A/N: This is it, the last chapter! I was going to have an endnote, but didn't want to spoil it, so I stuck one here instead. (And yes, I intended the abrupt ending.) If you have any final questions or comments, I'll try to address them as best I can! Thank you so much for sticking through this and for all the reviews I've gotten! Happy reading!


All eyes were watching as Tohru and Kyo entered the reception. Everyone at the wedding agreed that they made a beautiful couple. They stepped in, arm and arm, as they were announced as Mr. and Mrs. Sohma. They strode gracefully across the dance floor. Kyo took his place next to Shigure, as Tohru settled next to Arisa. As she turned to face the way she had come, she took one hand off the bouquet of white and pink roses she was holding to smooth the flowing pink skirt of her halter dress. She and Arisa shared a smile as Kyo straightened the pink carnation pinned to his lapel. Tohru then turned to her husband, and with a soft smile he slipped his hand into hers as they both looked back towards the entrance. Megumi came in next, his suit and flower matching Kyo's and Shigure's. Holding his hand was a small, shy girl with dark brown hair and darker eyes. This child had a small white basket hanging over one arm; there were still a few pink and white petals clinging to the bottom. The girl clutched Megumi's hand as her frightened eyes swept over the crowd, finally settling on Tohru and Kyo in front of her. An adorable grin spread instantly over her face as she dropped Megumi's hand, and the basket, to run forward with her arms outstretched. A small laugh rippled through the onlookers as Megumi smiled and picked up the fallen basket, moving to stand on Shigure's other side. Kyo had already bent down and swiftly scooped the small child into his arms. Tohru smiled warmly at the two of them, knowing how much it meant to Kyo to be able to hold his daughter, even if it meant she was cursed like him. Tohru thought back to that day, three years ago, not long after their own wedding.

"Tohru? We're home!" Kyo called as Yuki and Shigure entered behind him. Even though Kyo and Tohru had gotten married, the four still lived in Shigure's housed. Tohru ran out of the kitchen and clutched her husband's hands. They both started to speak at once, Tohru more excitedly, Kyo more subdued.

"You'll never believe what we found out at the estate," he said, at the same moment she blurted, "You'll never believe what I found out today!"

"Akito's died."

"I'm pregnant!"

All was silent for a moment as they took in each other's news. Then, the men burst out excitedly for Tohru, who, flustered, insisted that they shouldn't be this happy when Akito had just died.

"Not to worry, Tohru. Akito was very sick his whole life," Shigure assured her. "We can all have a little rest now, until the next head of the family is born. We should be celebrating! It's not every day a member of the Zodiac is able to have a child!"

Nine months later, a baby girl had been born, delivered by Hatori. She was sick from the beginning, but nothing too threatening. All of the members of the Zodiac knew, somehow, without being able to explain how they knew, that this girl was Akito's replacement. Tohru and Kyo vowed to raise her to love, not to hate, as Akito had been raised. Her name was Hanako Airi Sohma.

Tohru's thoughts snapped back to the present as the speakers boomed, "And now, appearing for their first dance as a married couple, I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Yuki Sohma!" Tohru and Arisa clapped loudly as Yuki and Hana swept into the room and began their first dance.

Yuki gazed lovingly into his new bride's eyes. His thoughts also went back to a day three years ago.

Yuki sat nervously in the café, waiting for her to appear. Finally, the door opened and Hana stepped in. She glanced around and saw him sitting at a table. He hoped she wouldn't hear his heart beat as she approached. He was only even able to attempt to do this knowing that Akito was gone, and couldn't punish him for it.

"You wanted to see me, Yuki?" Hana sat down across from him. Yuki nodded, swallowing a lump in his throat.

"Do you remember when we were in high school, and you stopped speaking to me?" he questioned. Hana nodded slowly. "When I finally was able to speak to you again, you said you were ashamed, because you had expressed feelings for me that I didn't return. You told me you understood my need to make up a story. I told you I had been foolish when I told you that, and I still hoped to be friends."

"I remember all of that, Yuki." Hana smiled gently. "I even remember this as the place you told me that story."

"Yes, well…" Yuki gulped again. "If it isn't too late, I'd like a second chance."

That had been the beginning. At first, Hana had been offended that he never hugged her, despite his assurances that he couldn't. She accused him of using an impossible excuse, fretted that he didn't really want to be with her, until finally one day at his house he proved it once and for all. Hana didn't scream and run away; she stayed with him, stopped arguing, and said yes when he later proposed. Ayame made the dresses, Tohru and Arisa served as co-bridesmaids, and now they were finally sharing their wedding dance. They rested their hands on each other gently, neither holding the other too close for fear something should happen - they wanted everyone to remember every moment of their wedding.

"My two girls!" Arisa wailed later as she, Tohru and Hana stood in a tight circle. "When is Ayame gonna make me a pretty white dress so you two can be my co-maids of honor?"

Hana laughed lightly. "I believe Shigure is still single."

Tohru squealed. "Could you imagine all being sisters and living together?" They all laughed, then actually pictured it, and laughed even louder.

"It wouldn't work, would it," Arisa conceded. The other two girls agreed.

"Congratulations, Yuki!" Momiji told his cousin. "Can I be the ring bearer at your next wedding?"

Yuki laughed. "I hope I won't need another wedding! Hana's really all that I need."

"Aw, Yuki, you're getting mushy," Hatsuharu complained.

"Yes, well, I'm happy with Hana, and she seems to be happy with me. Hm?" Yuki turned, feeling a small tug on his pant leg.

"Congwatuwathuns, Unca Yuki," Hanako intoned shyly. Yuki smiled brightly down at her.

"Thank you, Hanako. You were a wonderful flower girl. Did you have fun?"

The girl nodded happily. "I threw the petalth!"

The Sohmas all laughed, then Momiji took the little girl's hand. "Come on, Hanako, come dance with your Uncle Momiji!" In moments, he was swinging her high into the air on the dance floor. Kyo and Tohru could barely be heard telling him to be careful over Hanako's peals of laughter.

When the reception was finally over, Hana sat leaning her head against Yuki's shoulder in the back seat of the limo. "I had such a beautiful time tonight," she murmured.

Yuki kissed the top of her head lightly. "I'm glad. I'm just happy that we're finally together."

"I love you, Yuki Sohma."

"I love you too, Hana Sohma."

Hana grinned and snuggled closer to her new husband. They were both silent for a moment before she spoke again.

"Now which of your cousins should we set Arisa up with?"