I Promised to Protect

"Hey kid, give me your money."

They were the six words Kamui hated most.

He wasn't exactly a strong guy, and it was obvious, but he couldn't exactly not stand up for himself either.

"No," he replied and continued to walk before he was dragged into the dark alley.

"You shouldn't put up a fight, kid," the huge man that smelled of beer and rotting cheese and pot growled as he pinned him up against a slimy brick wall.

"Let me go," Kamui asked firmly and the man just laughed.

"Kiss my ass," he replied as he began to rummage through his clothing. Kamui tried to kick him, but he just laughed and pinned his legs crushingly close to the wall.

"Let him go," a stronger voice spoke from behind and the man turned his head to stare at the new, taller man that entered the scene.

"Fuma...." His lips formed the name even before he was aware he was whispering it.

"And who are you to tell me what to do?" the fat man asked, judging that he had a lot more body weight than this...Fuma, was it?

In a few swift movements, Kamui was on the dirty alley street and Fuma had the drunken bastard pinned to the wall by his throat.

"How does it feel to be pinned to a wall?" Fuma hissed. "I could kill you so easily," he mused, letting his hand tighten around his thick throat as he began to gasp for air. Fuma chuckled.

"Let him go," Kamui begged softly. He didn't like the man, but he didn't feel he deserved to die, either.

Fuma heard this and released the man, who was scared out of his mind and immediately scattered down the alley.

Fuma turned and began to walk away.

"Fuma," Kamui called, running after him.

"I promised to protect you. I was just doing as I swore," Fuma spoke, not turning to look at the man he had just rescued.

Slowly Kamui slipped his small hands around one of Fuma's bigger ones.

"Is that all there is?" Kamui asked, down heartened. "I...."

"Shh," Fuma replied, turning and leaning down to nuzzle against his neck a little. "There was always more to it than that."

Slowly he let his lips trail across Kamui's before leaving him once again deserted in the roads.

Lightly, it began to rain.