Title: Star-Gazing Gone Wild
Rating: PG-13.
Pairing: ZukaFuji
Genre: Romance, Humor
Summary: Sequel to Speed-Dating Gone Wrong. Atobe and Saeki arrange a romantic date under the star-lit sky for their virgin best friends, Tezuka and Fuji.
Warning: My second attempt (after Speed-Dating Gone Wrong) at alternating POV and different writing style. (Got tired of writing crack à la Magical Buchou)
Disclaimer: Again, I must say that if one day I owned them, I would marry Tezuka and Fuji together, make Atobe go bankrupt just for the heck of it and tennis would be the last thing on my mind.
A/N: BEWARE ALTERNATING POV. The story is written in Saeki's POV, then Atobe's, then back to Saeki and so on.
~Star-Gazing Gone Wild~
… and today, we meet here once again.
Truthfully speaking, I was quite surprised when I first received a phone call from Atobe out of the blue. I've never met him in person before, but his company's name was famous enough throughout Japan (and probably overseas as well) that anyone who possessed a minimum of social knowledge knew of him. He told me over the phone to meet his almighty self at a coffee shop the next day at a given time to discuss matters of the heart. I almost laughed out loud when he said that his best friend fell in love with mine after we both coincidentally forced them to go to a speed-dating session. How he obtained my cell phone number though, would stay a mystery for I had no intention of uncovering his sources.
The next day, as planned, a limousine waited for me outside my apartment and we headed towards the coffee shop to further our plans of match-making Fuji and Tezuka. Atobe proved to be quite sly in his schemes. I disapproved of them though, for I did not think locking Tezuka and Fuji in a closet would be very productive. I proposed a blind date in a five star restaurant, but he said Tezuka wasn't much of a romantic and knowing Fuji, he wouldn't take the initiation if just to prove me that he is stubborn on keeping his virginity, thus annoying the hell out of me.
Sighing, I seriously wonder if we could ever come up with something appropriate that would suit them both.
"How about star-gazing? According to the media, there will be a phenomenal meteor shower tomorrow night and the view from Japan will be spectacular," Atobe proposed. "Besides, girls like that stuff, Ore-sama knows."
I twitch, trying to hold back a smirk that desperately wanted to be let out. "Fuji is a male," I told him while trying not to laugh at his expression.
He regarded me with one quirked eyebrow and grinned. "Ore-sama should have known…"
"Perhaps you should fire your secret investigator, he isn't doing a very good job," I joke.
He glared at me and clapped his hands. "Oi Kabaji," he called, and before I could blink a butler stood by his side. Now I'm quite awed by his promptness. Not bad, not bad at all. "Call Tezuka for me and inform him he has a date tomorrow morning at one o'clock, and that he will be fired if he doesn't show up dressed correctly and with a bouquet of roses," Atobe instructed.
"Usu," the butler replied.
I stare at him inquiringly and chuckle despite myself. "I see, so you use blackmail to get him to do what you want," I say mockingly.
"Ore-sama can do whatever I want," he answers, and escorts me back to my house. "I'll see you and Fuji tomorrow night by the lake," he orders, leaving no place for me to argue. I had no intention of it though, since star-gazing seemed like something Fuji would enjoy doing. Now, all I have to do is force Fuji to go, and then, adieu virginity!
Pulling out my phone, I smirk again as I dialled my best friend's number. When he picked up, I told him that his boss wanted to meet him tomorrow morning by the lakeside to discuss matters with him. He was sceptical, but when I told him that his boss was too embarrassed to ask him out in person and had to refer to my prowess at matchmaking, he couldn't refuse the invitation even if it were just so he could turn his boss down.
Tapping my fingers on my limousine impatiently, my mighty self wondered where in the world were that Saeki and my employee's date. "Oi Kabaji, what time is it?" I ask, my rich and mellifluous voice resonating through the silent night. "Tezuka is getting impatient from waiting. If they don't arrive soon, I'll send my search patrol for them."
Using my insight, because it never failed when Ore-sama used it, I tried to see past the night from my hiding place. Ore-sama was not hiding though, for my almighty self was too brilliant to be hidden from the public, but if Tezuka sees me, my supreme plan would go to waste. And Ore-sama's supreme plans never go to waste.
Scrutinizing the area again, I finally spot a silhouette with honey-brown hair walking uneasily towards Tezuka. The moment after, a hand descended on my shoulder, which did not make Ore-sama jump at all. Ore-sama never jumped, even if hands descended on his shoulders from nowhere. "You're late," I said haughtily at Saeki, without even needing to turn around to know who it was. After all, my sublime self was never wrong.
"Sorry for startling you," he apologized, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly (don't ask how I know without looking at him, Ore-sama has capabilities beyond your comprehension). "Fuji was stubborn and unwilling to face his boss."
"His boss?" I inquire.
"It's an excuse for him to go. I told him his boss wanted to date him so that he couldn't refuse the invitation."
I scoff elegantly, because Ore-sama was just so good that even scoffing could be done gracefully. "Lame. Ore-sama thought you could do better than that."
He hushes me by placing his hand in front of my pliant lips. "Stop talking! Look, they are getting into the mood!" He told my beautiful self. When I finally got a good look at them from behind the bushes, I noticed they were indeed getting quite close to each other. The fruit of their love would be born all thanks to Ore-sama's flawless scheming.
And then Tezuka would finally lose his virginity. Because Ore-sama can accomplish anything he wants, even if it meant melting the ice man.
I become more and more exited as Fuji approached Tezuka. They sat down in silence on the grass, right in front of the lake. They watched the stars silently for a while, Fuji taking photos and Tezuka offering his quiet presence. Time passed… and still, they wouldn't talk to each other. I sigh, frustrated at their unproductiveness. How could two virgins, at the age of twenty one and on the verge of getting deflowered, act so painfully platonic was beyond my comprehension. I was itching for them to frigging get a clue and start ravishing already!
I turn around, tugging at Atobe's sleeve and gesturing for him to do something, anything, to stir up the mood because if he didn't, I seriously contemplated the idea of locking Tezuka and Fuji in a closet and letting them out only when they would both lose their innocence. Atobe shook his head, indicating that he was thinking of a plan.
I sigh, shifting my attention back on my old, chaste couple. Fuji Syuusuke, if you don't talk to him this moment, I swear I'm going to… But before I could finish my cursing, Fuji turned to look at Tezuka and smiled. I prayed for something to happen.
"So we were tricked to meet again," my best friend said to Tezuka, who simply nodded. They lapsed into another round of silent companionship and I started getting impatient again.
Above, the meteor shower began, millions of sparks falling from the sky, lighting the dark night. I could see Fuji snapping photos incessantly, while Tezuka stared at him working.
"It's beautiful, isn't it," Fuji whispered to him.
"Ah," Tezuka replied, staring at Fuji instead of the sky and the dancing stars.
… Okay, sappiness. I glance at Atobe, and was rewarded with the sight of him smirking from ear to ear. "Tezuka is a closet romantic," he told me shamelessly. "He just doesn't know it yet."
Right. When I looked back at them, they were silently shifting closer to each other while being oblivious to the other's action. When finally their hips touched, they both jumped and Fuji quickly retreated. Lowering his camera for once, he apologized quickly, trying his best to hide his growing blush and concentrated on the night sky instead. Tezuka turned away as well, rearranging his glasses nervously and trying in vain to calm down.
"Have you ever wished upon a shooting star, Tezuka?" Fuji asks nostalgically, when he was composed again and at a fair distance from the taller youth.
"No," the other deadpanned. I sigh. So much for romance tonight.
Just as I was about to slap myself from the lack of everything in this secret date, Fuji chuckled, successfully taking me aback. He regarded Tezuka with unshielded eyes and brought his hands together in front of his chest. "When I was young, I used to watch meteor showers with my little brother and my best friend. We lived in Chiba at that time, and we had fun wishing upon the shooting stars," Fuji began, his voice melancholic and painful. "I used to always wish well for my sick brother, but in the end, he passed away… I sometimes still find myself wishing he could come back."
Remembering my own past with Fuji, I lower my eyes as well. Yuuta was a good boy, but he was terribly sick at that time. I missed him too.
I felt myself grin again though, when Tezuka silently shifted closer to Fuji. "I'm sorry to hear that," he told him. My best friend smiled gratefully at him, but said nothing else otherwise. They watched the dancing stars, Fuji having completely forgotten about his photos for once and Tezuka glancing wistfully at the night sky.
I turn around, giving Atobe a thumbs-up. They were almost touching! Now, all we need is a bed and some essential material for human reproduction… (or maybe not, I added as an afterthought, since they were both males.) Atobe smirked at my antics, knowing that we were going to win this battle sooner or later. After all, there was only so much unresolved sexual tension they could handle, having bottled up their teenage urges until now.
Atobe tapped my shoulder, indicating for me to follow him. I did so, after silently standing up and shooting one last glance at the soon-to-be-couple.
"Ore-sama has a way to stir up the mood," my mighty self declared once we were at a fair distance from them. Ore-sama always made sure his plans wouldn't be spoiled after all. Saeki regarded my beautiful face for a while, lifting one inquiring eyebrow. I grin haughtily, closing my eyes and flipping my hair with a smooth flick of my elegant wrist. "Kabaji will bring us a group of musicians that will play the classical version of the song 'Romeo and Juliet'. That should be good enough."
Saeki's face dropped. "That's your ingenious plan…?" He asked, sounding quite disappointed. Ore-sama wonders why.
"Yes. And it's Ore-sama's unbeatable ingenious plan to you," I reply.
The musicians arrived shortly after and began playing. I grin as Saeki and my beautiful self position ourselves to spy on them once more.
Fuji stood up gracefully and looked around when the music reached his ears. I tensed up, knowing that he knew that I was somehow behind all of this. If this doesn't end well, I might as well be digging my graveyard. He scanned his surroundings, but thanks to the darkness, he failed to notice me and Atobe hiding as dignifiedly as we could behind the bushes.
Sighing in defeat when he failed to spot me, Fuji turned back to Tezuka and stretched out a hand for him to grab. The bespectacled youth frowned slightly before taking the offered hand and pulling himself up. Immediately, Fuji snaked his arms around him and began rocking to the soft melody. Tezuka's eyes widened, staring at my best friend's face before relaxing and letting himself sway alongside his body. They danced under the shooting stars, Fuji smiling contentedly and Tezuka's expressionless face softening ever so slightly. I no longer knew if I should be happy for them or running to the dentist's to get my toothache fixed. I liked to match-make people… but watching them getting all mushy was another story entirely. Poking Atobe on the side –I laugh when he jumped, even though he denied he did–, I asked him to stop the music or else I would start getting cavities. He promptly refused, saying that they were finally getting into the mood.
Defeated, I sigh as they continued gliding to the beat. If only they would trip on a root or something, and start getting to business… I curse under my breath. A yelp tore through the silent night, and the next thing I knew, Fuji tripped on a root and fell, successfully pulling Tezuka along in his downfall. I grin. It must be the shooting stars. Before I could stop myself, I stood up and more or less shouted "awesome!", my distinct voice echoing through the night. Atobe shushed me hastily and pinned me to the ground.
"Do you want them to hear you?" He whispered urgently.
"Who cares? They are about to deflower each other!"
"Yeah right," Atobe said sarcastically. "Take a good look for yourself."
When I looked back, frowning slightly, Tezuka had his lips pressed to Fuji's. But the latter pushed him away, quickly standing up covering his mouth with his hand. "I'm sorry… you can't do that…" he told Tezuka reluctantly.
What the hell, Fuji! You just had to gain your senses back at the freaking best moment!
"I… I'm a male…" my best friend confessed. "I'm sorry," he apologized again and ran away.
Tezuka brought his hand to his lips, closing his eyes and stood there silently for a while. When he revealed his gorgeous hazel eyes once more, it was to breathe in deeply and then sigh dejectedly. "I see…" he muttered quietly to himself, "then perhaps we aren't meant to be." Staring one last time at the peaceful scenery as if to imprint it in his mind, he then left as well, walking in the opposite direction Fuji had took.
When Tezuka disappeared from my vision, Atobe stood up, frustrated, and scolded me none too gently. "Way to ruin the mood," he scoffed indignantly.
I glared at nothing in particular, fisting my hands tightly. Perhaps we should try harder next time. Atobe seemed to have the same idea as me, for he gently patted my slumped shoulder and asked me to meet him again next week, same place, same time. According to him, he had more ingenious plans up his sleeves and this was only the awkward beginning of a long match-making attempt. Next time, he promised, would be the time to make them fall head over heels for the other, so much that they would have no choice but to both get deflower each other to relieve the unresolved sexual tension.
For this next time that would surely come, I seriously considered locking them in the locker room and letting nature take its course.
~To be Continued~
A/N: I wanted this to be a two-shot, for Tezuka the ice-man can't just fall in love so easily. Please be patient for the next chapter… exams are coming in a week, and I need to study…
Meanwhile, if you have time, please do vote in my profile for the next fic I should write. Thank you so much for sticking with me! ^^