Author's Notes and Introduction:

Welcome to my Whoniverse! It all started with Silver & Gold, which was written to correct the egregious error of the writer of School Reunion, who mistakenly had Sarah Jane Smith turn down an offer to travel with the Doctor again. NO WAY! I said it as I watched the show, and I still say it!

In Silver & Gold, the Doctor, Sarah Jane and Harry Sullivan all get reacquainted. In the next story, Saving Horse Feathers, the Doctor takes them on a trip to 1913 to help correct a time slip. He comes back to introduce them to his new companion, Martha Jones, in The Regeneration Experiment and Galindor & Rohstan Do London.

Also in Galindor & Rohstan Do London, the Doctor and Sarah Jane discover that they can bond. Sarah really shouldn't be able to do this Time Lord thing, but somehow she can. Personally, I think it's a combination of how much she loves the Doctor, how long she travelled in the TARDIS, and how often she was possessed by aliens, but that's just my guess. She bonds like a human, though--doesn't have all the instincts for it that she would have if she were a Time Lady. This caused a major problem the last time the Doctor left, because he immediately flew off into the events ofHuman Nature/The Family of Blood. The essence of Sarah got locked away in the fob watch with the Time-Lordliness of the Doctor, leaving her not much to get by on. Harry saw her through it, and, thinking the Doctor had died, proposed and Sarah accepted. Then the fob watch opened....

Sarah didn't renege on her acceptance of Harry's proposal. She loves him. She loves the Doctor, too. She doesn't see a problem with that, since she loves them in different ways. Harry's reserving judgement, but he's willing to go along with it for now and see how it works out.

This story is, at least in part, about how it works out. Or doesn't. Hope you like it.

Chapter 1

A whoosh. A groan. A gust of wind that set papers flying about the room. A flashing light. A blue police box that was there...wasn't there...was there...wasn't there...then was there.

The TARDIS materialized in its favorite spot in the corner of Sarah Jane Smith's living room.

Before the last of the papers had settled to the floor, a cacophony of barking erupted. A black Labrador Retriever skidded into the room at full pelt and flung himself on the blue box, while a smaller, silvery robot with dog-like ears and tail wheeled in hot on his heels. The lab bounced off the TARDIS, spun, and launched himself at its doors again, while the robotic dog, not built for leaping, zoomed around in figure eights, barking frenetically in a voice startlingly like his organic companion.

The TARDIS doors opened an inch, then slammed shut.

"Doctor. You've landed us in someone's living room."

"Told you. Wanted you to meet a friend of mine." The Doctor didn't look up from the console as he answered, making some last minute adjustments--setting the parking brake, as it were.

"Is your friend large, loud, black and furry? With very big teeth?"

He looked up at that and frowned. "Donna, what are you on about?"

His companion didn't answer, just gave a sharp nod towards the door. He strode down the ramp and boldly threw open both doors as she stood off to the side.

"Thor!" the Doctor cried joyously. The big dog went into new raptures and threw himself, tongue-first, at the Doctor's face. Unfortunately, the Doctor was just a few inches too tall for him. Instead of hooking his paws over the Time Lord's shoulders and washing his face, his paws beat a tattoo on the Doctor's chest as he bounced up and down excitedly on his hind legs.

"Ooooh, alright, big fella," the Doctor cooed, bending over so Thor could enthusiastically scrub his face with his tongue.

"Oh, that is disgusting," Donna said, edging out of the TARDIS and wrinkling up her face.

"Why? It's how his species shows affection," the Doctor said. Then he made a spitting noise. "Not in the mouth, Thor," he said to the dog.

Thor dropped to all fours, tongue lolling halfway to the ground, tail thrashing madly.

"And K-9!" the Doctor crowed happily at the robot as he pulled a large white handkerchief out of his pocket and mopped his face. "How are you, K-9?"

K-9 barked in Thor's voice.

"Are you talking to the hoover?" Donna asked, incredulously.

"That's not a hoover, it's Sarah's dog." His eyes brightened and he grinned. "Although that's a brilliant idea for an upgrade. Next time I get a chance to work on him."

"What in the name of sense are you dogs..." Harry Sullivan strode into the living room, a towel wrapped around his hips, another in his hand rubbing his damp curls. He stopped in mid-stride and mid-sentence, staring in astonishment at his unexpected guests. He quickly moved the second towel in front of his bare chest, but not before Donna had given him a very appreciative once-over. "Ah. Doctor," Harry said.

"Harry!" the Doctor said. He took in Harry's state of undress for a second. "Your flat being painted or something?"

"Ah. No." Harry glanced at the strange redhead who was giving him the eye, then back at the Doctor. "I live here now."

"I'm Donna Noble," that lady said, stepping forward with her hand outstretched. "Forgive him. He's a spaceman and doesn't understand the niceties of introducing people."

"Oh, sorry," the Doctor said quickly. "Donna Noble, Harry Sullivan. Harry, Donna."

"Erm," Harry said, looking at her hand and starting to reach out with the hand that still held the damp towel. He quickly realized his mistake, shifted the towel to his other hand, and shook Donna's hand. "I should get dressed. Make yourselves at home. The Doctor knows where everything is." He started to turn and leave the room, but then turned back, a serious look on his face, a muscle tightening in his jaw. "Martha?" he said hesitantly to the Doctor.

"What about her?" Donna asked before the Doctor could reply.

"Is she..." Harry couldn't finish the sentence, but the look on his face told them all they needed to know.

"She's fine," the Doctor said, a bit puzzled.

A huge relieved smile spread across Harry's face. "Thank God. We were so worried about her."

The Doctor's puzzled frown deepened, but Donna grinned. "She's more than fine," she said. "She's engaged."

Harry's smile grew even broader. "She is? How wonderful! So am I!"

"Oh," Donna said sourly, her face falling. "Figures."

"You are?" the Doctor asked Harry. "To whom?"

"Sarah Jane, of course," Harry answered. "Look, I have to get dressed. Be right back. Dogs, heel."

The dogs, living and mechanical, obediently fell in by his side and followed him out of the room.

The Doctor stood, eyes wide, mouth hanging open.

"You okay?" Donna asked.

The Doctor's eyes snapped back to normal. "Ah. Yes. Fine. Just...well. Fine." He pooched out his lips. "Bit surprised. But fine. Come on. Let's put the kettle on."

Harry joined them in the kitchen before the kettle could whistle.

"Where is Sarah?" the Doctor asked as soon as he arrived.

"She had an appointment in the city," Harry said. "I dropped her off and told her I'd pick her up after, but she said she'd take the bus." He glanced up at the clock on the wall. "Should be here any time."

"Sarah's your fiancee?" Donna asked.

Harry nodded and smiled happily.

"And you two?" she asked, waving her finger at him and the Doctor. "How do you know each other?"

The Doctor and Harry looked at each other.

"I travelled with him. For awhile. A long time ago," Harry finally said.

"He and Sarah. We all travelled together. For awhile," the Doctor added. Then his eyes widened and went out of focus. Without a word, he jumped up and ran out of the kitchen.

"Now what?" Donna asked. Harry just threw up his hands and shrugged his shoulders.

"With him--could be anything. Come on!"

"You do know him," Donna said as she got up and ran after him to the front door.

The Doctor was standing six feet out from the door, eyes huge, arms out, his posture tense, looking for all the world like a bird dog scenting the wind. Then a huge, radiant smile burst onto his face, and he started running at full, long-legged pelt toward the road.

A small figure appeared in the road, running as fast as her much shorter legs would carry her toward the house. She glanced up, saw the Time Lord, and even at that distance, her smile beamed. She threw her handbag to the ground and put on a new burst of speed.

Sarah and the Doctor didn't slow down to avoid a collision. She just leaped into his arms, and he caught her and spun, dissipating their momentum in a dizzying whirl. Then he threw her up in the air, caught her by the waist as she came down, grinning up at her like a madman the whole time. She turned her face down to his and their lips met. He let her body slide down his to the point where their faces were on the same level, their lips never losing contact, their eyes closed.

"Erm," Donna said, watching from the doorway with Harry. "Is that your fiancee?"

"Mmm hmm," Harry assented, not looking at her.

"And...the two of them?" Donna asked, wiggling her finger at the Doctor and Sarah, still locked in a tight embrace.

Harry twisted his lips, started to say something, then blew out a puff of air instead. "Old friends," he finally answered.

* * *

As their lips touched, Sarah felt the bond between her and the Doctor explode into life, filling her heart and soul with his familiar, beloved presence. She closed her eyes and let go of all the good intentions she had had to hold back some of herself for herself, to not lose herself in him the way she had the last time they had been together, when they had first bonded. She was too open to him. She knew that. She had suffered through months of the consequences, had nearly died, would have died if not for Harry. But all caution, all rational thought fell away when she found herself held tightly in his arms again, his lips on hers, feeling his joy at rebonding with her singing through every atom of their shared being.

The timeless moment ended abruptly. The Doctor put her down and held her at arm's length, staring at her with wide, horrified eyes. "Terza," he breathed, searching her face desperately. She stared back at him, equally horrified, then screwed up her face and clenched her teeth with the effort of trying frantically to create a mental boundary around what he was seeing. "No, no, no," he said fiercely. "Don't you dare." His mind probed her memories relentlessly. "I need to see." His shoulders slumped and his lips twisted. "Besides, you're rubbish at blocking me."

She sighed, closed her eyes, bowed her head, and let him in. After a second, he dropped her arms and spun on his heels to face away from her.

"I didn't know. I didn't know." The misery in his voice was nothing compared to the wave of misery and guilt coming from him as he ran his long fingers through his hair distractedly. He spun back around to face her, deep brown eyes staring into her soul. "I didn't know. I swear."

"Of course you didn't. How could you?" she said softly, sending him a wave of love and forgiveness. "Please don't. It wasn't your fault." She threw everything she had into that forgiveness, but it still wasn't enough. It broke on the rock of his guilt like a wave breaking on a boulder. She half moaned, half laughed as she looked away from him. "I told Harry I'd strangle him if he breathed a word of what happened next time you came. And here I go and tell all within seconds of your being back."

"Harry," he said, and she felt his mind probing further into her memories of those horrible months when she was barely functional, when Harry's love and care were all that kept her going.

She nodded and let him see it all, waited for him when she felt his mind pull back, saw deep gratitude leaven the guilt in his eyes. "Yes," she said softly. "Harry. We...I...we owe him. Everything."

The Doctor stared at her for another second, then abruptly turned and strode rapidly toward the house, where Harry and Donna stood watching. Sarah ran back to retrieve her handbag, then followed him.

The Doctor stopped in front of his old companion and fixed him with an intense stare. "Harry," he said earnestly, his voice rough with emotion. Then he held out a hand toward him.

Harry raised his eyebrows slightly, glanced at Sarah as she walked up behind the Doctor, then reached out tentatively to take the Time Lord's offered hand. The Doctor started to shake his hand, then pulled him into a tight embrace instead. "Thank you," he said fervently. "Thank you."

Sarah tried to hide her grin at the sight of Harry's startled face over the Doctor's shoulder. "You told him," Harry said, his voice a bit strained as his rib cage was compressed by the force of the Time Lord's hug.

"I didn't mean to," she said. "I'm just rubbish at keeping things from him."

"She really is," the Doctor agreed as he released Harry and stepped back a pace.

"What in the world happened to you?" Harry asked.

"He was locked in a fob watch," Sarah answered for him.

The Doctor raised his eyebrows and looked down at her. "That was quick."

She grinned. "Well, it was the first thing I wanted to know. Right after 'are you okay' and 'is Martha okay.'"

"A fob watch," Harry repeated flatly.

"Well," the Doctor said dismissively, tipping his head to the side. "Not really a fob watch. Part of the Chameleon Arch. But it looks like a fob watch."

Sarah frowned and stepped close to Harry, reaching up to run her hand over his tousled curls. "Harry. Your hair's wet." She looked at him. "And you're in your shirt sleeves. It's freezing out here. Do you want to catch your death?" She glanced over at Donna, who was standing, her arms folded across her chest, bemusedly watching the reunion. "And poor Donna's blue with cold." She gave Donna a bright smile, and reached out a hand toward her. "Hello, I'm Sarah Jane Smith."

Donna took her hand even more tentatively than Harry had taken the Doctor's. "How'd you know my name?"

"The Doctor told me." She grinned at the Time Lord, then turned back to Donna. "I'm so glad to meet you. Now let's get in the house before you two freeze."