It was the day Shawn had been dreading.
He looked at the clock on his wall. With a deep sigh he slipped on his (only) black jacket and left his house.
He could have taken his motorbike or even asked Gus for a ride but instead he chose to walk, it wasn't that far anyway.
When he arrived, 20 minuets later, the sky darkened as angry grey clouds covered the sun.
How appropriate, he thought dryly when raindrops began to fall on his head.
He made his way over to the group of people, he could feel everyone starting at him, he could feel their pity and sympathy.
As he got nearer that's when he saw them. He let out a shaky breath and walked over to them
"Mr Lytar, Mrs Lytar." he addressed them. Shawn tried to think of something, anything to say but there was no words he could offer which would give them comfort
"I'm sorry." he said quietly, turning to walk away when he heard a shout,
"You! You killed her.. My baby.." Mrs Lytar sobbed into her husbands' arms.
"It's not your fault." Mr Lytar said before returning to comfort his wife.
Shawn could only nod, his throat going dry.
"It's not, you know." said a small voice from behind him. He turned around to see Juliet staring up at him. His heart gave a familiar flutter when he saw her, just to know that she was alive and well. She was covered up in a thick black, holding an umbrella, although she still looked pale, she was healthy.
Again he could only move his head, not trusting his voice to speak. Following the rest of the crowd, he stood next to Gus, with Juliet on his other side and Lassiter next to his partner.
As the ceremony began Shawn drowned it out, memories flashed before his eyes. With each memory, a new wave of guilt hit him, until it became to much. Muttered an apology he turned round. It took all of his control to stop himself from running.
Outside the cemetery, he fell against the brick wall, brought his knees up to his face while taking deep breathes to stop himself from crying.
"Shawn…" a voice sighed, he didn't looked up but felt her sit down next to him.
After a couple of minuets of silence Shawn suddenly said,
"I made a choice." Juliet looked up at him in confusion.
"When… When Katie Nimmo asked me to make a choice between, Ab- the two of you, I made a choice.." Juliet tried not to let any emotion cross her face, of course she should have know Shawn would have chosen his girlfriend.
"I chose you." came a muffle voice. Juliet stared at him, he.. He chose her?
"And now Abigail is dead and its my fault." he put his face down as his his arm gently to get his attention, Juliet stood up, holding out her hand.
He stared at it for a moment then took her hand in his, as she helped him up.
"Come on, there's something you have to do." she said, leading him back to the cemetery.
By now the ceremony had ended and people were slowly departing. Shawn gripped Juliet's hand tighter as people passed them. When they reached her grave, Juliet pulled her hand out of Shawn's and took several steps back, letting them have their own goodbye.
Shawn kneeled down in front of the gravestone, gently reaching out and tracing her name. From where Juliet was standing she couldn't hear what he was saying but she gathered he was trying to make amends.
After a couple of minuets she saw his shoulders shaking, rushing forward, she knelt down beside him. As soon as she sat down Shawn small sobs became free falling tears, she reached out holding Shawn close to her as he cried.
Shawn couldn't describe the guilt he felt of being the cause of Abigail's death, but with Juliet next to him eased it slightly.
When he cried all of his tears out, he pulled away and stared at her, silently thanking her.
"Come on, let's go." she said gently. Getting to his feet, he took once last look at the grave. With a small smile and a whispered goodbye, he took Juliet's hand and laced his fingers through hers.
When he stepped outside of the cemetery, he felt a little bit of the guilt had left him making him let out a shaky breath.
"Thank you." he said to her. Squeezing his hand in return they continued walking together.
That's the last chapter :D let me know how it was and if you want an epilogue let me know
thank you very much to all those who have reivewed so far and please keep doing so