Survivor Oblivion Australia Episode 1

Welcome to Australia a land of beauty and harshness. Forest fires are common, the hot days and cold nights take a toll on the body, flash floods and downpours happens often. These 16 castaways *16 people are shown on a plane looking out of the small windows* will be stranded here. Using their wits they will have to survive. Every three days someone will be voted out. 16 contestants, 39 days, 1 survivor. The two tribes are Timber Wolf consisting of.

Javolia Marborel. A 29 year old female Imperial Worshipper. *Shows her in a brown dress and boots*

Javolia's Confession: I am religious although I will not push my beliefs seeing what happened last year. I will still honor my God but I will not be an annoyance.

Zedrick Green. A 24 year old male Imperial Pirate. *An athletic guy wearing shorts and a green t-shirt*

Zedrick's Confession: I could do that pirate slang but I am not like that. I am strong, determined, and unlike Scurvy I will do well both physically and socially.

Jean-Pierre Lemonds. A 56 year old Breton male Former Arena Champion. *An older but still athletic male*

Jean-Pierre's Confession: I was the champion of the Arena for 10 years and I do have a lot of money from it but I am more useful to my tribe since I have much experience with leadership. I was a solider in the guard as well. I may look old but I can beat these young people in a fight anytime.

Talasma. A 28 year old female Khajiit innkeeper. *She is wearing a brown dress*

Talasma's Confession: I own kind of an Inn that makes above even every year but I feel like in am stuck in a dead end job. By winning this game I can relocate to a better location and run a better quality inn there.

Quill-Weave. A 42 year old female Argonian Writer. *Wearing brown long sleeve shirt and pants*

Quill-Weave's Confession: I may look old but I have amazing agility. So this old lizard is going to kick butt in the challenges thanks to many years or writing and climbing walls for 30 years.

Branwen a 22 year old female Redguard fighter. *Wearing a brown tank top and brown shorts*

Branwen's Confession: I am the youngest here which may put me as a disadvantage since I may not be able to relate to the older people but I am fit and strong which will give me an advantage in the challenges.

Mondar Henim a 26 year old male Dummer Necromancer. *Wearing a black robe*

Mondar's Confession: Necromancers are always shown as evil people who's goal is to raise an undead army and conquer the lands…it is mostly true except for the evil part. We just think the undead make better company. They don't eat all the food and talk about their new clothes.

Isleif a 30 year old male redguard thief. *Wearing normal brown clothes*

Isleif's Confession: I am the modern day Robin Hood. I steal from the rich and give to the poor. Whatever I win here I will donate to the poor. And 100 grand of gold is a lot. I barely steal 1000 gold a year on my best years.

The other tribe called Snow Wolf Tribe is made up of

Zabhila a 34 year old female Khajiit scout. *Wearing her brown leather armor*

Zabhila's Confession: I have 12 years of survival training. I know how to build a shelter, how to gather food, and how to make a fire…I need matches or flint first.

Wrath a 25 year old male Nord thief. *A thin Nord wearing a white shirt and dark brown pants*

Wrath's Confession: A am a thief. I am hoping to be like S'Krivva except more successful. I will cheat, steal, and lie to win.

Forocch a 36 year old male Bosmer innkeeper. *slightly overweight*

Forocch's Confession: Winning this game seems easy as running my Inn. Just lay back and wait for everything to unfold.

Ra'Jhan a 28 year old male Khajiit Commoner. *Normal looking Khajiit*

Ra'Jhan's Confession: I may seem like a very normal Khajiit but it will help me go under the radar and come back up when I take out the threats.

Gatrurn gro-Gonk a 34 year old male Orc Barbarian. *Huge Orc wearing fur armor*

Gatrurn's Confession: I am going to crush this competition! I will intimidate my opposition. This will not be a fair clean game.

Rona a 37 year old female redguard Bandit. *Wearing light armor*

Rona's Confession: I am loyal to no one. If I see an opportunity to switch I will take it. Anything that I win in this game will go to my new equipment.

Isa Raman a 32 year old female Imperial Priestess. *wearing a nice white and silver robe*

Isa's Confession: I have lived the life of luxury. I live in a well off temple and was raised by a rich family. In my time I have written ten books and keep a collection from every author. I may be well off but I am willing to get dirty for the money. Whatever I win I will donate to the poor.

Finally Hal-Liurz a 48 year old female Argonain Steward. *Older Argonian wearing a dress*

Hal-Liurz's Confession: I am like Jollring. I am well off and make about 7500 gold a year from my job but I am not lazy and I will not mention my profession.

*The plane lands and drops off a crate as the 16 castaways get off. The host comes out*

Host: You guys have two minutes to get whatever you can from the crate. *He opens the crate. You both have a map and compass to your camp. It is about a two hour hike. Good luck. The time starts…now!

*Both tribes run over to the crate and starts to unpack it*

Mondar's Confession: It was like a pack of zombies going after fresh prey. It was a mob. The stronger people pushed in and passed the supplies to the weaker ones. It was chaotic. The Orc from the other tribe even gave me some supplies by mistake.

Gaturn: Take this!

Mondar: Umm ok *He grabs the water can*

Wrath: You moron that was the other team.

Gaturn: What! Get back here!

Gaturn's Confession: Too many people are going after the crate. I think I angered the Nord by accidentally giving water to the guy in a black robe.

Host: 60 seconds.

*Both tribes continue to take stuff out of the crate.*

Zedrick: I got chickens!

Isleif: Give them to me!

Zedrick's Confession: I was going through the crate. It was a huge crate when I came across three chickens in a cage buried by firewood. I struggled against the Nord but I got them.

Host: 30 seconds

*The crate s almost empty as a couple jump in to get some of the stuff at the bottom which were the smallest.*

Wrath: There is no flint! Just random food and supplies!

Hal: Grab them!

Hal's Confession: I am too old for this. These younger people are going crazy in the crate. I just stood back telling them to hand me stuff.

Host: Ok time is up! The crate seems very cleaned out. You have your maps. See you at immunity.

Timber Wolf Tribe Day 1

*The tribe walks through the plains.*

Jean-Pierre: This way tribe.

Javolia: Ok, whatever.

Isleif: So Jean what do you do?

Jean: Well nothing just the Former Arena Champion.

Javolia: Wait the arena champion

Jean: Yep

Zedrick: Wow. I love you!

Jean: Thanks.

Isleif: Don't you have enough money?

Jean: I spent it all.

Jean-Pierre's Confession: I lied a bit. I do have money but I did not come here for the money. I have come here for the challenge. 25 straight wins as Champion. I do not think this will get be tougher than that.

Jean: So we go north *looks at the map*

Branwen: You sure

Jean: Of course I am sure. *looks at the map again*

Branwen's Confession: I never expected the former Arena Champion to be here. He is like a celebrity on this trip. It would be like being with the Hero of Kavatch or the Gray Prince. I am so excited. He is my hero since I am planning to go into the Arena in a few months.

Zedrick: I feel sorry for the other Tribe

Isleif: Me too

Zedrick: Look at all this stuff.

Zed's Confession: We got the water, we got firewood, and we got beans, corn, and most of the rice. We even managed to snag a tarp. There is nothing to stop us now.

Jean: According to the map we are halfway there.

Talasma: Great! Making fast work of this place.

Snow Wolf Tribe Day 1

*The Snow Wolf Tribe is walking through the field acting like they are lost*

Forocch: I know where we are going

Hal: You sure

Forocch: Of course I am sure.

Hal: Wouldn't it be better to give it to someone who knows how to navigate?

Forocch: I learned how to use compassed before I got to this game.

Ra'Jhan: Why not give it to Zabhila?

Forocch: Why?

Ra'Jhan: Because she is a scout

Forocch: No she isn't

Zabhila: Yes I am. I volunteered but you wanted to do it badly.

Forocch: Fine here *hands stuff to Zabhila who gives him the stuff she is carrying*

Forocch: Hey this stuff is heavy!

Zabhila's Confession: Before we left Forocch wanted to take control of the compass so I let him since he was quite stubborn. I have experience with surviving and navigating but my problem is the social game. I usually work alone for weeks scouting out the enemy so I am pretty quiet. Hopefully I can get a good game going.

Gaturn: So how long have you been a scout for?

Zabhila: About 15 years.

Gaturn: That is about as long as I have been a barbarian for.

*Hal and Forocch are behind the group struggling to catch up*

Gaturn's Confession: The two weaker ones. The fat Bosmer and the Old Lizard are definably going to screw us over in the challenges. If we lose I would not care which one goes first.

Hal: How much further?

Zabhila: About another hour.

Forocch: Oh man. This is hard work.

Rona: Welcome to the outback.

Rona's Confession: I can tell that Forocch and Hal are both pampered. Neither one is in shape. Nor are they use to this kind of work. They should have stayed home and never have come here in the first place.

Forocch's Confession: Seeing the previous season I thought this was going to be cake walk. But I haven't walked this far in a long time. I just stay in my inn and buy supplies from merchants that come by my Inn or grow my own food.

Timber Wolf Tribe Day 1

*They see the flag over the horizon*

Branwen: I see the flag!

Jean: Told you I know where we are going.

Talasma's Confession: Jean-Pierre is already getting on my nerves. He acts like he is best guy out here and knows what he is doing. He acts arrogant and self absorbed. My plan is not to take him down until the merge. He is strong so he is more useful to us here. He is practically a free boot if we have the numbers in the merge.

Jean: First things first. We need a leader. Anyone willing to step up?

Zed: I am if you are not willing.

Jean: I am always willing.

Zed: Then I don't

Quill: I vote for Jean

Isleif: Me too

Branwen: Me three

Javolia: Me four

Jean: Then it is settled. I am the leader of Timber Wolf Tribe.

Javolia's Confession: Jean-Pierre is the best choice for our leader. He is strong, loud, and knows what he is doing. It would be stupid to choose anyone else for the position.

Jean: First thing we need is shelter. So six of us will work on that. Talasma and Quill you two find our water source.

Quill: Ok. *Jean hands them the map.*

Quill's Confession: I am not 100% sure of his plan. He has the six stronger people with him and made the two weaker women to go get water. It made me a little uncomfortable.

*Quill and Talasma walks away to go get water*

Jean: So here is my plan. Use six will be in an alliance.

Isleif: Seriously? We barely know each other.

Jean: Trust me. I have been very observant and noticed that the two girls are the weakest in the tribe.

Jean's Confession: I sent the two girls away because they will probably be the least useful in this tribe. They are both pretty weak. So it should be no problem voting them out.

Mondar: Oh man I am so excited to be in an alliance.

Jean: No problem my dark robbed friend. Say what is with that robe. You look like a necromancer. Haha

Mondar: Because I am one. *Everyone stops working*

Jean: What?

Mondar: I am a Necromancer.

Branwen: What the hell!? You freak!

Jean: Wait! Wait! Do not judge him based on his profession. There are many professions I do not like but Mondar got us the water.

Branwen: Fine but I still do not like him.

Mondar's Confession: Well I think I made the million dollar mistake on hour three. I should have never said I am a Necromancer. Now both Redguards hate me…because Redguards hate Necromancers. Now I feel vulnerable. Stupid *hits his head with his fist* stupid. *knocks himself out* ow.

Snow Wolf Tribe Day 1

*They see the flag in the distance*

Hal: The flag!

Rona: About time!

Hal's Confession: When I saw that flag I was relieved. I have been walking for about 3 hours and I was pretty tired. I was about ready to collapse.

Gaturn: We may have lost the water, only have one bag of rice, but I did get us some poles for the shelter.

Wrath: Those are supports to a shelter. Wow.

Zabhila: Making a shelter should be easy now.

Forocch: Good less work.

Wrath: We are still going to do a lot of work so don't think you are off the hook yet.

Forocch: Oh man.

Forocch's Confession: Just when I thought. Yes a break! Wrath told me there is still work to be done. I am tired, hungry, thirsty, and hot. Give me a break. Even a five minute one!

*They start setting up the poles*

Rona: Careful

Isa: Don't worry.

Rona: Say that Robe looks pretty nice

Isa: Thanks. My Temple gave it to me before I headed out. It is suppose to bring good luck.

Rona: Really?

Isa: Yeah

Rona: You religious?

Isa: I am a priestess.

Rona: I am not very religious.

Isa: I don't judge based on your belief so don't worry.

Rona: Good.

Zabhila: You seem to be like the one that works in the mud and dirt

Isa: I know but I am willing to do it for the money.

Zabhila: What are you going to use the money for?

Isa: I am donating it to the poor.

Isa's Confession: At first look I may be the one who looks stuck up and rich but I am far from it. I am motivated to work no matter how difficult and dirty it might be. This nice robe is going to get very dirty by the time this game is over. But I will not care. Every piece of gold is worth it because that is one more piece to the poor that they don't have and they will get.

Rona's Confession: I do admit I like Isa. She is really doing a good thing but I see her as a threat. She is pretty, likable, hard working, selfless, and is donating everything to the poor. I can't beat that! We are complete opposites…except for the hard working.

Zabhila: We need a leader for this tribe. *Is attaching the poles together*

Gaturn: I nominate myself.

Zabhila: Well I think it is between you, Isa, and…

Hal: You Zabhila

Zabhila: I am not really the leader type.

Rona: You navigated us here.

Zabhila: I am not good with leading people.

Isa: I understand. No one is pressuring you.

Zabhila: Isa you seem more like the leader type.

Isa: Who wants me for leader?

*Everyone but Gaturn and Wrath raises their hands*

Zabhila: Congratulations new leader.

Gaturn's Confession: I really wanted to be leader. What is better than a six foot nine 280 pound Orc? Nothing. And no one except for Wrath wanted me as leader.

Timber Wolf Tribe Night 1

*Its started to rain a little as the shelter's supports were built. The rest of the tribe was huddled under the tarp*

Javolia's Confession: I was freezing out tonight. The rain came in and our shelter could not even support a roof yet. This night is going to be hell. My body is dry and cold but the ground is wet so the only way to have any warmth is to huddle together.

Snow Wolf Tribe Night 1

*The poles were up and a floor was in place keeping the tribe off the ground but without a roof they were getting pounded by the rain*

Ra'Jhan: It's cold here.

Rona: I know.

Wrath: I wish we had a tarp.

Ra'Jhan's Confession: We made progress with the shelter except there is no roof. How can we live without a roof? That is our priority for tomorrow if we don't freeze to death or drown.

Timber Wolf Tribe Day 2

*The tribe continues to work on the shelter.*

Isleif: Awful night last night.

Talasma: The ground is so muddy.

Isleif's Confession: The rain stopped last night but now we kind of live in a swamp. Walking around is hard and it is still very cold out. This better be the worst of it.

Talasma: So when I was away getting water what did you guys talk about?

Isleif: How to build a shelter.

Talasma: Really? *Uses her tail to rub his legs*

Isleif: Ummm do not tell Jean but we made a five person alliance.

Talasma: Five? What happened to the sixth?

Isleif: Mondar is not in it. We found out he is a Necromancer.

Talasma: Thanks for telling me cutie.

Talasma's Confession: I am a little bit of a flirt. So I am good at getting some important information out of people. Now I know where I stand in this tribe. And me and Quill were right. They plotted against us when we were gone getting water.

Snow Wolf Tribe Day 2

*Some of the tribe members were putting on the roof.*

Wrath: You sure about this roof?

Zabhila: Yeah it will keep out some of the rain.

Wrath: Hopefully.

Zabhila's Confession: Last night hurt us big time. Our upbeat moral is gone. The rain washed it away. So I decided to make the roof to our shelter. It will not bet he best but it is better than nothing.

*Ra'Jhan and Rona are off to get water*

Ra'Jhan: Anyone you are looking to take out if we lose?

Rona: Hal is older than Forocch

Ra'Jhan: I have noticed.

Rona: But we need to see them both in action before we can decide. One of them may amaze us in the challenge.

Ra'Jhan's Confession: I am hoping that I can gather enough people to vote out Hal or Forocch but it seems everyone is thinking the same thing. I talked with everyone one on one. So if we lose it might be an interesting vote if we lose.

*Wrath is at the food supply which is basically a bunch of fresh fruit and vegetables he grabs an orange and slips it into his pocket.*

Wrath's confession: I am a thief. A very slippery one. Stealing a fruit or two from our supply doesn't seem bad. It will give me some extra energy. This orange if I had left it alone would have been split eight ways. I don't do that. I want the entire thing.

Timber Wolf Tribe Day 3

Zed: Time to see if the mail is here! *looks in the mail box* Yes there is. *goes back to camp* Tree mail!

Jean: Our first challenge.

Zed's Confession: Our first challenge is today. I have to admit I am pretty nervous. I am not sure how strong the other tribe is. I think we are stronger but you can never know.

Immunity Challenge

*The tribes walk in*

Host: Greetings. So Timber Wolf Tribe how are you doing?

Mondar: Feels as good as a freshly raised corpse.

Host: Umm ok. Snow Wolf Tribe?

Wrath: Pretty good.

Host: Ok today's challenge is pretty simple. You have a torch. You must cross over obstacles and through the river. The catch is your tribe will be carrying you on a cart. If the torch goes out you must run all the way back to re-light it using that path for the cart then you have to go through the course again so losing your flame could really hurt you in this challenge. First tribe to light this bonfire wins immunity and flint. Lets get to your places.

*They get into their places*

Host: Carrying the torch for Timber Wolf tribe is Talasma. Carrying the Torch for Snow Wolf is Forocch. Survivors ready? Go!

*Both tribes start out even as they cross the small bumps making the torch holders bounce then they both get to some big pot holes in the ground. Talasma almost falls off but recovers at the last second. Hal is struggling for Snow Wolf and is struggling to keep up.

Wrath: Hal keep up!

Hal: I am trying.

*Timber Wolf tribe goes on ahead and gets to the water where they are taking it slow.*

Jean: Keep going do not let them catch up!

*Snow Wolf gets to the water but loses control as he cart dives into the water causing Forocch to drop the torch*

Gaturn: Forocch hold onto the *beep*ing torch! Now we have to go back!

*Timber Wolf tribe gets out of the water and Talasma gets out and lights the fire*

Host: Timber Wolf wins immunity. *The tribe cheers as the Host hands them flint and immunity* Congrats Timber Wolf you won immunity and flint. Snow Wolf tribe. I have nothing for you I will see you at tribal council tonight.

Timber Wolf Tribe Day 3

*The tribe comes back and starts trying to light the fire*

Jean: Great job team.

Zed: we rocked today.

Jean's Confession: We won fire today. I guess we showed the other tribe who is boss around here. Now to dominate them and make them feel like real losers. I am sure that we can win five out of six immunities and four out of five rewards.

*Jean strikes the flint and starts the fire*

Jean: That was easy.

Isleif: I think we have a good tribe.

Jean: Yeah, we have a few weak ones but they should give us no trouble.

Isleif's Confession: I kind of noticed that Jean is getting kind of arrogant. He did not thank Talasma for staying on the cart. There is nothing on there to hold on to. So I kinda wanted to show Talasma that she deserved some credit.

Isleif: I think you should get some credit for staying on the cart.

Talasma: Thanks

Isleif: Thanks for helping us win immunity. I will do whatever I can to get you into the merge.

Talasma: Great. Thanks Isleif.

Snow Wolf Tribe Day 3

*The tribe came back to camp. Some were bitter*

Wrath: Damn it. This was humiliating.

Forocch: It was a mistake

Wrath: A costly one.

Gaturn: You and Hal *beep*ed up badly.

Forocch: I am sorry.

Wrath's Confession: We lost our challenge today. We only had six people putting effort in the challenge. Hal did nothing during the challenge and Forocch messed up big time. I wish it was a double tribal council so we could vote both of them off.

Zabhila: Just calm down a bit.

Wrath: We should not have lost that challenge

Zabhila: There is always next time.

Zabhila's Confession: Wrath kind of lost his cool. I would vote him off if he wasn't pulling his weight. Not it will either be Hal who I liked but is a big liability in the challenges or Forocch who is also a liability and complains a lot.

Hal: So I am on the chopping block right?

Zabhila: Yes, sorry to say

Hal: I understand.

Zabhila: Your only chance is to vote for Forocch

Hal: I am planning on it.

Zabhila: I like you but you are just weak

Hal: I understand if you vote for me. I won't hold anything against you

Zabhila: Thanks.

Hal's Confession: Well it looks to be a close vote. Me and Forocch are on the chopping block. I just wish I was 20 years younger because I use to be fit back then. How I miss the old days.

*The tribe gathers their stuff and heads out*

Forocch's Confession: I feel that I may go today since I dropped the torch but Hal might go before me. I guess I will see what happens during tribal council.

Tribal Council #1

Host: Welcome everyone. Grab a torch. In this game fire represents your life. Ok, so lets start from the beginning. Rona how was your first three days here like?

Rona: Hot, cold, wet, dry, thirsty. All of those things. It is hard out here.

Host: I can imagine that. It has been in the 90's for the last three days. Ra'Jhan how is the shelter coming along?

Ra'Jhan: Very nice. We grabbed the poles for the base of the shelter and it has been a blessing.

Host: Figured one of you guys grabbed it. Hal what happened during the challenge today?

Hal: Three days with little food and water took its toll and I burned out in the challenge.

Host: So going back to the crate what would any of you do if you had the chance? Gaturn?

Gaturn: Remember that the Dummer in black robes is not a tribe member.

Host: What happened?

Gaturn: I gave him a four gallon thing of water.

Host: Ouch. Wrath what would you have grabbed if you had a second chance?

Wrath: The tarp and a bag of beans. All we got was a bag of rice.

Host: Anyone feeling vulnerable tonight? *Forocch and Hal raises their hands* I know Hal you feel vulnerable why do you feel vulnerable Forocch?

Forocch: Because I dropped the torch in the water.

Host: Do you guys have a leader? Because I know that leaderless tribes always fall apart.

*Isa raises her hands*

Isa: I am elected the leader of the tribe. Mainly because they seem to respect my use for the money I would get?

Host: What will you use it for?

Isa: I am giving it to the poor.

Host: It is time to vote Zabhila you are up first.

*Zabhila votes*

*vote hidden*

Zabhila: It is for the good of the tribe.

*Wrath votes*


Wrath: You are weak and useless. Although I like your personality. If you were 20 years younger you would be staying.

*Forocch votes*

*Gaturn votes*

*For Roach*

Gaturn: Not sure how to spell your name. Hope this is close enough.

*Ra'Jhan votes*

*Rona votes*

*Isa votes*

*Hal votes*

*Forocch *

Hal: It is either you or me tonight. I am pretty scared so should you.

Host: Ok let me count the votes *Gets the urn* Person voted out will eave the area immediately.

First vote


Second vote

For Roach

Third vote


Fourth vote

Hal sorry

Tied at two each.

Fifth vote


Sixth vote


Seventh vote


One vote left

First person vote out of Survivor is


Hal-Liurz bring me your torch. *snuffs torch* The tribe has spoken *Hal walks away* Hopefully this tribe can pull it together. I do not want to see another Godddess tribe.

Hal's Final Cofession: I guess my age hurt me a lot in the game. I hold nothing against them I would have voted for myself if it was up to me. Good luck.

Voted for Hal: Zabhila, Wrath, Forocch, Ra'Jhan, Rona

Voted for Forocch: Gaturn, Isa, Hal