Ok guys this is it. One more chapter after this and then I'm done with this story. So enjoy.


Freddie POV

Two days ago…. Yeah I should start there shouldn't I?

I ran down the stairs only to find Lace running from Sam who had a pan in her hand, ready to hit Lace with. Where the heck did she find the time to get a pan? I tried to grab her but they where both literally running on adrenaline, so they were going pretty fast. Lace jumped over the couch and Sam followed with out missing a beat.

"Sam can't we…" They kept on running, "Sam don't hit her with a…" They still didn't pay attention. "If we could all just calm…" Ok by now I was a little annoyed "Lace just stop…"Ok, that was an understatement. I was peeved. "LACE GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE!" Lace followed my instructions and got behind me. I shielded her from Sam' wrath which was making me quiver. Sam stood in front of me, eyes ablaze with anger that I had only seen when she was in a fight of her life. I really didn't want to fight her. One) she was my friend and kissing girl and two) she would kick my ass from here to Pluto.

"Get out of my way Benson." She snarled. I looked at Lace. She was about ready to take off like a jackrabbit. I was about ready to bolt myself but I turned around to face Sam. My hands formed fists. I really didn't want to fight.

"Sam, this is so stupid." I said but Sam raised her empty hand and turned it into a fist. A lethal, deadly, could put me into a comma for the rest of my life, Samantha Puckett fist. Now I was in a panic mode and I could feel the rush of adrenaline in my veins. I had a flash back to the night of the fight. By the way here is a fun fact of adrenaline: it has many effects on the body including increased oxygen and glucose to the brain and muscles, dilated pupils, increased hear rate, and the elevation of blood sugar levels. Which also leads up to super strength and speed and a strong flight or fight response. Guess, which one I was going with.

"Move." She said again.

"No" Her hand flew and I caught her by the wrist. Sam was surprised and so was I. Lace came around and ripped the pan out of her hand and clenched it in her own. I was having a hard time not bending it all the way back and behind he body. Also that and trying to resist the urge to kiss the living daylights out of her. "Are you going to listen now or am I going to have to break off your wrist." I snarled. Sam's eyes turned into slits. You know the ones that use to make me want to pee in my pants and send me running. Well not this time.

Lace took off toward the kitchen. Sam and I just stood there glaring at each other. You could hear she was rummaging for something because she took no liberty to look for it quietly. Then she came back with Sam's kryptonite. A Fat Cake. Funny seeing as I thought Sam had already eating all the ones in Carly's apartment. I raised an eyebrow at her and Lace just shrugged holding the Fat Cake in front of a very pissed off Puckett.

"If we give you the Fat Cake, promise not to kill me?" Lace shook the Fat Cake in front of the blonde daemon's face and Sam, being the Sam that we all know and love, took the Fat Cake without a moment's hesitation. Lace got in back of me and I felt content with letting Sam's wrist go without a murder happening. Sam ate the Fat Cake while glaring at me.

"I am sorry ok." I said while turning to face Lace. I towered over her (being tall is a good thing) and glared. She backed up at glared right back at me. "Way to keep Carly from finding out."

"Sorry you to were to busy trying to suck each other's tongues out. Did you not here me give you like a thousand warning signals? I can only do so much!" She got right in my face, up on her toe tips.

"Well maybe you shouldn't have walked in that first day!"

"Oh sorry. You know cause I planned to walk in while you two morons were in the middle of …making out!"

"Next time knock." Sam said getting next to me. Apparently she had finished her Fat Cake.

"Glass door remember?" Lace was practically yelling now. Actually by then we were all pretty much yelling and arguing when Spencer walked in. We stopped and looked at him, wondering how much he heard. He looked at us opened, his mouth, then shook his head and went right into his room, closing the door behind him. Then we went right back to arguing.

So yeah that was two days ago. The next day Carly laughed, laughed, at us because of all the trouble we went to hide it from her and she was actually pretty happy for Sam and I. Lace hasn't talked to us since our argument. Actually she is pretty much avoiding us. Spencer freaked out a little and my mom had a miny heart attack when she found out I kissed Sam. Let's just say that that is all I am going to tell her. Right now though Sam and I are in the ICarly studio because she wants to tell me something. Why do I have a feeling that it is not good?


My throat felt very dry. Ok Puckett, you can do this. Your not some little daisy or girl that can't defend yourself. You are the protector of your friends and you do the tom-girl thing really, really well. Why does it sound like I have said all this before? Because I have. At the beginning of this crazy adventure that started out with a master evil plan to get out of Freddie's grip and ended with a new feeling for the little dweeb (well not little but…. Oh you know what I mean). I couldn't do this though. Why? Because I was… scarred. Yes scarred. Can you believe it? Me, Sam Puckett scarred. Yeah well you tell that to anyone and you can be sure there will be a hospital room waiting for you with your name printed on the front door.

Freddie was looking at me oddly. My hands were going clammy and I was biting my lip so hard it was soon going to start bleeding. I had to tell him. So I swallowed down that scarred feeling, put on my 'I mean business' face and….

"We can't do this anymore."

"What?" His eyebrow shot up in record time. Oh I hate it when he does that. He looks so God damn hot. Ugh. You can do this. Stay strong. Just keep talking. Talking is good.

"We can't do this anymore." I gestured to the both of us. He frowned and his eyebrows scrunched up. "It seemed so much easier when we were just friends and people didn't look at us weirdly." He opened his mouth to say something but I held up my hand. "If you don't let me finish Fredwardo I will give you a smack down so hard you won't even remember what year it is." He shut his mouth real quick like. Freddie was still scared of me and rightfully so. "I don't want this to mess this up. Because if we do, first comes the break up and then not speaking to each other and Carly will have to choose sides and the awkwardness and…" I think I was tearing up because I felt something on my face.

Or maybe that was Freddie's hand cupping my check. His thumb ran over my cheek and I wanted to break down. For the first time of my life I wanted to break down in the geek's arms, to be wrapped in the warmth of caring strong arms. Oh yeah, I am sick or something. Call the doctor please I think I caught the girly girl syndrome. Freddie gave me that glare I knew all too well.

"You are an idiot. What about all of that chizz we went through? When it finally gets easy you want to back out? If you think I am just going to let you talk me out of this, you are insane Sam Puckett." Freddie snarled. I glared at him before he leaned. He kissed me hard and long. Right about then is when I gave in. He pulled away. "And insane is just the way I like you." He gave me that Freddie smirk that made my smile. Oh come on! This is so annoying. I have never, ever, ever, ever, e-v-e-r, ever had trouble standing my ground with Freddquier but now… ugh, curse you what ever power that let him get stronger. This is your entire fault!

Freddie leaned down to kiss me but I pulled away. No I will not give in. I am Sam Puckett, tom girl, ass kicking, fat cake loving extraordinaire. I am not going to let the king of Dorkville, USA talk me out of this. Come on, say something. My mind was blank as a white sheet of paper. So I did the only thing I thought was fit. I punched him. Right in the cheek. That was going to leave a shiner. Freddie glared at me as he rubbed the spot where my fist had landed.

"WHAT THE HECK?" He yelled. "WAS THAT REALLY NESSACRAY?" For some odd and insane reason I started to crack up. That little moment was a true good ol' fashion Sam and Freddie moment that I kind of missed. Freddie started to laugh too. We were both laughing over Freddie getting punched. Oh yeah something was wrong with us but I was glad that the serious tension was broken. After all this was the Icarly studio and seriousness was not welcomed here.

"You do know that just because we are a couple doesn't mean that those moments have to stop." He said after he stopped laughing. Mine had died down too and to be quite honest, he was right. Don't you dare tell him I said that. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. Mixing the new Freddie with the old Freddie seemed like a good idea. I liked that the guy was a frickin' god at kissing and I still needed a dork to tease every once in a while that would retort right back. The perfect combo. Well no. The perfect combo would be meat and a Fat Cake but this comes close to second.

"I guess." With that he kissed me and I guess that just this once I would back down but only this once. He was going to have to remember who he was dealing with. After all, I am Sam Puckett.

Carly POV

I listened outside the door of the studio, hidden by one of the walls. Lace was right there with me, listening in as the couple spoke. They were so cute together. I mean it was a definite shocker at first but what the heck. When I heard Lace's reaction, I almost crack up. I frowned though as my best meat loving friend told my best tech geek friend that they had to end it.

"She is so stupid." Lace whispered. I held my finger up to my lips and continued to listen. Was this eavesdropping? Yes, yes it was but I am allowed to be a bad girl every once in a while. I grew red as Sam brought me into this.

"I would not have to choose sides." Lace held a finger up to her lips as she gave me an evil smile. She was still pissed at them for yelling at her. I guess I would be to. She did a pretty good job keeping Sam and Freddie a secret from us for so long and the fact that they screamed at her wasn't very nice.

"Oh for the love of me just kiss her already." Lace sneered quietly. I swear if she weren't on the other side of the door I would have slapped her by now. Then there was silence. Lace and I looked into the glass door and there you have it folks. They were kissing. I smiled and shook my head at the couple. Looks like they weren't going to break up after all.

I snuck a look at Lace. To me surprise she looked kind of proud. A small smile was playing on her mouth and she sighed that sigh of triumph. She looked at me and I raised an eyebrow at her. Lace quickly frowned again and mouthed some like, 'I don't care' which I just gave a 'yeah sure' look right back at her. Then we saw them break apart and we went back to our hiding places on either side of the door. I really thought everything was going well until I heard something that sounded like a punch. Oh Sam you didn't.

"WHAT THE HECK?" He yelled. "WAS THAT REALLY NESSACRAY?" Oh yeah she did. But then again I guess it wouldn't be the Sam we all knew and loved if she didn't. There was silence again and I guess they started to kiss. Then suddenly Lace started to crack up. Just out of know where. Then I started to laugh. Before you knew it we where both hollowing like hyenas. Uh-oh. Lace gave me a look and faster than you can say 'In five, four, three, two, one…' we ran down those stairs like jackrabbits. Spencer just shook his head at us as we collapsed on the couch.

"You got caught." He stated.

"Almost." I laughed. Lace just smiled.

"I think you guys are going to have a lot to handle."

"Just us?" I asked.

"Yeah don't you remember I'm going to go back home." Lace sighed.

"Not till the end of summer." We turned around and saw Freddie and Sam holding hands on the stairs. Sam came around and took a seat next to me while Freddie went behind Lace. "Until then we are going to have some fun with you yet." When Freddie said this, Sam rubbed her hands together in complete Puckett fashion. Oh man.



Thank to all for reading but the epilouge is not coming. I actually like the ending just the way it is. So thanks for reading and be sure to check out my Tower Prep story.