There! The snitch! Ginny saw it, and quickly spud her broom around, and raced towards the opposite side of the pitch, where she had seen the flash of gold. Weaving in between bludgers, beaters, and chasers, she dove to the right hoop. Distantly she heard the commentator.

"And the Quaffle goes to Gryffindor- Wait, Weasley is racing to the other end of the pitch? Could she have seen something? Chang seems to have thought so, and is catching up!" With the words boomed by the magical loudspeaker, the crowd seemed to have roared their support, but Ginny didn't focus on that. Cho Chang was catching up, and Ginny needed to get there first.

She swerved around the edge of the hoop, and there it was, trying to escape! A little further, and little more, knock Cho's hand aside, and-

"Gryffindor has caught the snitch!" the stands seemed to nearly burst as all the red and gold clad people stood, cheering their approval. "The score is four hundred and fifty, to a hundred and forty- Gryffindor has won the cup!"

Ginny suddenly found herself surrounded in the air by her various teammates, all crying, laughing, and hugging each other in a huge mass of brooms and red and gold robes. Slowly, they descended to the ground, where they landed just to be picked up by the Gryffindors coming onto the field. Ginny found herself held up next to Ron, who was looking quite happy, and holding the large, silver cup.

"GINNY!" he screamed over the noise of the crowd, "WE WON! WE WON!" All she could do was laugh.

"I know Ron! I caught the snitch, remember?" she felt she would loose her voice trying to talk over the noise. They were almost at the front doors now, and she knew the noise would not die down until the other houses left, and it was just the Gryffindors again. Then, at least it would be less people.

But at Ginny's last words, Ron seemed to deflate a bit. Ginny thought. 'Oh, yeah. Harry.' How could she have forgotten? Their friend, Ron's best friend, was the captain, and normally the seeker. And that stupid detention with Snape…

They were inside now, heading up to the common room. Their classmates still had them on their shoulders, not willing to put them down. "Do you see him?" She yelled over to Ron, scanning the people and halls for Harry.

"Nope!" Ron looked to be trying to find his friend as well. "Knowing Snape, though, there's no way he would be let out in time to see the game!" Ginny had to admit Ron had a point about their potions master. She just nodded. The other houses had left to celebrate or mourn in private, and Gryffindor was at the Fat Lady now, because they always gathered back in the common room. Harry would come back here, whenever he was released.

The Fat Lady got the password from someone, though because almost all of Gryffindor house was in her hallway, she really didn't need it. She smiled, and yelled some sort of congratulations at them, but it was lost in the noise as she opened, and they entered.

The team was dumped on the floor in the center of the common room, and they helped each other up to give hugs, and slaps on the back. Quickly it became apparent that someone had split off from the group, because the supplies from the kitchens were already on some tables. The butterbeer was tossed to the team, snacks were opened, and the party began. Nobody seemed to care their captain wasn't there. Ginny made her way to the back of the room, where it was almost certain Hermione would be. It was slow going, as people continually stopped her.

"Weasley! Amazing job, really!

"Didn't know you had it in you! Chaser, yes, but seeker…"

"Congratulations! You Weasley's can play any position, huh?"

"Ginny! Great job!"

"Weasley does it again!"

"Ginny! I didn't know how amazing you were at seeker!"

Ginny's back was hurting from all the pats she was receiving, and her jaw was hurting from smiling. She was worried about Harry, who had been in his detention for hours, now. Plus, she didn't particularly like getting appreciation on her seeking skills. She knew it had been necessary here, but she rather thought Harry was a better seeker; She much preferred chasing.

"Hermione!" The room was still so loud that she had to shout when she came near to her. Ron was just leaving Hermione's side, and Hermione had a faint blush on her cheeks. Ginny grinned. It was obvious that Ron, in his joy of winning, had hugged his friend. Now, she just had to wait until the two idiots confessed they liked each other in a way much more than just friends.

"Ginny!" Hermione had spotted her, and ran to tackle her friend in a hug. "Great job, really, I knew you could do it! The whole team was fabulous! Wait until Harry hears!"

"Yes, Hermione, I'm actually a little concerned. Does Snape always keep Harry this long in detention? Do you think he's all right?"

Hermione looked thoughtful and concerned for a moment, then her expression cleared. "No, no. I'm sure he's absolutely fine. Snape just wouldn't want the risk of him seeing some of the match, and they are all the way down in the dungeons." Ginny nodded, this made sense. "Plus, he always does whatever he can to make Harry miserable, and holding him longer, today of all days, will do just that." Hermione nodded firmly, as if she had reached a conclusion she liked. Ginny laughed.

Pulling her friend into a hug once more, she whispered, "You are such a great friend Hermione. I feel so lucky to count you as one of mine." She pulled back, and Hermione smiled her thanks, and it looked as though she was holding back tears. She mouthed 'you too' at Ginny, and smiled again, before disappearing into the crowd.

The room had quieted some, and people were just milling about, celebrating. Ron had still to let go of the cup, since they reached the room over a half hour ago, and Hermione was near him, probably listening to the various saves he had made, along with the group of people around him. Ginny smirked to see they were mostly girls. She continued to look around. The team was scattered, all talking to their friends, and laughing together. She spotted Dean, who looked kind of angry and upset. She'd feel bad, because she was certain it was over their breakup, but she was too happy. She knew they didn't work as a couple, and didn't regret breaking up at all.

Suddenly, the room became just as loud as it had when they had arrived, the screaming and cheering starting at the portrait hole, and moving farther into the room. The Fat Lady's portrait was open, and Ginny knew why. Harry.

Sure enough, she craned to see over people's heads, and standing in the opening, looking shocked, was Harry. He seemed to have been pulled into the room by the people standing by the door, and was still too dazed to move. Ron was running up through the people, the shouting, and the celebrating.

"We won!" He seemed to be saying more, but Ginny didn't notice. She was looking at Harry, and couldn't look away.

She saw how his black hair seemed to be standing every which way. His nervous habit was to run his fingers through it, and she thought it made him all the more handsome.

His bright green eyes, and the way they noticed everything, and they were scanning the crowd, trying to take in the scene.

She noticed that he barely took notice to Ron, and seemed to be looking at something else- her. That is when Ginny noticed she seemed to be running right to him. She barely noticed a shocked looking Ron, and she threw herself into Harry's arms.

Whether she had been thinking, or not, whether this had started as a hug, or not, it was soon more. Before Ginny fully understood what was happening, she was kissing Harry- something she had dreamed of for years.

And from the fact that he seemed to be just as ecstatic as her, she didn't think it was just her idea.

Her hands were moving to twine into his hair. She sighed into his lips- her hands had dreamed of this for years, but the soft, silky texture was not something that could be imagined. She felt his hands on her waist, pulling her closer, but she leaned back, needing air. Gasping for breath, she realized the entire common room had gone silent. Then, the cat calling, whistling, and cheering started up. She would bet that money was being exchanged, and she could imagine the looks on people's faces.

Hermione would be overjoyed, knowing how Ginny had been thinking of Harry for years.

Dean would be furious, and probably the cause of the glare burning a hole in her robes.

And Ron. He would have his 'protective older brother' face on, and most likely would be shocked. After all, Harry was his best friend. Hopefully he wouldn't consider this a betrayal.

Harry seemed to be scanning the faces behind Ginny, looking for something. He smiled, and then turned, and gestured to the still open portrait hole. Ginny grinned widely at him, and accepted his hand to climb down. They had a lot to talk about, and maybe they'd have time to get around to some of it.