A Note From Lara: This fic is a request/belated birthday gift to ParaCaerOuVoar. Sorry it's not very good, but what can I say? Happy B-day Rachy, and here's to weird ships! *raises toast, which we'll pretend is champaign*

It was always Hiro's mission to save the cheerleader. Ando was just along for the ride.

But now it's his turn. With Hiro dead, killed at last by his tumor, with Matt Parkman refusing to help, and with Peter Petrelli missing, it's down to Ando to be the hero this time.

As Samuel stands over her, drawing solely on her ability to power him, she stares up at him with pleading green eyes, unable even to move.

And something snaps in Ando. It's time to step out of the shadows and save the cheerleader one last time.

His crimson arc has two settings- enhance and kill. Today, it's set on kill and turned on full.

It's horrible, and Ando feels ill as Samuel's ashes float to the floor.

But when Claire rises to her feet, her lacerations healing as the drain on her power disappears, she gives him a bright smile and a kiss on the cheek. And suddenly, Ando wonders why he never saved the cheerleader before.