Haley's whole body was on fire. Every single nerve within her was alight. Heat flowed through her veins, her body began to tingle and it was only the beginning. Nathan was hovering above her, his nose occasionally bumping hers, and she smiled graciously against his lips when she said. "I've wanted this for so long."

Haley had too. Since the moment she met him. She was almost sure that if the circumstances were different on the plane, they would now be proud members of the Mile High Club. But hey, they always had the flight back.

Haley was suddenly pulled out of her thoughts and brought back to reality, which was so much better, considering Nathan was pounding in and out of her right now.

She was struggling to contain herself, she couldn't even form a proper sentence never mind reply to Nathan. Soft moans were all that escaped her lips, apart from when Nathan angled his hips so he hit her upper wall, she practically screamed for him to do it again. There had been no time for foreplay. As soon as the started dancing tonight, both of them knew something has started and they were damn well going to finish it.

Nathan felt Haley writhe beneath him and he knew she was close. Sensing his own release was rapidly approaching, he lowered his head and began to whisper things into her ear.

Haley had to bite her lip. It was the only way, she was sure, that would stop her from exploding. But when Nathan began to whisper in her ear how much he loved her and how we wanted her to come for him, she lost all self control. Her orgasm ripped through her body, causing her back to arch off the bed and desperately grasp onto Nathan's back.

Nathan's forearms gave way as he climaxed right behind Haley. He could get use to this feeling; being held in Haley's tight embrace, feeling her inner muscles contract around him and fixing his eyes on her face as she completely gave herself to him. He felt her hands caressing his back and it was only then he realized he would be crushing her.

"Hales, I gotta move." Nathan lifted his head from where it was buried and his eyes met hers.

"Don't move." She said so softly, Nathan wasn't sure if he had imagined it. He nodded and smiled at her, watching the emotions swirl in her eyes. Nathan thought he had seen Haley happy when she laughed with him or when she saw something she loved. But this was different. Haley's eyes were shining, she couldn't take that smile off her face no matter how hard she tried and she especially wouldn't let Nathan move so fast.

"I love you." She smiled.

"I love you too." Nathan gently rolled over and pulled Haley closely up against his chest.

"You alright baby?" He asked gently stroking her hair.

Haley nodded. "I just want to stay like this forever."

Nathan smiled, knowing the feeling. "Me too." He laid his head down on the pillow next no Haley, his face buried in the curls of her hair, breathing in her shampoo, he fell into a blissful sleep.


Haley woke up feeling cold. She noticed the thin bed sheet was around her waist, no wonder she had goose-bumps on her arms. She pulled the sheet up and rolled over, expecting to be met with a gorgeous warm body. Instead, to her disappointment, she was met with a crisp cold white sheet. Haley stood up and wrapped her robe around her. She glanced in the en suite when walking out of the bedroom, but he wasn't in there.

"Nathan?" She asked walking into the living area after being in the kitchen. Finally she heard water running in the main bathroom.

"Nathan?" She asked again walking into the bathroom, but the water drowned out her voice. Nathan hadn't noticed her yet and a mischievous smile spread across Haley's face.

"Hey baby." She whispered in his ear, feeling him jolt in fright as she glided her hands down his hard back. "Did I scare you." Haley teased,

"No." Nathan choked out as her hands slipped around his waist, her fingertips dancing just below his belly button.

"Good." She smirked, her head resting against his back, just feeling his toned chest made Haley weak in the knees.

"I thought you were asleep."

"I woke up feeling cold."

Nathan barely heard her reply. Her soft hands were stroking up and down his back and combined by the hot sprinkle of water from the shower spray, it felt like heaven.

Haley watched, only confused for a moment, as Nathan stepped out of her embrace. She locked eyes with his and only then did she realize he was now facing her…naked.

"Hi." She smiled.

Nathan smirked at her sudden shyness. Last night was their first time and although it was amazing, the moonlight coming through the window didn't do her body as much justice as it deserved, of course he had seen her naked but this different. Her hair was slightly messed and damp, her lips rosy from the heat of the shower and her body looked even more fantastic wet.

"Morning." He replied.

Haley thought she was going to collapse under Nathan's intense gaze. She could not only see but feel in eyes working their way down her body and back up. And it was inevitable that she was doing the same to him. She gasped, surprised to see how hard he was already, but then Haley shifted slightly and discovered the ache that was spreading between her legs.

She watched as Nathan took a step closer to her and before she knew it, her arms were thrown around his neck and she was once again getting lost in a kiss. Haley moaned when Nathan pulled her hips closer to him and she felt his erection pressing into her stomach. She breathed heavily when the broke apart for some much needed air and when she saw the look in his eye, she knew this was going to be amazing.

"Oh God," She breathed as Nathan's lips latched onto her neck. Grabbing his hair roughly, Haley squealed when Nathan grabbed the underside of her thighs and hoisted her up, her back crashing against the shower tiles and her legs wrapped tightly around her waist. She could feel him right where she wanted him to be but her wasn't making any attempt to give her what she so badly wanted and needed.

"Nathan…" She moaned, her heels digging into his ass as the swirling in her stomach grew each time he nibbled on her neck.

"Yeah baby?" Nathan smirked against her collar bone as he was slowly moving south.

"Please." Haley breathed. Her head was spinning as his lips moved further down until they grazed over her breast. She held her breath, silently begging him to do it.

Nathan felt her tense up, her feet pressing harder into his ass. He teased her by swirling his tongue around her nipple and he was happy when she shivered against him. He could wait any longer. The first time he had seen her naked, although it was accidental, he had pictured being this close to her breasts, but he had only dreamt of what it would be like when her legs are wrapped around him, her head thrown back against the wall and moans escaping her lips. He roughly took the hardened bud into his mouth and sucked furiously, all the while enjoying Haley's fight to stay in control.

"Oh." She moaned whilst her hips started to rock against his.

Nathan moaned as her felt her grind against his cock. He straightened himself so he could look into her eyes. Grabbing her hips he pushed himself deep inside her, loving the "Yes…" that she let out.

"Like it rough huh?" He teased.

"Always with you." Haley hadn't really made sense but neither of them could care. Nathan was thrusting into her at a furious pace and Haley couldn't help but dig her fingernails into his shoulders, which she is sure only spurred him on.

In no time at all Haley was screaming out, her body convulsing as she came. Nathan's head fell into the crook of her neck as he slowed his pace down, holding her still as he came inside of her.

"Haley…" he grunted against her neck.

Haley was literally speechless. That had to be the best sexual experience she had ever had.

"I do like it fast." Haley smirked as Nathan looked at her.

"Really? Well its good to know we can have more quickies."

Haley laughed, although it sure was. She began to pull Nathan down for another kiss but she froze, sure she was going crazy when she heard:

"Haley James where the hell are you?!"

"No way." She said but judging by the puzzled look on Nathan's face, she knew it was true.

"Who's that?" Nathan asked.

"That would be Brooke." Haley chuckled. "Oh shit!" She suddenly remembered not locking the bathroom door and she could just picture Brooke having a field day if she walked in on this. "C'mon." Haley grabbed Nathans hand and led him out of the shower.

"But I haven't finished my sho-"

"Here." Haley handed him a towel. "I'll distract Brook whilst you get dressed and pretend you have just woken up, okay?"

"But I thought you would want to tell her-"

"Yeah but Brooke Davis will make us sit down and tell her everything about last night, everything."

"Oh." Nathan chuckled.

"Okay, I'll go distract her." Haley smiled as she was about to leave.

Nathan grabbed her arm and kissed her quickly. "I love you."

Haley grinned, "I love you too."

"There you are! God I though for a minute I was in the wrong room, but then again there is only one honey-moon suite." Brooke walked over and hugged her friend. "Just out the shower huh?"

"Yeah." Haley blushed slightly, the images of Nathan pounding restlessly in and out of her coming to mind. She cleared her throat. "What are you doing in New York?"

Brooke stared at her friend, she totally had glow coming from her.

"Uh, just to drag you back to Tree Hill because the wedding is next week."

"What?" Haley was shocked. She like it here with Nathan, they had there own space but going back to Tree Hill meant she'd have to go back sharing an apartment with Brooke.

"You came all this way to tell me that? You could have just called you know?"

Brooke chuckled. "Yeah I could have but I went shopping."

It was only then that Haley noticed the thirty-or-something shopping bags sitting at the front door."

"Ah I see, but-"

"Morning!" Haley's head whipped round when she heard Nathan's voice. She stared at him, slightly surprised and slightly embarrassed.

"Nathan?" She asked wondering why the hell he was teasing her by being shirtless.

"Haley?" Brooke asked.

"Oh." Haley blushed. "Brooke this is Nathan." She motioned between them "Nathan, Brooke."

"Hey." The said simultaneously. This was obviously awkward.

"What is he doing here?" Brooke glared at Haley. "You said he was staying across the hall?"

"Uh," Haley stammered. "He, uh, stays here."

"Yeah, I do." Nathan smirked at Haley and she playfully glared at him.

"But I checked the bedroom when I came in." Brooke said.

"I was in there." Nathan stammered. "Asleep."

Brooke watched the looks pass between them. "Uh huh." Brooke grinned. "So how was the sex?"




"What?! She asked."

Haley shook her head, but could help a smile tug at her lips. She took a deep breath. "Okay Brooke, why is the wedding next week?"

"Because we couldn't wait." She grinned. "And Hales I hope you don't mind but I kinda saw and awesome dress for my maid of honour this morning."

"Oooh." Haley grinned. "Let me see."

Brooke grabbed one of her larger bags and handed it to Haley.

"Brooke." Haley gasped when she pulled out a crimson red dress. She ran her hand over the silky material and noticed the silk criss-cross underneath the breasts. "Wow." She breathed. "How much did this-"

"Nu huh." Brooke said pointedly. "I want my maid of honour to look beautiful."

"Thank you." Haley smiled and pulled Brooke into a hug.

"You're welcome." Brooke smiled. "What do you think Nathan?"Nathan smirked. "I cant wait til this wedding." He chuckled.

Brooke laughed. "Yeah, I did tell Haley that you guy would end up-""Brooke Davis." Haley warned. "Do not give that boy ideas."

Brooke smirked at Haley. "That boy will certainly have his own ideas." She winked.

Haley turned around and saw Nathan standing there smirking. She cocked her eyebrow at him but her mind turned to mush when he splayed his arms out in a stretch, revealing his strong, muscular chest. She was brought back to reality when Brooke's phone rang and she mouthed "damn you." to him.

Nathan chuckled Haley mouthed those words to him. He new how to get her now and he certainly couldn't help how much fun that could be. Brooke left to answer her phone and he took a step closer to Haley.

"What did you say baby?" He asked teasingly but was surprised when Haley swung her arms around his neck and kissed him hard. He instinctively pulled her closer by slipping his arms around her waist. Haley was so caught up in the kiss that she didn't notice Brooke had returned. She, however, notice a bright flash go off.

"What the-"

"I'm calling it Naley!"

"What?" Nathan asked confused.

"The picture…"

"Oh God." Haley sighed.

"This is so going on Facebook."

"No." Nathan blurted.

Haley turned around and eyed him cautiously. He widened his eyes, trying to communicate to her that for his jobs sake this picture could not be posted on the internet.

"Why not?" A confused Brooke asked.

Because he's in the Secret Service.

"I uh…" Nathan stammered.

"…isn't a big fan of PDA and doesn't want this all over the internet, and neither do I." Haley stated firmly.

Brooke scoffed lighty. "Fine, whatever."

"Good." Haley nodded. " Now I'm going to get dressed." She said walking away into the bedroom.

"So." Brooke smiled at Nathan. "What's your story?"

"Oh you know, just here on business."

"Oh, okay, well I'm not letting myself get bored with your job prospects so…"

Thank God.

"Are you in love with Haley?"

Nathan blushed slightly. God, he never blushed what the hell is up? He knew exactly. "Yes." He grinned, "I am."

Brook grinned back, "well take care of her, she's a good person."

"I know." Nathan said, "I always will."

"You always will what?" Haley asked walking out of the bedroom fully dressed in jeans and a camisole top.

"Take care of you." Nathan smiled at put his arms around her shoulders.

"Well thanks, its nice to know someone will be looking out for me." She chuckled.

"Oh yeah Hales, I'm always gonna be with you."

Haley was a bit startled. She couldn't help the sick feeling gently rising in her stomach. She didn't ever know if it was fear for falling in love to fast, or purely a sign that something was going to happen.

"Don't say that Nathan, you sound like you're dying or something."Nathan chuckled. "I'd tell you if I was Hales, I promise.""Okay." She pouted.

"Okay!" Brooke clapped. "When do you kids want to head back?"

"Umm…"Haley started, she really didn't want to go home just yet.

"Well." Brooke sensed her best friends hesitance. "Haley I have something to tell you."


"Don't be mad but I moved out.""Brooke!" Haley sighed. "I like living with you.""I know tutor-girl but I need to live with my soon-to-be hubby."

Haley pouted again. "I suppose."

"And stop pouting! I know you cant wait to get the apartment all to yourself with Hot shot."

Haley laughed "Hot shot?"

"Well it is appropriate." Brooke quipped.

Haley bit her lip. "Yeah…"


"Okay so the next flight home is at 4.30pm." Brooke said walking up to Nathan and Haley, who were seated at a table in a small café.

"What?" Haley asked. "Brooke its already quarter to two, how will we make that."

"Well lets move." She grinned.

"Okay where is Nathan?!" Brooke asked Haley whilst helping her to pack.

"In the bathroom getting his toiletries."

"Okay great! Can you believe we're nearly finished and it only quarter past two?"

"I know, you sure can fold fast.""Years of practice." Brooke grinned.

"Okay I'm ready!" Nathan stated, walking into where Brooke and Haley were.

"Cool." Haley smiled. "Oh hey Brooke, can you run out and get me some chocolate, you know I need it for flights.

"Get it at the airport." Brooke suggested.

"Please Brooke, we wont have time."

"Uh, fine." She said whilst grabbing her coat and heading out.

"So you need chocolate for flights huh?" Nathan smirked.

"Well yeah, but I also wanted to enjoy our last moment in this hotel suite." Haley smirked.


"Uh huh, well we did fall in love here, and from now on when I come to New York, I'm booking the honeymoon suite."

"Well maybe the next time, we'll live up to its name."

Haley chuckled and wrapped her arms around him.

"I love you Nathan Scott." She whispered against his lips.

"I love you too."

"Okay I'm back!" Brooke shouted walking into the suite. "Are you descent?!"

"Yes!" Haley giggled. "We only made out."

"Uh huh." Brooke raised her brow. "Ready."

"Absolutely." Haley grinned and grabbed her suitcase.

"I'll get that." Nathan smiled and Haley nodded a thank you.

Roughly about 7 hours later Nathan was gently shaking Haley, trying to get her to wake up. "Baby wake up, we're landing."

Haley stirred and opened her eyes. "You totally sleep like a dead person.""Hey!" She playfully slapped his shoulder. "I cant wait to show you my apartment." She whispered. "Its always just felt like a place to crash, but I know you'll make it feel like home."

Nathan smiled. "You're cheesy!"

"Oh yeah? Says the guy who decorated the entire honeymoon suite with pictures that I love."

"You loved that!"

"I know." Haley smiled. "Oh! We totally forgot to put them back!"

Nathan laughed. "Oh well, at least they'll be there next time."

"Yeah." Haley chuckled and snuggled back into him as the plane began to land.

"I'd never thought." I'd be this in love on the flight back." She laughed.

"Oh?" Nathan smiled. "I knew I would when I first saw you." He leant down and kissed Haley's cheek.

"Okay." She half whispered, half chuckled. "That was cheesy."


"This is it!" Haley said, her fingers still intertwined with Nathan's as she unlocked her apartment door. The door swung open and the familiar smell of home hit her. She stepped inside, leading Nathan in with her. She glanced down to their hands and then up to his face. "Home sweet home." She grinned.

Thank you so much for the reviews! Please review this chapter! Next one, hopefully, will be the wedding! Woooooo! So its gonna be huge a chapter! Exciting! Thanks for reading!!!