Disclaimer: I don't own anything. This goes for the chapter before which I forgot all about and for the future chapters!!

So a couple of things. I totally killed my finals. Except for English. Yikes. We don't even want to talk about that. Its ironic how even though English may be your first language, you still suck at it. But give me some credit, the test was straight AP style, and for those of you who knows what that is and how hard it is, you understand.

I reread GG3 and I have a theory that Zach is a double agent because (spoiler) at the end when the van swerves to get Cammie at the presidential party where she's talking to Zach in the Ally, he says "you?" and looks at Zach. Super intense stuff.

And isn't that how life goes. The boy chases the girl then the girl has to chase the boy. Ugh. Boys!! Haha

OOOh, keep in mind there will not be any Zachy in this story unless I write a super long story and have him come later. Idk though. And also reminder that Macey will still be kinda mean cause she doesn't really get cool I guess you could call it until like GG2. soo yeah.

And on to the story…

I told Josh Goodnight and that I'd see him in a few days when I told everybody the truth and that they'd probably want to interrogate him and that he probably shouldn't worry if big dudes dragged him away. It was standard protocol.

I smiled at Josh and started walking towards the door.

"Where are you going? Don't you need a ride home or something?"

"No. Walking 2 miles is not a big deal. Besides, if anyone sees me showing up with you, Bex, well she'd kill you. And then me. She's intense."

"Alright. I'll see you."

I walked home and when I finally entered my dorm room, Bex, Liz, and Macey were all sitting on their beds waiting expectantly.

"Guys, before y'all kill me, I have some serious news that y'all might not like. Um…Well it took me so long to get home because…well I sorta…uhmmm…told him the truth."

"You What?!?!?!" Bex shouted.

"Are you insane. You could go to prison. He could be killed for knowing too much. What is wrong with you?! I can't..I..WTF?"

When Bex is at a loss for words, you know something bad has to be up.

"I know. You can yell at me tomorrow. I'm exhausted. It's 2:14. Please."

"Fine. But don't think we won't discuss this Cammie." Liz said.

Macey hadn't said much of anything.

"Macey?" I asked.

"This is so not my territory. You did what you had to do and I can't really judge you for it." She replied.

I fell into a fast sleep.

*The Next Day*

I woke up from probably the worst nightmare ever. I surveyed the damage in the mirror and I looked awful. My hair looked disgusting and my face was oily, so I just washed my face, put on some light make up, combed my hair straight and put on a uniform. The girls and I were walking downstairs and when we reached the bottom of the stairs, Bex whispered in my ear that we'd discuss the events of the night before during free period at 2:30.

"Bloody Hell. Cammie…" Bex said.

She looked kind of scared, kind of satisfied, kind of pissed…the look she had when she was left out of something super crazy. The same look like this was the most super fun moment ever.

I followed her gaze and I laid eyes on Josh. WTF?!!?

"Uhoh. This can't be good."

"Hey Josh. What're you doing here?"

"Did you tell them? I got a visit at school this morning and was escorted out of class. It was kinda cool actually." Josh said.

I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes. Of course that would probably be the biggest scandal that school has ever seen.

"No. But this could get ugly. So prepare yourself. Seriously."

"Cameron Ann Morgan!"

It was coming from a voice that I have come to fear and love for a long time now.

"Oh boy."

Mom was standing at the top of the stairs and she had a hand on her hip.

"Get up here and into my office NOW. You too Joshua." She said in the calmest way ever. It didn't take a spy to see that she was using all her learned tactics through the years to keep your composure.

Josh and I walked up the stairs and into her office where Mr. Solomon were sitting.

"Miss. Morgan. Mr. Abrams." He said coyly.

I swallowed a lump in my throat and when my mom finally came in she started talking.

"What you two did was irresponsible and you know fully well that he could have to be taken care of if anyone ever found out about this. I can't believe you went behind my back and dated him. I can't believe you didn't come to me." She said

Her voice went from angry to hurt in one sentence. I felt bad for lying to her all the time, telling her I had to study and then sneaking out.

"Wait. How'd you know?"

She gave a knowing smile and said "Sweetie, Give me some credit. I've been doing this for a long time and I know when you're lying to me. We just let you go through one of the most extensive covert projects this school has ever seen."

"Wait! You knew the WHOLE TIME?!" I said really emotionally. I didn't know what kind of emotions were coursing through me. I looked over at Josh and he hadn't really done much of anything.

"Cammie…Josh…We have something to tell you. And I think you're going to like it."

"Josh, your Uncle Nathan was a spy. But he died in the line of duty and there is a rule, which is very strange, but still intact, that the oldest nephew acquires the same clearance level the agent had at the time of his or her death. Which means…Y'all didn't break any rules and are free to date, be together, whatever you kids call it. But Josh, You must not tell your friends, your parents, anybody what you see or hear in these walls. You do, and we will be forced to kill you." Mom said quickly

"So What you're saying Ms. Morgan is that we're free to be together and I can know anything?" Josh asked calmly

"Yes. Your uncle had very high clearance, higher than me actually."

"Wow. This is all so much. Can we go now?" I asked


I grabbed Josh's hand and pulled him out of the office and down the stairs towards the front doors.

"Wow. So this is kind of a big deal. This had never happened before. I want you to know that." I said

"Yeah. I kinda figured. Look I gotta go. I'm sure my mom is freaking out right now. Whatever. Come to my house in a couple of days. We'll talk then. Gives us time to process everything." He said with a lopsided grin. I missed that look.

"Okay. And soon I want you to meet my friends."

"Yeah. We can all hang out together soon."

"I'll see you soon."

He gave me a quick kiss on the lips and a head bump. It was kind of our thing. Weird but unique. I guess just like us. A civilian boy and an exceptional girl.

A/N I know. Kind of weird with the whole uncle thing, but I've had it on my mind for a while and I wanted a way for them to be together!


And Merry Christmas to those who celebrate! Happy Kwanza and belated Hanukah!

(sorry if I spelled any of those wrong)
