A/N: ok time for chapter 2. Hope you like it . I will try and update every day, but if I cant I do apologise. But I have got tonsillitis at the moment so I'm in bed with my laptop!


Chapter 2: New Friends.



Ok stop staring, you'll look crazy, just then Lottie punched my arm.

"Hey? What was that for?" I asked shocked.

"You were lost in your own world and staring at that very hot guy for like 5 whole minuets?" she replied

"Have you seen him? Do you blame me?" I giggled

"Haha I suppose not, come on lets find our rooms" she said. I was upset that we weren't sharing a room but were only 2 doors away so it wasn't that bad. I knew I wouldn't be near him either; the girl's dorms and the boy's dorms was up the stairs, that was a shame. Are rooms were fairly easy to find, when we got there I went into my room and Lottie went into hers. When I unlocked the door with my key, the room was big and bright with large windows, the walls were a light pink with a wooden flooring there was two pale blue sofas and a TV on the wall, there were two girls sat on the sofa watching the TV and they turned to me and smiled, I was almost mesmerized by them, then I realised it was them, the girls from the group of beautiful people, the ones with him. "Hello" I said quietly

"Hey, you are new roommate?" the small one said

" Umm yeah, I think so?" I asked.

"Bella Swan is it?" The blonde one asked sweetly.

"Yeah uhh, how did you.." The small one cut across me

"We were told last week that you were coming today" she said

She ran over to me and hugged me tightly, and then the blonde one did the same.

"I'm Alice, and this is Rosalie, it's good to meet you Bella" she said bouncing up and down.

"It's good to meet you too, both of you" I said smiling.

I took my suitcase to my room and Alice and Rosalie followed, my room was quite spacious with another big window, the walls were off-white and matched the carpet, there was a single bed with pink covers and pillow's, there was a large wardrobe and a dressing table there was also a desk which had three draws with a computer already set up on it. In front of the desk there was a light pink chair.

Why does everything have to be pink!

"Umm why is everything pink?" I asked them.

"because were girls, I've replaced all mine for red. See I'm not the only girl who doesn't like pink Alice!" Rosalie answered laughing.

"huh, well you must be the only two" she said looking confused.

Rosalie and I just looked at each other and laughed, it was strange I felt almost comfortable with them, almost. We I stared to unpack my case and they left, talking about what to do. I smiled when Alice said that they should wait for me to un pack and take me with them. I didn't take long un-till the room actually looked like I lived in it. When I was finished I got my stuff for the shower and went into the living room and found them on the sofa talking.

"does anybody need the bathroom, I'm going to have a shower?" I asked them and they looked slightly amused.

"no were fine, thanks though" Alice said smiling.

I was confused why was that funny? Oh well I just brushed it off. I locked the door and started the water before taking off my clothes I stepped into the shower and the warm water was refreshing after my long journey, I just relaxed there for a few minuets before washing myself with my strawberry shower gel, I then shaved, washed my hair and got out, I wrapped myself in a towel and walked out. I opened the door and there he was. He was even more breathtaking up close, my breath hitched and I took a step back. He stared back at me with his gorgeous eyes they were slightly wide and darker now.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realise you were here yet, I'm Edward Cullen, you must be Bella Swan?" he asked his voice low and husky

"Y-yes, umm nice to m-meet you Edward" I stuttered out shakily.

He grinned, and it was the most amazing thing I ever saw his teeth were perfect and bright white, I must have been staring again because he laughed and shook his head.

Shit! Great now he thinks you're a crazy person.

No he doesn't he was smiling remember?

I suppose, wait ok maybe I am crazy I'm actually talking to myself in my head and answering.

He looked down at my towel and then back up at me smiling.

Dammit you're only in your towel. Leave woman now!

"Umm I'm gonna go, umm…." I said while starting to walk away

But me being me I tripped over the sofa, and I closed my eyes waiting for complete embarrassment but I felt strong hands catch me just as I was about to hit the floor, I opened my eyes and he turned me around and smiled.

"There's a sofa there by the way" he said while trying to hold back laughter.

"Umm, yeah thanks" I said feeling the blood rush to my cheeks.

He let me go and I rushed as fast I could in to my room closing the door behind me and leaning against it.

"Crap why are you so clumsy around really hot guys?" I asked myself quietly

I thought I heard a quite chuckling but wasn't sure if it was my imagination, I got dressed as quickly as I could wearing leather leggings and a black and white stripped top with a belt with silver square studs on it at my hips, I put on my black and white stripped wedges, I have a bow necklace and a bracelet that matched my belt, I dried my hair and curled it, put on a bit of make up and I was ready. I stopped at my door for a moment and wondered of Edward was still out there, I took a deep breath and opened my door slowly and there he was, again with the dazzling smile and the dark eyes.

"You look good enough to eat" she said amused slightly

"Umm thanks, I probably don't taste very good though. Are you looking for Alice or Rosalie?" I asked smiling and still slightly nervous

"No actually I have been sent to get you, because they could wait in this room anymore or so they said" she said dazzling me with his smile again.

It took me a few seconds to reply to him.

"Oh where are we going?" I asked staring at his sexy lips.

"To a meadow" he stated matter-of-factly.

"Oh okay give me a minute" I said grabbing my leather jacket that I wore earlier.

"Ready now?" he asked smiling

I nodded and we walked out of the dorms and on the school grounds we walked for about 10 minutes and we were there. It was a beautiful place with loads of flowers and trees it was very large and it only had one clear entrance. Right in the middle of the meadow was a large picnic blanket and Alice and Rosalie were sat there with I'm presuming there boyfriends. I turned to look at Edward and he was looking straight at me smiling.

"It's beautiful" I said in amazement

"I know" he said simply.

He started to walk towards his friends and I followed quietly. Uneven ground and these shoes didn't mix well together so I was stumbling around like some drunken girl how embarrassing. When we got to them Edward introduced me to them

"Bella this is Jasper" he said pointing to the tall one with dirty blonde curly hair

"Hello" I said quietly

"Hey Bella" he said politely

"And this is Emmet" he said as he pointed to the huge one with dark short hair

"Hello" I said a little loader this time.

"BELLA, so good to meet you" he boomed while standing and embracing me in a huge bear hug.

"Umm-can't-breath" I said shakily

He set me down and apologized repeatedly while laughing Edward motioned me to sit down next to him. I sat down quickly; I didn't need to be asked twice. They started some general convocation that left me mostly smiling and nodding. I honestly didn't mind I was still nervous around them, I think the main reason for that is every time I glanced at Edward he was looking at me. I didn't mind that much that man can do whatever he wants to me.

What has gotten in to you Bella?

Umm hello look at him! Everything about him makes me want to jump him!

I was pulled out of my little discussion by Emmet booming at me.

"BELLLAAA? Any body home?" he chuckled

"Yeah, umm sorry I was in my own little world" I said mumbling

They all laughed, "That happens a lot doesn't it?" Edward asked me in his deep velvety voice.

"Yeah it does" I said laughing too now.

"Sooo, do you have a boyfriend Bellaboo? He asked me winking and looking at Edward.

"Nope" I said popping the 'p'.

"Neither has Eddie over here" he said wriggling his eyebrows suggestively.

Oh god now I was embarrassed I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks fast. Was he suggesting Edward and me? If only, I bet he could have any girl he wanted. Why would he pick me? No that would never happen.

"Shut up Emmet!" Edward said sternly

"Want to go?" He asked me.

"Yes please" I said quietly

Edward got up and gave me his hand I grabbed it and gasped, it was ice cold. He pulled me up and smiled.


I asked her if she wanted to leave and she agreed, I couldn't just sit there she would die of embarrassment. I was glad she didn't have a boyfriend though, she was the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, and she smelt fucking amazing. I have never wanted someone's blood more than this. But I didn't want to hurt her; I wanted to be with her forever. It was so frustrating that I couldn't hear her thoughts, and I don't know why. I could read everyone else's thoughts, but when I looked at her… nothing. I shrugged it off; I would ring my farther Carlisle later. I stood up and offered her my hand she took it and gasped. Shit you're a vampire remember cold skin? She stood and she looked at me and smiled, thank god it can't of worried her that much then, she wasn't running and screaming. I looked at my phone and saw that it was 6 o'clock; we had been at the meadow for hours.

"Bella, are you hungry? Want to get some food?" I asked her politely

"Yeah, sure" she replied.

We were almost at the edge of the field now and we were walking painfully slowly, but I would be patient for her, I would do anything for her. We walked into the restaurant and sat down. The waitress walking over and was staring at me and swaying her hips, I just turned and looked at Bella, I could tell that she was trying to hold back laughter.

"Hello, can I get you anything?" the waitress asked looking at me

"I don't want anything thank you, Bella?" I said politely

"Can I have a coke and a mushroom ravioli please?" she asked the waitress.

"Yep, be right back." She replied bored.

"Oh my god. Did you see the way she was looking at you?" she asked me grinning

"Yeah, it was kind of hard not to notice that" I said laughing

"I guess you get that all the time though huh?" she was looking away when she asked me I knew it embarrassed her, I could imagine her cute blush now.

"Why do you say that Bella?" I asked her grinning cheekily

"Well… Because your gorgeous" she said looking deep into my eyes.

I smiled and she blushed and that was the moment I knew it Bella Swan is the girl that I want to spend the rest of my life with or death depending on which way you look at it.

"Would you want to do this again sometime?" I asked giving her my best smile

"…With…. you..?" she answered slowly staring at my lips and licking hers slightly.

I took all of my will power and strength not to leap over the table and bite her, but I managed to stay calm.

"Yes, only with me" I exclaimed

She had the biggest smile and said she would love too. This made me so happy I just wanted to pick her up and kiss her sexy pink lips. I felt such a strong connection to her and I didn't know why, all I knew is that I wanted to be with Bella. I wanted to own her, I wanted her to own me, and I wanted to protect her. No I needed to protect her because I don't know what I would do with out her now. It seems I have been waiting for her my whole existence, and I'm so glad I did.


I was almost finished my food, and I was ecstatic he had asked me to this again with him and only him he said, I could of just jumped over the table and kissed his perfect mouth for days, but I restrained myself. I really didn't want to scare this one off. There was something about him that was strange though, it intrigued me I didn't want to ask him, but I would listen to him when he felt like I should know. But all I knew is that whatever it was it would not bother me in the slightest, I don't know why but I felt as if he was part of me now, like I needed him. It was starting to get late and I was getting more and more sleepy by the second. I quickly finished my food and got out my money to pay.

"What are you doing? I'm not going to let you pay!" he said slightly shocked

"Oh okay, well thanks Edward" I replied smiling.

After he paid for my food we turned and left, it was a really warm night I was shocked I wasn't used to heat at night. We continued to walk to the dorms, and he walked me to my door, and I got my key out. I turned to Edward.

"Thank you for tonight, I had a really great time with you" I said staring into his eyes

"Anytime, me dearest Bella" he replied simply.

Then I turned to unlock my door but his hands were on my shoulders turning me to him, he slowly pulled me closer until I was only inches away from him. I could smell his sweet breath, and it felt like a magnetic pull I just had to get closer. I closed the gap between us and his lips were like ice against mine but it was the best sensation I had ever felt, he opened his mouth slightly and ran his soft tongue across my bottom lip asking for entry. I opened my mouth slowly giving him access to me, and our tongues brushed together and I let out a quiet moan. I think I felt him smile a little until he pulled away. I stood there panting and I noticed his eyes were dark, almost black. I was about to ask him about his eyes but he spoke.

"I have to go now Bella, goodnight, I'll speak to you tomorrow and we'll arrange date" he said giving me a cheeky grin.

I nodded and said a breathless "night Edward" and he turned and left I unlocked the door to see three very happy faces smiling at me. Lottie, Alice and Rose. Crap they know what you've been up too.

"Hey guy's, what's up?" I said oblivious to there grins

Alice raised her eyebrows at me and simply said "spill!"

"I don't know what your talking about Alice" I said trying to smile convincingly and they all scoffed at me

"Ohhh Bella, Bella, Bella. You really don't think things through do you?" Rose said chuckling.

"What?" I asked confused.

She simply pointed to the door and said "spy hole" and they all dissolved in to hysterics.

"Ok, ok, I get it now shut up" I said annoyed

"Were so happy for you Bells, you look so good together" Lottie said

"So cute" Alice added

"Perfect" said Rose

"Thanks guys, its weird I feel like so connected with him. And I already miss him?" it came out as a question for some reason.

"I felt exactly the same when I met Jazzy, it was amazing. I will never forget that feeling" Alice said looking up to the ceiling.

"Yep, and me" Rose said giggling.

We carried on with general chitchat, but I was starting to get really sleepy now so I excused myself and went in to my room. I felt drained, it was too warm in my room so I opened my window wide and took a deep breath of fresh air, it help to clear my head. I took all of my make up off and changed into a tight black top with midnight blue spots and some lacy boy shorts. I lay down on my bed a relaxed thinking about my day and of course that led to Edward, as I was thinking about him I drifted off into a deep sleep and started to dream.


I closed the gap between us and his lips were like ice against mine but it was the best sensation I had ever felt, he opened his mouth slightly and ran his soft tongue across my bottom lip asking for entry. I opened my mouth slowly giving him access to me, and our tongues brushed together and I let out a quiet moan. I think I felt him smile a little until he pulled away. I stood there panting and I noticed his eyes were dark, almost black. I was about to ask him about his eyes but he spoke.

"Bella, can I come in?" his voice was husky and such a turn on I felt wetness pooling at my centre.

I grabbed his ice-cold hands and pulled him inside, he lifted me bridal style and took me to my room, never breaking eye contact. He laid me on the bed and positioned himself above me leaning on his elbows he kissed me deeply exploring my mouth with his tongue, his right hand moved up to grab my breast and he squeezed lightly making me moan quietly, he pulled my dress off me staring for a moment he reached behind me and undid the clasp of my bra and took it off he gasped and his eyes grew darker. He moved down and took my nipple into his mouth and slowly started licking the tip until it was rock hard, he then did the same to my other nipple, this time biting slightly making me moan louder.

"Uhh… Edward" I moaned loudly

"Yes, I love it when you moan my name baby" he smiled a dark smile and I could feel myself getting dripping wet.

He kissed and licked his way down to my stomach making me moan even more, he pulled off my leggings and his smile grew when he saw my black lace boy shorts, h ripped them off with his teeth and his fingers found my entrance.

"Mmm, so wet for me Bella" he said quietly grinning.

End dream

I woke up with a jump to find my hands down my boy shorts, I looked over and saw someone standing there, I turned to the side to turn on my lamp but nobody was there. I was starting to get freaked out so I shut my window and my curtains and got back into bed it wasn't long before I fell back asleep.

A/N: well I no its not a real lemon but don't worry there will be plenty to come :D that was actually my first lemon, how was it? Please review it would make me feel better ;)
