AN: I apologize for taking so freaking long to update. I just kind of got out of fanfiction for a little while, and when I started going back on, I kind of forgot about this story, and just stopped updating, all together, and I apologize for this. Also, I don't know when the next time I will update will be so I apologize for that. I will try harder to update though. Thanks J

The next morning, Ferb woke up almost completely forgetting what had happened the night before. Almost. He still felt hurt by what Phineas said, and he was glad he finally went away. He was also glad that nobody knew where he was. As he looked out the window he had a great view of Danville. As he walked into the kitchen he saw his new "guardian" talking to a platypus.

"Perry the platypus, what an unexpected surprise, and by unexpected I mean COMPLTLETY EXPECTED!"

Just then Perry looked over at Ferb, and Ferb looked over at Perry.

"What do you two know each other or something?" Doofenshmirtz asked.

"Well actually he's my-"

"It doesn't really matter I suppose. Anyways Perry, you may be wondering why I have a little green-haired boy staying in my humble home. And the reason is…well I don't know. Why ARE you here?" He asks Ferb

"Well, you see, me and my step-brother got into a gigantic fight last night, and I ran away. I felt as though nobody even appreciated me."

"Oh yeah? Well you never had to work as a lawn-gnome!"

Perry faced-palmed.

Candace woke up feeling awkward about that happened last night with little Suzy. She called Stacy to confront her about it.

"Hey Stace? It's me Candace."

"Candace, I know. I have caller I.D."

"Look I have a HUGE problem. You know what happened with me and Jeremy right?"

"Uh, duh! Everybody knows! Well except for Jeremy of course."

"That's the problem! Last night little Suzy told me that if I told Jeremy he would hate me and never speak to me again!"

"Come on Candace, I'm sure Jeremy isn't that kind of guy."

"Well he might be…"

"Come on Candace, he came back from PARIS because he missed you. He won't just leave you cause you're preggo with his baby."

"Well, I guess you might be right…but how do I tell him?"

"Just sit down with him, and calmly explain it to him."

"I'm not good with that."

"Oh! Or you could get your mom to talk to Jeremy's mom about it! They're friends right?"

"Stace! You're a genius!"

"Would you mind telling my mom that?"

Linda was sitting in the kitchen reading the newspaper when Lawrence walked in.

"Good morning Linda, darling!"

"Morning. Look, about what we talked about the other day-"

Then Candace came running into the room.

"Mom! Mom!"

"What NOW Candace?"

"You know how I'm preggo with Jeremy's baby?"


"I thought you knew!"

"I didn't! But I do now! When did this happen?"

"Never mind…."

Linda was completely confused, as Lawrence left the house.

Okay, so I know it wasn't great, but I haven't written it in a while :P I hoped you liked it anyways. Thanks for reading J