Chapter Thirteen: 2002

Hermione smiled up at her husband from the bed in the hospital. He returned the smile and looked down at the little bundle in her arms. Ellie Narcissa Malfoy, their second child, was born on February 6, 2002, yesterday morning. Just then, the door opened and a very pregnant Luna walked in with Harry, who was holding the hand of a little blond haired boy. "Daddy!" The 3 year old child exclaimed, running up to Draco and wrapping his little arms around him. Draco laughed and picked him up.

"Kyle, meet your new sister, Ellie." Draco said, smiling. He couldn't seem to stop.

"Hello, Ellie." The child replied, reaching out to touch her hand. Hermione smiled too.

"Congrats guys." Harry said.

"Thanks." Hermione replied, rocking the baby a little.

"Momma?" Kyle Michael (after Hermione's father) Malfoy asked.

"Yes, dear?"

"When are you coming home?"


"YAY!" The boy cheered. Hermione laughed.

"Come on Kyle, let's go get some ice cream." Harry offered. The kid grinned joyously and was set on his feet by his father, only to be, a split second later, picked up by his 'uncle' Harry.

Luna and Harry left with Kyle and Hermione handed Ellie to Draco so she could get dressed.

When she was finished, she took the baby back and Draco picked up some of her things. They left the room and went to check out. After being approved to leave, they went back home. Harry and Luna brought Kyle back about an hour later and the boy yawned hugely. "Time for bed?" Hermione asked. The boy nodded. Draco took him upstairs while Hermione finished feeding Ellie once more before putting her to bed also.

Hermione lied the baby down, kissed her forehead, and left the room. Then, she went to her son's room and found Draco reading to Kyle. She observed them for a minute, until Draco finished, then entered the room and kissed Kyle goodnight. She smiled down at the boy, then up at Draco.

"He's a good boy."

"He really is." She agreed and walked out of the room, reflecting on her life. She and Dray were married on the 12th of July, 1998, right after school ended. Then, they were blessed with Kyle a year later. Now, they also had a daughter, and life couldn't get any better. Their best friends, Harry and Luna, were expecting a boy in 2 weeks and Neville had married Hannah Abbott a year ago. Pansy was released on probation from Azkaban 2 years after she was put there and hadn't bothered them since, being only a ghost of what she was from the consistancy of dementors. Ron, after being decked by Neville, had also left the couple alone.

Life was perfect.

Hermione walked downstairs and grabbed a book off of the shelf. Draco copied her and they curled up on the couch together. About 15 mintues later, they were interrupted by a face popping into the fireplace.

"Hermione?" Harry frantically asked.

"What? What's wrong?" She replied.

"Luna, she's going into labor and want's you here."

"Be right there." Hermione replied. Harry's face disappeared and Hermione stood up. She apologized to Draco but he waved it off, saying Luna needed her. She thanked him and kissed him quickly before flooing to the hospital. When she arrived, she was whisked away by Harry to Luna's room. 3 hours later, James Sirius Potter was born. Hermione was happy for her friends. They thanked her and she hugged them both.

"Congratulations, I'll talk to you both tomorrow."

"Sounds good, thanks again Hermione."

"You're welcome." She replied, before flooing home. When she arrived, Draco was still reading. He looked up when she walked in.

"How'd it go?"

"James Sirius Potter." Was her reply. He smiled and got up.


Hermione laughed. "Yeah." He prepared some and they sat at the table together.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked her.

"How perfect our life is." He kissed her and nodded in agreement.

"It is, isn't it." She smiled and kissed him again. Just then, they heard Ellie cry. They looked at each other and burst out laughing at the irony. "I still wouldn't change any of it for anything, crying and all."

"Same here. I love you Draco."

"I love you Hermione."

A/N: And I'm done! I hope you all enjoyed it and the ending wasn't too much of a disappointment. I love you all and thank you so much for all of the wonderful reviews and all of the favorites and alerts I've gotten, they've all made me smile. For everyone who stuck with my story and didn't give up on me when I took forever to update, I give an extra thanks to you.

Love Always,
