Uh, can we consider this a sort of winter/Christmas thinger? Actually, this is the first RimaHiko one-shot I ever wrote, so it's not that great XD I write in these notebooks, and I have stuff from like, 3 years ago XD So enjoy~

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Her face turns upward, her golden eyes wide in wonder at the little fluff balls magically falling from the sky that's white instead of the clear blue she's used to. Her mouth parts slightly to allow the delicate flake to rest on her tongue, for precious few seconds, before it melts.

Her lips curl downward, the small action seemingly at ease with her angelic face. While others would have complained how uncute this was, everything her (1) was beautiful to him.

She stomps her foot to the ground, clearly frustrated at the magic balls of ice falling from the sky. He leans closer, just in time to hear her mutter "I don't want it to melt." Her frown deepens.

He doesn't bother to tell her why it melts.

He knows she would only chastise him anyway, and they were at peace. A fragile peace, but nonetheless, it was peace, and he was going to take every second he got with her.

He holds out his hand, covered in a woolen mitten, and catches two snowflakes in his gloved hand.

She gapes in astonishment when the flakes don't melt, earning a chuckle from him, and she's so awestruck she forgets to respond with her trademark glare, harsher than winters wind on bare skin.

He's so caught up in his moment of bliss; he puts his gloved hand to her lips.

Her eyes widen even more.

He removes his glove and shows it to her.

No snowflakes.

He grins, "All gone"

He covers her bare hand with his gloved one and wakes her home.

She still wasn't scowling.

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That was on purpose, I didn't put a about or anything infront of her because I wanted to display her as a whole, something that can't be divided.

Okay, I'm wondering whether or not to randomly put any other pairings in this, or stay with pure RimaHiko, and other pairings separate? Cuz I have some (lots) of ideas.

So, any errors, anything you like, dislike?

PRESS THE BUTTON OF LURVE~~( review button)