"James Royale" he said extending his hand and gracefully shaking the pilot's, "Captain Adams"

"Pleasure to meet you"

"And you, enjoy you're flight"

"Thank you." the rest of the cabin crew watched, they always loved it when the pilot welcomed some passengers and they were all pretty sure that it normally made the flight go smoothly. Once aboard the plane he sat there waiting for the hundreds of other passengers to come through the tunnel. He watched carefully hoping to find any one of them, any one, when his cell phone rang.


"Royale?" a familiar voice asked.

"Yes Sir?"

"Are you aboard?"

"Yes Sir"

"Good, remember and stay focussed, it's a long flight I know that, trust me I've been on longer, but there may be a risk, that's why you're there."

"I know Sir"

"Good. Did you speak to the pilot?"

"Yes, but the cabin crew were with him I couldn't catch him on his own."

"Okay, he knows who you are anyway. What about the security?"

"I know Sir. It went smoothly, they're aware."

"Good" he was sure he could sense his boss smiling "Good luck, do your job"

"Thanks, will do." closing his cell phone he sat back and breathed out a deep sigh, suddenly a bag whacked him on the knee making up suddenly aware and alert.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry are you alright sir?" before he could answer the woman standing before him continued to ramble "I didn't mean to startle you, its just this damn bag its so heavy, sorry." The woman gave him an apologetic look and he chuckled slightly.

"Its fine." He said smiling back but wondering why she was still standing beside him.

"That's my seat." she pointed to the one at the window beside where he was sitting at the aisle.

"Oh, sorry" he said standing up so she could move in to her seat.

"Thank you " she smiled shyly at him. Once they were both seated an airhostess announced that everyone was now aboard and that they would soon be taking off. He checked his digital watch, 9:15am, they were ten minutes late, departure from LAX California was originally 9:05, duration time approximately five hours and forty-five minutes. The sky looked pretty clear from below but above the clouds, in the open air, things change. His job had begun. The plane was currently heading upwards and the huge LAX sign was rapidly disappearing. Glancing out of the window, by which the woman sat, he noticed her eyes were shut and her hands gripping the end of the arm rest. Afraid of flying. He felt sorry for her, if he wasn't so use to doing this he would be scared too, in-fact he should be scared, but that wasn't his job. There would be no point in him doing this job if he was scared of what might happen on a plane. 75% of the time it didn't happen, but no one ever knew when the remaining 25% would.

"Are you okay?" he asked her since she looked frightened.

Opening her eyes, she turned her head slightly and nearly gasped when she saw his beautiful blue eyes. If she wasn't rambling as much when they first met she would have paid more attention to his features.

"Yes, I'm fine, thanks"


She was silent for a minute, "Haley James." she held out her hand.

He smiled at her and when he shook her hand he instantly notice the bolt of electricity they both got "James Royale." Nathan Scott.