OK so I really should work on other works like Desert Jewel or Piano Keys Encore, but I think I need to work on this one more.

Chapter Four

Uh BB, Ray Guess What!

Red X looked shocked, how the hell did this pampered, Rich, Brat know who he was? Red shook his head. It didn't really matter all he needed to do was get rid of this winy little baby before it brought him to tears. Apparently the little girl did not like his company. At all.

Robin looked around the briefcase in his hand. "Are we going to do this? Or are you just leading me on?" Robin asked. He didn't mean to be so impatience but he needed to see Ana.

"Oh will do this!" Said Red X "you toss me the case and I toss the baby."

"Are you insane?!? You could hurt the kid!"

Red X shrugged "then you better catch her." Robin saw the pink blanket fall from the ceiling. Without a thought Robin lunged out and caught the child in his arms. Beneath him the old wooden floor gave way. Robin had to quickly secure Ana in one arm and grab a floor board with the other. Splinter dug into Robin's hand but he couldn't risk letting go. The water under him was far too deep and cold. He couldn't risk Ana's health.

The other titans saw Red X leave the ware house. In a flash Beast Boy and Raven had given chase. Cyborg was still trying to get out of the T-car when Starfire flew into the building. She gasped when she found Robin hanging above the water. She flew so see was eye level.

"Take Ana!" Robin yelled he could feel the wood giving way under his hand. Starfire quickly did as Robin ask taking the little girl into her arms. Starfire looked at the child she seemed to be in good health if maybe a bit skinny for a baby. The child was sleeping soundly and only woke up when she heard the splash Robin made as he hit the water.

Starfire looked around for Robin. Why had she let herself get distracted by the baby Robin needed saving too. Immediately she went off to find Cyborg to hold the child while she went to look for Robin. Cyborg gladly took the child for the freaking out Starfire.

"Um Star you know Robin can swim right?" Cyborg asked as he rocked Ana.

"Yes but what if this is another one of Slade's plots!?! He could be using Robin's child to get at Robin. Make his guard go off duty! After all what would Robin not do for us? Would he not do more for his own child?!?" Starfire screamed waving her hands up and down.

"Who's child?" Beast Boy asked walking back to the grope. "Did you just say Robin's child? You can't mean that Robin actually-"suddenly the pink mass of blankets began to wail. "No way." Beast Boy turned to Starfire how did you hide that!?!"

"Hide what?" Starfire asked innocently.

"The baby! I mean really how did you not show?" At this point Raven had joined them and not knowing what the hell they were talking about she decided to stay quiet.

"Oh um that is because I am not the mother." Starfire looked down almost shamed of the confession.

"But then who?"

"That is not important; the little one's mother wishes nothing to do with the child." Beast boy seemed to get the idea at last that this was not a good subject to bring up at the moment.

"So what's this mass of screaming pink called?" Raven asked raising one eye brow.

Starfire quickly perked up. "Oh her name is Ana, and-"Starfire's eyes widened "we need to locate Robin!"

"No need to." Came a voice form the dock. Robin pulled himself up out of the water. He was cold, he was wet, his hand was torn up, and to top it all off the titan's were completely ignoring the needs of his child. If that wasn't enough the two titan's kept out of the loop began to give Robin the biggest lecture about well Robin wasn't really sure. He thought Beast boy was yelling at his for not sleeping with Starfire, and Raven was either yelling about not using protection or letting his kid get kidnapped maybe both knowing Raven it was.

When the two seemed happy with their yelling they became quiet.

"You done?" Robin asked. They both nodded. "Good now I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Ana. I sorry I slept with someone that wasn't Starfire, by the way no beast boy we haven't. And I'm sorry I put her in danger but right now we need to get her food and warm clothes."

Somehow even with most of his respect gone the titans did as he asked and didn't give him anymore lectures. Twenty minutes later Robin was seated on the coach in titan's tower holding a feed and sleeping Ana. The titans watch as their leader started singing to the baby a lullaby in an unknown toung

Beast boy looked at Cyborg "you realize none of us are prepared to raise a kid right?"

Cyborg nodded "I know but I have good news."

"What?" Asked Raven not seeing any bright side.

"Robin is on permanent dipper duty!" Cyborg smiled.

Beast boy laughed "yeah is he also on wake up at 3 am duty too?" Cyborg nodded.

Wait don't think this is the end of the story much more! Please read, rate, and wait for the next installment! ^^