Authors Note: This is my first attempt at writing a fanfiction about Stargate Atlantis. So please, be nice. I would greatly apreciate any reveiws you may have, so dont be shy! :)
DISCLAIMER: I in no way own any of the characters in Stargate Atlantis, i only own Leyna and her people.
Enjoy :D
Chapter One: Woman
I Tried So Very Hard Not To Lose It
I Came Up With A Million Excuses
I Thought I thought of Every Possibility
And I Know Someday That it'll All Turn up
You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid That I'll Give So Much More Than I Get
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
Michael Buble, Haven't Met You Yet
Atlantis – Ronon's Quarters
Ronon Dex sat on his bed, contemplating his life.
He had everything he could have possibly dreamed of, especially when his tragically vivid memories constantly reminded him of everything he had lost. He had a home in Atlantis, a family in John, Teyla, Sam and surprisingly even Rodney. He had great friends, and he had his brilliant anger management therapy - killing numerous Wraith. He knew he should not be in this sullen mood, but no matter how much he tried, he couldn't consider himself to be truly happy. Sure he laughed, but his smile never reached his eyes. He could feel his heart thawing out, but knew that it still was not completely healed.
His mind drifted off to a recent conversation with some marines off world the other day. They were talking crudely about "men's needs". While Teyla was less than impressed, Ronon found himself highly amused by the topic.
"Oh come on man, it's been ages since I last got some! With a girlfriend a whole freakin' galaxy away, how else am I supposed to attend to these urges?" a marine smirked.
"You utterly disgust me man," Lorne commented, "So much for faithful."
"Speak for yourself sir," another marine chimed in, "I don't care how alien they are, I need a woman"
A woman, Ronon thought. He played with idea of having a woman around. Ancestors knew how long it had been. But was he really ready for that? His thoughts drifted to Melena, and he could painfully feel his heart begin to freeze again. No, he couldn't even think about being in love with another woman. It was unthinkable, to just forget about his dead wife, and their life that had been. Maybe he could have what John explained to him as a 'friend with benefits'? No, he could not do that to a woman, too degrading, too disrespectful.
"Ronon? It's Teyla, you are required in the briefing room." Teyla's voice suddenly interrupted his thoughts in the little radio in his ear.
"Yea sure, be there in a minute." He replied, as he grabbed some shoes and a shirt. He didn't need a woman at all. He was fine on his own. He always has been.
Off world – Andorra
How the hell did this happen again? Leyna thought, as she ran into the thick forest towards the Ancestral Ring. The angry cries and gun shots chasing becoming alarmingly closer served as a reminder to keep running as she stopped at a crossroads to remember which path to take.
Who cares? She thought as she randomly chose the path in front of her, this is good enough!
She continued running and leaping over fallen trees, logs and ditches with surprising grace and she tried to dodge, weave and immerse herself within the thick terrain. Suddenly, a large, warm hand grabbed her mouth, and pulled her in behind a tree, with great force. Her heart quickened as the unknown person pinned her against a tree, then on the ground behind a thick bush.
"Ronon, is the brutal force really necessary?" she heard one man whine.
"Shh" the one she assumed as Ronon hissed. It was quiet for about a moment before she heard the men hunting her getting dangerously close. She winced in pain as the man's grip was tight and incredibly uncomfortable for her shoulder. Realising her distress his grip began to loosen, and she found an easy escape. Bending her leg backward to skilfully kick his head released her from the man's grasp, as she sprang around to impact another blow to her attacker's head. With him out of the way, she spun around to see the other man wide eyed, frozen with fear. She dismissed him and began to run away however she heard a strange noise like something powering up, before a painful blast hit her right in the back, immobilising her, and forcing her eyesight into complete darkness.
Puddle Jumper- Andorra
John's first thought when he saw Rodney and Ronon coming back with a hostage was not a pleasant one. This was supposed to be a simple mission, a trading mission. They needed some food supplies and if it wasn't for Rodney and his obsession for mysterious energy readings, they probably wouldn't be in this mess. After Rodney expressed his desire to check it out fell on deaf ears, he called on Teyla to support him. This gave John great hope that they could ignore McKay's request, but as Teyla pointed out that this was a civilization that was not suppose to have this kind of technology, he had no option but to check it out. They split into two teams, he and Teyla, Ronon and McKay. And after an hour of searching with no luck, he and Teyla returned to the Puddle Jumper to wait for Ronon and McKay.
Not long after, sure enough they returned. Rodney wide eyed, and Ronon expressionles as usual, with a lifeless girl in his arms.
"What the hell happened?"John asked, Ronon just shrugged,
"I stunned her."
"Because it's what we were looking for." He simply put, carrying her into the jumper.
"Pretty sure a girl is not what we were looking for" John argued following close behind.
"Umm well actually she is." Rodney muttered
John spun around to face Rodney, who quickly averted his eye contact.
"Excuse me?"
"Well," Rodney stammered, "We found her running away from a massive group of hunters, and according to this," he waved his computer in his hands, "the energy readings are coming from her."
"So why didn't you just take whatever was causing the readings off of her? Instead of rendering her unconscious?!" John began to shout,
"Well after Ronon stunned her, I tried to pinpoint wherever she was hiding."
"And did you find it?" Teyla asked,
"Well that's just the thing, I couldn't." Rodney was met with questioning eyes, and continued, "I couldn't find anything on her to cause such high and powerful readings, I mean there off the chart!"
"What are you saying Rodney?" John was losing his patience.
"I'm saying the energy readings are literally coming FROM her."
This was not good John thought. What good could possibly come from this?