Chapter One
Macy was greeted by a huge banner as she entered the hallowed halls of Horace Mantis Academy. She sighed as she read the bold words written on it with a very pretty design as a boarder. The banner read:
Macy didn't like going to dances, but mostly because she hardly has a date. And Stella would go with the guy she was with at the moment. Macy knew this was another dance she'd be missing, but her mood lightened up just a bit, when she read the next line on the banner. It wasn't as big as the first line, so she didn't notice it at first.
No date required. Just masks. Hope to see you Mantises there!
Ah, well, she'll just have to think about this. She'd have a mask covering her face, so no one would notice her. And she didn't need to ask a boy out. This was Macy's type of dance. She loved to dance, as much as she loved singing. She loved music in general. Now does this explain her love of JONAS?
She wandered the halls and saw Stella with the brothers by their lockers. To save Macy embarrassment, she just went to her locker directly, debating whether or not she'll attend the dance. As she finished getting the things she needed for her first few classes, Stella approached her. Macy was glad that none of the brothers joined Stella.
"Macy!" Stella greeted in a perky voice. Someone was sure in a good mood.
"Stella!" Macy replied, shutting her locker so she could see her best friend better.
"So, are you going?" Stella asked all of a sudden.
"Going… where?" Macy seemed lost.
"The masquerade, silly." Knowing Stella, she was probably only interested in designing the clothes and masks. Then again, she did like to dance as well, so it could be both reasons.
"I'm thinking about it," Macy shrugged, before putting her backpack on.
"Let me know if you are, so I can design you a Stella original," Stella smiled. Of course. Stella and fashion was like… Kevin and musical animals. You know how he is with those trumpet playing otters.
"Ooh!" Macy's face lit up. "Can you make the dress red and the mask gold?"
"Yeah, sure!" Stella replied happily, and then gasped. "Does this mean you're going to the dance?!" Darn, Macy fell for it.
She flashed an assuring smile, "For now, it's a maybe."
"Great!" Stella squeaked. "And yes, red and gold will be the perfect colors. It seems mysterious, yet fun."
"But please, Stella, don't waste your time on making the dress for me. I know you want to look stunning yourself."
"Oh, you're right. I have to get custom suits made for the brothers as well. One thing's for sure, though, I need to work hard on the masks, since they have to match and I've never made them before. I have to go do some research. Bye!" Stella ran off, probably heading to the library before homeroom starts.
After that talk with Stella, Macy felt like herself again. She had the sudden urge to see the brothers.
"Hey, Macy," A too familiar voice had said. It was like they could read her mind! Macy turned around to see the three brothers she idolized so much.
"Oh my gosh! JONAS just said hi to me!" Stella was right. Whenever Macy was within feet of the brothers, she would immediately convert into a teenie. Stella always reassured Kevin, Joe and Nick that Macy isn't usually like that, and is just star struck. They want to believe her, but they need to see it first.
"Yes, we talk to you almost every day," Nick reminded her as he grabbed the hockey stick from Macy's hands, placing it on the floor, leaning on the lockers. Macy just stood there, smiling uncontrollably.
"I told you this was a bad idea," Joe whispered to Kevin through clenched teeth. Unfortunately, Macy had heard him, but wasn't offended. She didn't talk to Joe as much as she talked to the other two. She didn't mind, Macy knew Joe had a thing for Stella, as well as vice versa. Macy was okay with having a celebrity crush on him instead.
Nick also heard Joe's complaint and quickly nudged him, forcing a smile to Macy.
"How may I be of assistance?" Macy asked with a giggle. They didn't just come over to converse with her, y'know. Well, they probably have talked to her in general a few times, but not alone, Stella was always there.
"Fiona is after Joe again," Kevin began.
"And we need your help again," Nick continued. Macy was educated with all things that involved gossip. You needed to know these things if you're going to own a fan site about a celebrity.
"Well, what do you want me to do?" She questioned.
"Please get rid of her!" Joe blurted out. Fiona could be annoying. Although, she was an exceptionally great actress. Have you not seen her movies?
"Um, then what's the latest news with her?" Macy couldn't dare herself to say Fiona's name.
"Well, Paolo got in touch with us through your fan club and told us what Fiona was planning to do next," Joe explained. They still couldn't believe that Fiona didn't care Paolo was on JONAS' side now. Macy motioned for him to continue. "So the premiere for her new movie, Don't Turn Around, is tomorrow and she was going to take me as her date."
"That's it?"
Joe nodded.
"Then why won't you just turn her down?"
"Because she's setting me up. She's going to get her manager to call me and tell me I'm going on a blind date for a new celebrity dating show in the works."
"Hold on; why is Skye suddenly interested in you again?" Macy could handle saying Fiona's last name, though.
"She heard about Stella and Joe's 'break up'," Nick answered, using air quotes. But everyone knew they weren't dating at all in the first place. Just crushing.
"And thought this was her perfect opportunity to start the rumors once again," Kevin casually added.
"So what is she going to tell the tabloids?" Macy asked. She needed more information before she could create a plan.
"We're not entirely sure yet, but it's probably something along the lines of, 'Joe Lucas dumping Fake Blonde for Fiona Skye'," Kevin threw his hands in the air for effect.
"Damn, I can actually see what the article will say," Macy commented.
"So, are you going to help or not?" Joe said impatiently.
"Of course I will!" Macy retorted. "Seriously, how do I turn down a bunch of guys like you?"
"My boy-ish charm worked once again," Kevin sighed happily. The others rolled their eyes in amusement.
Macy checked her watch and noticed there was still an hour left before homeroom. So why were they all there so early? Well, Stella was obviously in a sewing club meeting, and Macy just had floor hockey practice. And it's pretty clear that Kevin had cheerleading. Nick and Joe were probably there for support, or they were forced to go to school early. Maybe they were trying to beat the traffic, so they won't arrive late.
"Well, I'm going to brush up on my gossip skills and come up with a plan," Macy announced. "I'll be in the computer lab if you need me."
"Great, meet us in the caf at lunch," Nick instructed. Macy nodded. She then took her hockey stick and left. She forgot to leave the hockey stick in the gym, so she was heading there first.
When Macy was in the computer lab, she noticed Stella at one of the computers, and decided to take a seat beside her.
"I thought you'd be in the library," Macy said, signing on the computer with her student ID.
"I was," Stella replied, not peeling her eyes away from the screen. "I took out a few books and I'm searching for any extra information." She pointed to the books that were next to Stella's computer keyboard. "So what are you here for? Checking up on your fan site?"
"I usually would, but right now, I need to look up the latest news on Fiona Skye." Macy was shocked she had even said her name.
"Why, what's going on?" Stella asked, eyes still glued onto the screen. Macy had a feeling the brothers weren't planning on telling her, so she just kept her mouth shut. Besides, there doesn't need to be a cat fight. Joe probably had a good reason to keep this from Stella. She doesn't like being involved with Fiona anyway. It'd just anger her.
"Just checking if she found someone else to use," Macy replied casually, her voice perfectly even. She was afraid that she would stutter. She wasn't good at lying to her best friend. Stella could read her like an open book. Luckily, this time, Stella didn't notice at all. She was too busy researching on mask making.
"Ah, I see. Tell me if she is."
"Why?" Macy opened a browser and typed in the biggest gossip site around. It contained news from all celebrities in America.
"Why?" She repeated, "What if that new guy she's using happens to be one of my best friends?"
"Stella," Macy began. "You don't have any other celebrity best friends beside Kevin, Nick and Joe."
"True," Stella answered in defeat. "But using people is never okay."
"Just as I suspected," Macy mumbled under her breath as she read an article about Fiona, hoping that Stella wouldn't notice. Stella didn't notice at all that their conversation had ended. So Macy finished reading the article. It basically mentioned how the movie premiere for Don't Turn Around was soon, and also mentioned how much Fiona Skye was talking when asked who her date to the movie was. She casually answered, "You'll see on the red carpet. It may surprise you, it may not. But I can't wait for the premiere! It will be the first time in months since we last saw each other." Ah, indeed, this is just the perfect challenge for Macy Misa. She needed something to get her mind off of the dance, and this was doing the trick.
Macy decided to search some more gossip websites. She would have went directly to the largest Fiona fan site, but being a fan site owner herself, she knows that fan sites respect the celebrities' privacy and doesn't start or spread rumors. Then, when it was nearing homeroom, the teacher in charge of the computer lab notified them to log off the computers if they didn't want to be late. Stella and Macy hurried, for they were always punctual. They had homeroom together, so they didn't have to worry about saying goodbye and seeing them later.
They arrived to class exactly a minute before homeroom started.
"Good morning, class," Ms. Snart began. "Now, before we go on, I would just like to mention a few things. First of all, if anyone's interested in helping out with the masked dance, just contact me. Secondly, volleyball season starts soon, and if any girls are interested in trying out, just ask Macy Misa for all the information." Macy sighed when she heard volleyball; she completely forgot that Coach wanted her to train all the athletes that were interested in joining. Of course, she didn't have to train the ones that were on the team the previous year. It usually was just the freshmen, and the ones who aren't athletic, but wanted to try something new. The only reason why Coach put her in charge of this, was because she wanted less work, and she trusted Macy, being the star athlete and all.
"Hey, Macy," Stella whispered. "Do you want to help set up for the dance?"
"What?" She whispered back. "I already have to train the newbies, and you want me to help out with the dance?!"
"Ms. Misa, Ms. Malone, is there a problem here?" Ms. Snart walked over to the two, who were in the back of the class.
"No, not at all," Stella answered casually, not wanting to get in trouble. "Macy and I were just talking about how we'd love to help set up for the dance next weekend."
"Stella!" Macy whined. She was busy enough as it is. And she still wasn't sure if she was going to attend the dance anyway.
"That's splendid! Meet me in the gym at lunch so we can start brainstorming." With that being said, Ms. Snart headed back to the front of the class.
"I hope you're happy!" Macy whisper yelled, crossing her arms.
"Yes, Macy, indeed I am," Stella replied with a smile.
When the morning classes were over, and lunch came around, Stella dragged Macy to her locker before going to the gym.
"Macy!" Joe yelled as he approached the two. "Oh, hey, Stella," He casually added once he noticed her with Macy. "Erm, may I speak to Macy alone?"
"Sorry, Joe, she and I need to get to the gym," Stella said, shutting her locker. She then grabbed Macy's wrist and pulled her towards the gym.
"Stella!" Macy whined again, like she had done in homeroom. "Why did you do that?! Joe needed to speak to me!"
"About what?" Stella turned to her with a suspicious look and crossed arms as they stopped in the middle of the gym.
"He needed help in math," Macy carefully lied. She hoped Stella didn't remember that excuse from before.
"So why didn't he ask me for help?"
"Because," Macy's voice trailed off, "he knows how focused you are on your creations, so he decided it's best he didn't bother you." She really needed to ask Joe if it was okay to tell Stella.
"Alright, students, gather around." Ms. Snart was on the far side of the gym. Stella rushed to Ms. Snart's side, while Macy sluggishly dragged her feet on the hardwood floor. She didn't really want to be there. She wasn't in the mood to make people happy. She wasn't even happy herself.
Macy raised her hand in the air, "Ms. Snart?"
"Yes, Macy?"
Macy put her hand down and replied, "I don't want to be here."
"Pardon? I do not follow."
"During homeroom when you busted me and Stella for talking, she was talking to me about helping set up for the dance. But I didn't want to. I have enough extra curricular activities as it is. You know I'd love to help, but only if I didn't have tons of sports to practice for."
"Oh, well, then. I guess I understand, Macy. Besides, there's no way you're going to do good if Stella and I put pressure on you to do things."
"Thank you, Ms. Snart."
"You're welcome, sweetie. Now go get yourself some lunch."
Macy nodded and headed towards the exit. When she passed Stella, she intently whispered, "Game well played, Misa. I thought I could've got you to stay on the committee for longer." She's the one to talk. Stella still had her school work, her designing, and then the dance. Then again, Macy has way more, but, it can't currently be the season for all sports.
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