Sam's POV:

The last thing I remember is Carly and I arguing. She wouldn't go back into the building, back into safety. She couldn't see that I was trying to get her to go inside so nothing would happen to her. She almost fell, which was exactly what I was trying to prevent.

"Carly, get inside!" I argued.

"No, not until you go inside." Carly stated. After she said that, I accidently pressed a button, and Carly started to fall. I grabbed her and made sure she didn't, because I didn't want to ever be responsible for her downfall. She made it back to the platform, and then Spencer threw down a rope, which ended up hitting me in the back of the head and knocking me down. Carly tried to grab me and save me, but I knew it was futile.

"Let go, Carls." I said, hoping she would get what I was saying.

"No, Sam, I can't!" Carly gasped.

"Carls, just let go. I'll be fine." I replied.

"Sam, get back here. I can't hold on much longer."

"Let go, Carly. It's okay." I whispered. I felt Carly's fingers loosen, and she tried to tighten her grip on me, but couldn't. I felt myself start to fall towards the Earth, and heard Carly and Freddie's anguished cries at what would obviously be my death. I expected to feel the concrete against my back at any moment, but was surprised when I hit the dirt.

"Where am I?" I inquired.

"Are you okay, lady?" A male voice asked.

"I'm fine. Where am I?" I said, sitting up.

"You're in Camelot." He answered. I stood up and dusted off my pants, then looked at him. He was young, my age, with dark black hair, and beautiful green eyes. He was pale, and had a red scarf knotted around his neck.

"I'm Samantha." I said, not wanting to tell him people called me Sam, for some reason.

"Hello, Samantha. I'm Merlin." Merlin stated, bowing.

"Who's in charge of Camelot, Merlin?" I inquired, thrown off by his bow.