In Plain Sight

A/N: Hello, everyone! This is just a little short thing I came up with. I'm sure everyone with glasses has done this at one point or another.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything to do with Criminal Minds or any other recognizable things that may or may not be mentioned.


Out of sight, out of mind.


It was getting late when Emily leaned back in her chair and groaned. "This is ridiculous. Why do we need to do so much paperwork?"

Reid looked up at her, pushing his thick-rimmed glasses back up the bridge of his nose in a very scholarly fashion. "Well, for proper documentation of…" He began to explain.

"Rhetorical question, Reid." Emily cut in, before tossing an odd look in the genius' direction. "What's with the glasses today anyway?"

"Oh, I forgot to reorder contacts and I kind of ran out…" Reid told her sheepishly. "I don't like wearing glasses normally because I tend to take them off and forget where I put them."

Emily shook her head and went back to her work. For a genius, he could be so absent-minded…


Reid sighed, tossing the last file atop a large stack. Having finally completed his paperwork, he began gathering his things. Morgan and Emily eyed him with slight jealousy as he began looking for something on his desk. He began picking things up and looking behind them, searching in drawers, patting down his pockets and pawing through his messenger bag, apparently to no avail.

Finally, he looked up at his coworkers. "Have either of you seen my glasses?"

Both looked at the young genius as if he had just asked where his head was. "What are you looking for?" Morgan finally managed to ask, his voice tight.

"My… glasses?" Reid replied uncertainly.

At that, Morgan and Emily both got a strange look on their faces. "I- I usually take them off when I'm reading… because it's easier to… read… are you guys okay?" Reid asked his friends, who looked as though they were in pain.

"They're not- um, they're not on your desk?" Emily asked, taking a deep breath.

"No…" Reid began, eyeing the two profilers before him suspiciously.

Emily couldn't hold it in any longer and burst out laughing, with Morgan following in suit. Reid sighed and frowned at the two before him. "What did you guys do with them?"

"Nothing! Nothing- they're- they're…" Emily tried to choke out between fits of laughter.

Morgan stood up, still laughing hard and walked over to Reid. He reached up over Reid's head, plucked the glasses from their perch and pushed them onto the startled young man's face. "Hey, look, I found your glasses." He said before bursting into laughter again.

Reid scowled, taking a step back from Morgan, moving to pick up his bag. "Ah, man, how many times have you done that, Reid?" Morgan asked as Reid began gathering up his things.

Reid mumbled something before turning to make a hasty retreat. "Wait, what?" Emily asked before Reid could leave.

"Every other time I wear them." Reid said before leaving the room.

However, he didn't leave quite fast enough to escape the next round of laughter between his coworkers. He was glad they couldn't see the smile creeping into place on his own face. It was a little funny…


Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?

~Groucho Marx


A/N: That was fun to write. If you've ever been embarrassed by doing something like that, this story is for you. Of course, that's not quite as bad as the time I put my glasses on and then went searching for them five minutes later. I was really convinced they were missing… Anyway, hope you enjoyed! Review, if you want.