Hey peeps! This is just another story I made while I was waiting for everyone to vote for "Puckabrina, A Christmas Carol". VOTE VOTE VOTE.

Anyhows, this story happens during summer, at its worst and hottest temperature. Puckabrina are about 14/15 here. Come to think of it,
my stories of Puckabrina will mostly be around 14/15. If there's an age change, I'll be sure to tell youse.

Thanks to all who have read "Puckabrina, A Christmas Carol"!!! I really appreciate all the nice reviews and the subscribing to alerts and stuff...

Anywhoos, here's the story.....Puck's story that is.....

"Puck.....you idiot....freak-baby...GAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" yelled Sabrina. She was lying on the couch, dizzy from the (unbelievable) heat. She was too tired and too hot to even insult Puck.
"You freak-baby. Idiot. You..just had to.. ruin the...air conditioner...DIDN'T YOU?!?!?!?!"
She lifted her head and looked across to the other couch, where Puck was also lying on the couch. Puck didn't react, so she had to (tiredly) throw a pillow at him. She missed.

"Haha Grimm. That was the lousiest shot ever! Ha..Ha..grrrr.....the King can't take this anymore!!!!!" he yelled, jumping up and accidentally hitting his head on the ceiling.
"Owww....tell me Grimm, why can't we go to my pond in my room?"

"Because a freak-baby *ahem-you-ahem* had to do target practice at the freakin' ceiling. Which made it freakin' cave in and now we can't freakin' go to the FREAKIN' POND! You freakin' happy now?!?!?" she yelled. Clearly annoyed.
"No I'm freakin' not. What about the swimming pool in the town?" he asked.
"You freakin' set loose a freakin' huge crocodile and NO-ONE can get rid of it!"
"GAAHHHHH! The horror...."
Sabrina was too tired to talk anymore but in her head she thought 100 bucket-loads of insults for the freakbaby. Silence filled the room. A very heated silence.

"Hey Sabrina, I never knew that you swore." said a little voice. It was Red. She was still wearing her red cloak and her dress. Puck and Sabrina stared a her with their jaws dropping.
Red whimpered and stepped back.

"No, Red, sorry but....how can you wear your dress AND your cloak? It's 55 degrees!" asked Sabrina, clearly shocked. She looked at herself and Puck.
She was wearing a tank-top with a skirt, while Puck was wearing a singlet and shorts. Both were covered in beads of sweat and their hair was sticking to their faces and so on.
"Mirror let me and everyone else go to the Snow Queen's old place. It was so cool!" She giggled and Puck and Sabrina's faces.
(yeah i noe Mirror is bad news but come on..its 55 degrees in Ferryport Landing)
Their jaws had dropped even more and they both ran to Mirror's closet, constantly slipping because the beads of sweat had made their way to their feet. (teehee)

When they got to Mirror's closet, the family (Granny, Canis, Jake, Daphne and Elvis. Henry and Veronica are still asleep) were running out of Mirror's well...mirror.
They were huffing and puffing, especially Canis (geddit? huff..puff..teehee. no? ok no). They took off their winter garments and looked relieved.

"What happened? Why'd you get out of the blessed...sacred...fully awesome...coolness of the Snow Queen's castle?" Puck asked, shocked.
"I dunno" said Daphne
"I know", answered Jake,"We arrived inside one of the Snow Queen's many closets and we were suddenly met by this cool breeze. We were so happy.
We started exploring the house but we soon realised that the castle was inhabited by polar bears. Not your usual ones either. They were huge. They got our smell and chased us until we went back into Mirror's hall"

"Polar bears...awesome" Puck said dreamily.
"But why can't we go back inside and find another wintery place?" asked Sabrina hopefully
"Not taking any chances. And anyway, the SnowQueen's castle was the only safe one. Others are infested by snowbugs or some other stuff that dad told us about.
too dangerous AND i've told Mirror to not let ANYONE in anymore. In fact, Mirror will stay in Mum's room. Right Mum?" asked Jake, who suddenly got very tired after losing so much breath.
Granny Relda wasn't in better shape. She and Canis were tremendously tired after the chase, because well...their old (no offence)
"Of course liebling. I'll just take a rest now. Jake...bring in Mirror whenever you want...soo tired" She walked to her room clutching her back.

One by one, all the people (who had been to the Snow Castle), went to their rooms. Puck and Sabrina went back to the lounge.

"This is so unfair. How come they didn't tell us?" asked Sabrina groggily.
"Because they probably freakin' thought that we freakin' deserved frekin' nothing. I feel so freakin' hot, both ways (if u dont geddit, it means bodily and temperature-wise :P)"
"No, only one way freakbaby. Temperature-wise" said Sabrina. But it wasn't true, to her mind, it did go both ways. Puck had gotten more muscle for the past few weeks
and the singlet that he was wearing plus the way it stuck to his body, totally showed off his abs.


"Wanna play a game?" asked Sabrina. She was so freakin' bored.
"Mmm" Puck had covered his whole face with a wet towel. "I'll take that as a yes. Let's play Question and Answer. I ask you a Question you answer, simple. K?"
"Wateva" came a muffled reply from the towel-covered Puck.

"Okay, ummm...Favourite colour?"
"Fave band?"
"Jonas Brothers"
Sabrina stifled a giggle. "Okay...Fave Superhero?"
"The Trickster King"
"Blegh. Fave song?"
"When you look me in the eyes. By the Jo Bros"

It went on like this for quite some time, until Sabrina noticed that Puck started answering every question truthfully and unknowingly. The Heat got to him

"Fave hair colour?"
Sabrina blushed, that was her exact height. "First Crush?"
Sabrina almost vomited. "WHY?"
"She had pretty hands"
Sabrina gagged "When was this?"
"A week after I was born"
Sabrina breathed again, at least they were still kids and Puck was still a baby and didn't know anything. Not that anything changed at all, he was still dumb.

"Favourite person in this house?"
Sabrina blushed even more. He didn't even say himself.
"Are you in love with anyone?"
"Is that person in this house?"
"Is it Daphne?"
"Is it Red?"
"Is it....Granny?"
"Hell no"
"Is it Sabrina?"
"Hell yes"
Sabrina was practically a tomato. She was so red. She decided to go into the details.

"What goes through your head when she gets angry with you?"
"How cute she looks with her tiny nose scrunched up" an outline of a smile appeared on the towel.
"When you fly with her, what do you feel?"
"I feel like I want hold her tighter and hug her and keep her with me forever..."
Sabrina crept to Puck's side. She was smiling because that's what she always wanted him to do "When you see her crying, what do you want to do?"
"I want to hug her tightly, tell her that everything's gonna be okay because I'm here. I want to hug her and..."
Puck lifted the towel off his face and pulled Sabrina's face close to his. "And kiss her until she melts and forgets everything that worries her"
"Oh..okay..umm... sorry abo-" she was cut off by Puck suddenly kissing her.

Her eyes were open for a while, from surprise. But she soon kissed back and entwined her hands around his sweaty hair.
Puck pulled her closer, putting his hands on her waist. The kiss lasted for a few minutes until Puck pushed her away, gently.
"Melted yet?" he asked
"Practically lava" she answered, breathing heavily. It was hard to have a very passionate kiss and still endure the heat of 55 degrees.

"Forgotten everything?"
"No", she smirked,"I remember everything you told me and I'll use it!"
"You wouldn't..." he gaped

The next day, in the house, during dinner, Sabrina said that she had an announcement to make "Oh No" Puck covered his face with his hands and sunk lower in his chair.
"What Puck?" Daphne asked, innocently.
"It's okay Daphne, he's just embarassed because he used to have a crush on Moth"
"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Daphne exploded in giggles "Yup, it's true!" Sabrina smiled triumphantly
"Awww, thats cute Puck" commented Uncle Jake, trying to cover his face because he was eating hyena pudding (?)
and had burst out in laughter.

Puck was so low in his chair, you could only see a tiny patch of blonde curls when you looked at his seat.

Okay, that was Puck's "heat gets to you" story. Next will be Sabrina's...........

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