed so far."

"That fight was necessary, not rash. I take offense to that and I take offense to your assumption at my failure. I killed him did I not?" He retorted in a cocky tone.

"If you take offense then you should take responsibility. We wouldn't be running through Acre if it weren't for you." I reprimanded.

"Responsibility? So then now you're saying it's okay to kill the guards now?" He asked with a hint of sarcasm.

"No. Is that all you think about, killing? I find that it is not completely necessary to kill every guard you see. Honestly, do you walk through the streets thinking who you're going to kill next?"

"Clearly you don't know the meaning of fun." He simply stated, jumping across to another building with little to no effort.

"Oh please. I know the meaning and this is not even close."

"You're an undercover assassin who finds no kick out of killing random city guards? Come on, you had to have thought it was thrilling at least once." I shook my head in defeat as I rolled my eyes.

"Well your point has been made. I f I did like killing randomly, I'd be just like you."

"Exactly…Wait a minute! What's that supposed to mean!?" I laughed heartily before waving my hand dismissively at him, turning another corner and realizing we were on the other side of the docks. 'They were herding us here?'

"Nothing, I was only playing…" He scowled at me before we skidded to a stop, we turned around and the amount of guards after us had multiplied. With our backs to the sea, I gripped my sword tightly, prepared to fight them all off.

And then I heard a splash.

I turned my head quickly to the side. Altair was gone. I gave a confused stare at the spot he had been standing merely seconds ago before the sound of frantic splashing from behind me reached my ears. I turned and watched as Altair struggled in the water and then sank. The bastards had pushed him in.

Ignoring the guards, the weapons and the amount of armor I wore, I jumped in after him. Instinctively I closed my eyes just as the felt the water flow over my face. The shouts of the guards were muffled by the sea and I slowly cracked open my eyelids to find Altair.

The salt stung my eyes slightly before I pushed the pain away. I searched for Altair and quickly found him sinking more into the darkness. I swam towards him, adrenaline allowing me to move faster. I grabbed his waist and began pulling him upwards. Struggling slightly with the added weight I was able to resurface above the water.

I looked around, holding Altair's head so that no more seawater got into his already filled lungs. I had somehow swum up behind a boat. The sound of the city guards talking to each and the bustling street echoed around the boat. There was no way that I could tell they weren't looking for us, their voices seemed close.

"I think they died…There's no way anyone can survive that long under water." One soldier suggested and his footsteps grew farther away, the crowd following suit. I sighed in relief, placing Altair on my back and scaling the side of an empty boat. It wasn't as big as the Nobleman's but sufficient enough to hide us from prying eyes.

I examined Altair closely, he wasn't breathing. Worry washed over my entire body like the plague. I pressed my hands against his chest, pumping it consecutively as I waited for him to expel the water from his body. Nothing was working; I'd have to breathe it out of him.

I tilted his chin slightly up, bringing my hands to the sides of his face and took a deep breath. Our lips met slowly and I exhaled, giving his lungs oxygen at an attempt to get rid of the water. I pulled back, pumped his chest more and repeated giving him air.

I checked his pulse and began to panic. Altair's heart wasn't beating. I pumped his chest slightly frantic, as my mind reeled. 'No no no nononononono. Altair, please!' I grabbed his cheeks in my hands and slowly inhaled. 'Please…' I asked calmly, 'breathe.'

Our lips met again just as the thought finished.

I exhaled.

Altair's hand twitched and then grabbed my forearm.

I pulled back slightly just as he began coughing and hacking up the water. Instinctively, Altair's head moved to the side, expelling the offending liquid more efficiently from his lungs. His eyes were shut tight and his body convulsed violently. I felt an urge to hug him wash over me.

'You're alright…' I sighed in relief. I relaxed just as his body had calmed down from his coughing fit. My nerves had felt so high strung that when I realized how close we were, I wondered if I could steal a kiss from him. 'He'd kill me in less than a second…' I sighed reluctantly before gazing at him.

He was panting in exhaustion; eyes still clenched shut and hand grabbing at me for dear life. His face was very attractive, I concluded internally. He had caught my eye with his raw skill but when I had taken a second stare at that face, I felt the heat rush back to my face. 'I have officially fallen for you.' I chuckled to myself as I rolled my eyes, noticing as Altair opened his slowly.

His expression was dazed and gentle. His eyes seemed to lose focus in strange intervolves and his lips parted. "A…Amir?" Confusion tinted his voice and then the fire was back in his eyes. "Amir!" He growled angrily, both hands on my shoulder before he began shaking them.

He reminded me of a cat.

"What are you doing?!"

'What does it look like?' I thought before controlling myself. "Saving your life." I stated shortly with a steel gaze to combat his heated one. His growl grew louder as he stopped shaking my shoulders and I felt his chest vibrating. 'Definitely a cat.'

"What did I tell you before?" He asked rhetorically, rolling us over so he loomed over me; a light red tint appeared on his cheeks before quickly disappearing. "I don't need saving."

The arch of my eyebrow happened of its own accord; as was the smirk. 'Of course not…' I thought as I pushed him off of me and stood, grimacing at my attire. I was wet all over. An expected hindrance but we would have to sneak our way out of Acre. A doused in water Templar Knight would draw too much attention.

Altair was scowling on the boat deck, squeezing his robes of what water soaked into them and standing with displeasure. He folded his arms across his chest before his glare was aimed at me. "What?!" He asked accusingly. I shook my head as a smile played on my lips.

"You are like a cat. Does water always get you this bothered?"

"Shut up! I wouldn't have nearly drowned had you been better at being a Templar. Stupid disguise. It didn't even work." He protested loudly with what sounded like a pout. It was hard to distinguish since he had put his hood back on and my eyes rolled in exasperation.

"Now, now, there's no need to pout. We had this conversation before. Had you been a good little boy and stayed quiet we wouldn't be soaking wet. Now we have to sneak out of Acre. Follow me."

"No!" He growled, jumping off the boat and walking right for the street. If he could be any more obvious that he was an assassin, I believed he would wear a sign on his back. Shaking my head I followed him.

The townspeople of Acre avoided him like the plague. They dared not say anything out loud but I knew what they were thinking. His robes and armor were still damp; I knew so because mine were the same way. I decided to follow him the safer way instead, on the rooftops.

Altair seemed safe for now, just as long as none of the archers and swordsman from before caught sight of him. I was more worried about the Templar's that littered the streets but had done so inconspicuously. Sable had sent out word to do so; he was very angry but not surprised at Jihal's death.

I looked up ahead on the street path Altair had chosen and saw a group of city guards walking together. They were chatting and laughing loudly, smiles on their faces as they moved through the crowd of innocents. I quickly jumped off the roof, behind Altair just as he turned around at the sound.

The guards were moving fast, I hadn't had time to answer his protests and questions. Quickly and efficiently I pushed Altair towards a wall and pressed our bodies close. My left arm wrapped around that slim waist and my right I pushed against the wall next to Altair's head. I leaned in, his hood touching my cheek as I slowly watched the group pass us.

Almost certain that they had disappeared from sight I turned my head back to face Altair's and froze at our close proximity. I felt warmth emitting from him and almost leaned in closer to smell his scent had I not stopped myself. I pushed off the wall slowly, making sure no other guards were around.

"If you're going to be stubborn you might as well follow on the roofs…It's safer up there than it is down here. If any guards see you like that, they'll attack without question…Come on." I motioned Altair to follow for the second time that day and we took to the roofs. He seemed to struggle, his armor heavier than my own and more than likely still recovering his exerted energy. The sun was setting when we left Acre's entrance. I glanced at Altair, trailing slower behind me.

I pat his back assuredly before mounting Raveen. I offered my hand and he took it without complaint. 'He must be extremely exhausted by now…He's had no real decent sleep since I knocked him out the day before…He needs to take better care of himself if he plans on staying at the top as our greatest Assassin.'

It was getting dark as we continued to ride Raveen, through the Kingdom. The scenery was pleasant to look at but a pain to ride in. If we moved too fast on horseback, unnecessary attention would be drawn towards us. I glanced at Altair and noticed him dozing off. It was an understatement to say he was tired. He looked just about ready to loss his soul. Almost like there wasn't any source of consciousness. The damn hood was blocking my view of his more than likely adorable sleeping face and I sighed in defeat.

'There is no way Altair would allow me to see him in any cute circumstance…' Raveen whined softly as he avoided a boulder I nearly rode him into. I pet his mane and sighed again. 'This isn't the time to be distracted…'

I continued on course in silence, Altair leaning against my chest, practically using me as a pillow as I used my dominant hand to hold him place and the other to steer Raveen. Suddenly I felt a hand brush against my left and I jerked slightly in surprise. 'Altair is awake?' I couldn't really see his face but I glanced down and his hand was indeed touching my left as it held his waist. He made soothing circles against the back of my hand with his fingers and caressed like a person would a flower. I wondered if this was just a form of sleep walking or if Altair was seriously touching me like we '…were…lovers…Nonsense…I'm just seeing things…'

But then I felt Altair move my hand through the opening of his robe and touch a significant bulge, caught in between his pants and now my hand. I tried to pull away; shocked that he had even allowed me to touch him so intimately. But his grip was firm as he moved our hands to rub over the growing erection and he let out a small pant.

My ears twitched in response. Had he really made that noise or was I hearing things? I froze, afraid that my appendages were wondering a sleeping man who would cut my head off if he awoke. Altair's hand made my hand squeezing him through the cloth of his pants. Him feigning sleep was not the case it seemed.

His hand abandoned mine to grasp and weave in my long hair. Still confused and uncertain of what exactly Altair was allowing me to do, I slid my hand in past the hem of his pants. He gasped, clenching tightly at my hair as I touched his erection and then began to stroke it underneath the cloth. I felt slightly awkward in my position, atop Raveen, hand pushed down into Altair's clothes, caressing him as Raveen continued slowly along the dark path.

I stroked his tip teasingly and he lolled his head against my shoulder. I could see his expression, he panted, gripping my thigh roughly, eyes glazed with pleasure. I whimpered at the sight; I wanted to kiss him so bad. I squeezed his erection in my hand and he pulled his gaze away reluctantly, moaning and slowly bucking into my hand. My heart beat loudly in my chest as Altair teased me with gentle, barely physical, touches over my leg and ran his fingers roughly through my hair.

"Hah…hah…Ah! Amir…please…don't stop…." He moaned, his hand pulling with need as he bucked into my hand. I quickened my motions and he gasped, arching slightly. "Ah! Uhhhn! Ah-Am-ir!!"

I felt myself falling.

And before I realized anything else, I really was falling. I gripped Raveen's reins tightly and he whined loudly, stirring Altair from his doze. His hand brushed against the arm I had tightly wrapped around his waist and he rubbed his eyes.

"…W-what's the matter? Did we get stopped?" He asked sleepily, his head moving slightly from side to side as he surveyed our surrounds. I blinked repeatedly, frozen in place as I tried to grasp the situation.

'It….was a dream?' I felt as if I could hit myself. 'Of course it was a dream…There is no way Altair would be so willing in such a….dirty…pleasure…'

I sighed, chuckling lightly before reassuring Altair. "It is nothing; I was simply falling asleep…I believe we should find a place to stay…You need some rest and as do I..."

He nodded slowly, looking around again as I snapped Raveen's reins and he moved steadily. It was dark any farther than a couple of lanterns placed around the path. Altair quickly found the distant lights of the Inn, pointing towards it.

"Over there, we can find a room there…" He yawned and I walked Raveen slowly to the light. We arrived at the Inn fairly quickly. I strapped Raveen to a pole and helped Altair off of my horse before walking inside. I asked for a room and the Innkeeper gave me a key, pointing down towards the hallway.

"You'll go up the stairs; it's on your left." She said with a smile and I thanked her softly before ushering Altair towards our room. I caught sight of tables meant for eating and stopped.

"Altair, you go on ahead, I'll be right behind you." He nodded, sleepily walking down the hall and disappearing up the stairs. I turned towards the woman. "You serve meals here as well?"

"Yes, I do so myself. Would you like me to come and get you when breakfast is ready?" She asked with a sincere smile.

"If it wouldn't be too much trouble, I would appreciate it. Thank you." She nodded in response and I waved her goodnight before walking towards the room. I made it up the stairs and opened the door.

I walked into the room and the first thing that caught my sight was the sweat covered naked form of Altair. I froze, gripping the wood door firmly to steady myself. The door groaned and splintered slightly under my grip as I stared at him in disbelief.

His hand jerked roughly and erratically at his throbbing erection. It seeped pre-cum unabashedly from the tip, a flushed pink as Altair's hand massaged the organ. My eyes moved along his arched back to his panting face. He sighed blissfully as our gazes locked with each other and he moaned, bucking harder into his own hand.

"Amir…" I watched his lips form my name silently and it sent tendrils of heat through my entire body. I watched them more and he uttered, "Touch me."

'God I hope this isn't a dream…'

Then I moved towa—

"AMIR!" I was pulled roughly from my thoughts by a firm tug at my collar and my eyes focused on Altair's confused gaze. "What in the world are you staring off into space for?! You have the goddamn key; I can't get inside if you keep daydreaming like this without telling me where things are."


Absentmindedly I held the key for our room in the air and he snatched it childishly from me. He growled, obviously tired from our battle against the nobleman's guards and straining all his energy to keep himself from drowning; which nearly failed had I not jumped into save him, no matter how much he wanted to protest against it.

"…Pain in my ass, drifting so carelessly, what would he have done if we had been attacked? Dumbass….Clearly an idiot…" Altair mumbled to himself but not particularly low—most likely on purpose. I followed him into the room in a daze, still surprised that my own imagination was able to manifest such a scene.

It was so vivid and the sensations felt so real. The heat was the most overwhelming. Along with wondering what else my imagination could cook up I hadn't been able to shake the feeling that I wanted to try out the real thing. I shook my head vigorously. That was never going to happen.

He reminded me of a cat once again in his irritated state. 'Only a feline deprived of sleep could be used as an example as to how Altair is reacting…He's adorable when he acts like this…'

I looked around and realized Innkeeper had given us a single bed. As we stepped in further Altair seemed to wobble as he walked; I sighed shaking my head. I pushed Altair onto the bed, "You need it more than I do…You look about ready to collapse on your feet." I told him calmly as I detached all my weapons from my person. Sleep wouldn't be pleasant with a bunch of swords sticking me in my side…

"What? No I'm not! I'm," he yawned widely with a hazy glare as he relaxed sleepily on the pillow, "not…tired dammit…You take the bed…" I sighed internally as I rolled my eyes. 'If Altair is going to be difficult, neither of us will get the sleep we need…'

I kicked off my shoes and took his weapons as well, placing them somewhere where he couldn't easily reach without disturbing me. He put up no struggle as I de-weaponized him and I moved on to the bed behind him, wrapping my arms around his slim waist. "Will this keep you quiet?"


'What is he doing……I'm too tired for your games…' I felt the weakness of fatigue come over my limbs. Despite the strange sensation of being in someone's arms, I found I rather enjoyed it. In a way, it was comforting, even if it only lasted until I'd wake. I was partly content with Amir, not hating him so much as I did when I had first met him. He saved my life, numerous times; I owed him at least something in return. 'But what could I give to Amir that he wouldn't already have or take offense to?'

I waited until Altair was asleep before I moved. I pressed my nose into his hair and felt extremely foolish. I inhaled his scent—wheat and butterscotch—luxuriating in having to share the same pillow. With a contented smile, my arms brought him closer to me and I sighed in bliss. He would never know of my affection, that of I would make sure. I closed my eyes and followed Altair into a deep sleep.

A/N: And that's how THAT ends, lol. What'd ya think!? Ya like? Do tell ^^. This has been updated for a friend as a gift for her birthday cus I'm poor like that. Happy Birthday ya Freak!! No but serious today is her actual b-day and I thought; what kind of present would make her happy? Then I realized I still had to finish this up and was like….YESH, this is your present, lol.

Hope ya love it sweetie ^^ And I can't wait for that surprise party I'm going to throw for you, it's gonna be AWESOME!! xD Give me reviews, the more the better (\^~^/)