Why am I starting yet another story? I don't know this one is soposed to be only Four Chapters but we'll see how that works out.

Count Down

Chapter one

She Dies at Midnight

Robin sat in the cold air clutching a letter in his hands. The wind ruffled his hair. How could he have been so stupid? He bit his lip. How could he explain this to Starfire? The fact was he couldn't. The boy of seventeen wanted to cry. How could a mistake he made a year ago bite him now? He looked back at the letter. It was the basic ransom letter made of cut out letters and pasted on a piece of lined paper. The text was simple and short.

We have her give us two million or she dies at Midnight!

No signature. Robin could see the tower from his perch on the Wayne Tower. He had to tell them and now before he did something that they would never forgive him for. The sound of Starfire landing to the left of him pulled Robin from his thoughts. He turned to look at her, Robin was pretty sure that he looked quite pail and cold.

"Robin what is the matter? You have not come home since you received that letter this morning. It is five o'clock now. Please tell me Robin."

"I'm sorry, Star truly I am."

"You are sorry for what Robin?" the girl wrapped her arms around the chilled boy. "You can tell me what are you sorry for?"

Robin leaned back into Starfire's chest. "I'm sorry because a year ago before we started dating I-I slept with someone in Gotham." a tear ran down his face "A-and I was too afraid to tell you or the others. And now something-something terrible had happened because of it."

Starfire hugged Robin close to her part of her wanted to yell at him the other seeing the state he was in wanted to mother him."You are not sick are you?"


"I am relieved but how did this happen? Do you even care about this girl? It is a girl right?"

Robin smirked a little at the last question. "Yes it's a girl, and I do care about her. I just don't know how it happened..."

Robin tried to some up the event in his mind. He could remember being alone in the manor Bruce had go out for the night leaving Robin to tend to the house. Alfred had been in England on holiday. Barbra had come over to keep his company. The lights when out and the moon light filled the house. It had started as a kiss only a kiss, an innocent kiss nothing more. But either the two teen's hormones or the spell on the full moon had turn it into something more.

Before rationality kicked in the two were both too far to go back. With bare skin touching bare skin nighter one wished to stop until they clasped in extortion. The next day the two had covered up what happened with lies and detergent.

Robin sighed at the memory "I happed because I was stupid. And I should have told the Titans back then but, I didn't and now-now this!" He handed her the paper.

It didn't take long for Starfire to read it. She gasped "they have kidnaped your one night lover."

Robin cringed at the name Starfire had given his friend but what did she know. "No, I wouldn't be as worried if they had Barbra she's harder to handle then most girls. They don't have her."

Starfire looked quizzical "Then who do they have and why is it relevant to the night you spent with this Barbra if she is not in danger?"

He held up a picture for Starfire to see. "Because they might not have Barbra but they have my daughter."