A/N: Hey everyone! I hoped you liked the last chapter! I wrote it because I thought I should explain about how the Elementals are kind of different from the Winds and Thunders, and why they were in Ocean Bluff! I hope you all liked this little story arc I came up with and in this chapter you'll see Gana, Kaba, and Adena completely wreak havoc, and also you'll see a bit of cooperation and humanity from the spirits! There is going to be a third part to the Rogue Elementals chapter because I didn't want to write it all into just one huge ass chapter, so the next chapter should be the last of this before I go onto writing out episodes again! Hopefully you all like these chapters!

Disclaimer: I don't own Power Rangers, only my OC's.

Ninja Storm Different Form

Chapter 15: Spirit of the Rogue Elementals Part 2

"Finally, it's been years since I've been able to take over," Adena muttered, stretching her arms over her head. Shane and Hunter watched in shock and horror as Danni ceased being Danni. RJ merely clenched his fists and bit his lip, already having seeing this happen to his daughter before. It didn't make him dislike it any less, but it allowed him to be more prepared and level-headed than the two rangers next to him. In order to get his Danni back-his little princess-he'd have to keep his composure and do whatever it took to save her.

Adena's eyes swept around before stopping on the three attempting to hide behind the trees. Her focus immediately fell on RJ. "Daddy dearest, it's great to see you," Adena taunted.

"You're not my daughter," RJ spoke through clenched teeth.

"Ouch, RJ that hurt. You might even make me shed a tear." Adena smirked moving closer to the trio, with calm graceful steps. Hunter frowned and noted that she moved as if she had all the time in the world. "Now, where did you put my fellow Elementals?"

"Somewhere you'll never find them!" Shane shouted in response.

Adena cocked her head to the side a small smile on her face, staring at Shane, then Hunter, then looking back at RJ. RJ immediately took a step in front of the two boys. "They're new. I wouldn't think of you as reckless enough to bring Shane and Hunter along. Especially seeing as they'd never be able to harm little Danni." RJ's jaw clenched and Adena smirked before looking at Shane. "Now, where are the Elementals?"

"We wont tell you," Shane retorted.

Adena stalked forward, placing a hand on Shane's cheek and stroking it gently. Shane flinched back and remained rooted in his spot. "Silly Shane, asking is merely... a formality of sorts. I don't need you to find them." With that Adena's eyes went white as she looked up towards the sky. She was like that for a few moments before she inhaled sharply, looking down with her red eyes flashing in anger. She grabbed Shane by the throat and lifted him up into the air. "Where are they?!" She barked.

"Who? I thought you could sense them!" RJ responded in confusion.

"Nieva, Oro, Fei, and Inum! Where are they?" Adena hissed, glaring at RJ and Hunter. "Tell me or I'll snap his neck!"

Shane whimpered as he gasped for air, and Hunter and RJ looked shocked and confused. Their minds started reeling as they tried to come up with the answer, before something clicked in Hunter's mind. "Lothor!" Hunter blurted out without thinking. Immediately Shane was dropped to the ground-RJ quickly dragging the boy behind him-and Adena's attention was completely fixed on the blonde. Hunter could tell that the glare she was leveling his way meant 'explain'. "Lothor… he kidnapped all the students from every Ninja Academy. We were the only ones who made it out from ours, and Danni, Alex, and Mike were the only ones to make it out from the Elemental Ninja Academy."

Adena's glare quickly subsided as she threw her head back and let loose a laugh. "That idiot Lothor, huh? Oh, I'm sure he's having a blast with the others right about now." She then looked towards Hunter and smiled. "Thank you Hunter for that piece of information. I see you're far more useful to me then my pops over there."

"You're not my daughter, you heartless, sadistic, little bitch!"

"Flattery will get you nowhere, RJ."

RJ's hands clenched into fists as he walked forward to step in front of both teenage boys he was in charge of. "Get ready; we can't let her leave."

Adena smiled and giggled a bit. "What makes you think you can stop me?"

"Hunter, now!" RJ shouted. Hunter, remembering the plan that they had talked about during their training with RJ and Adam, quickly shot lightening at the girl, hitting her square in the chest. Adena skidded back a few feet amd looked down at where the attack had hit before looking up at Hunter, a glare on her face.

"Please, I've been a Thunder Ninja since before you were born!" Adena shouted, firing her own, stronger lightening at Hunter, sending him flying back and hitting a tree, landing on the ground in a heap. RJ quickly ran forward and started to engage Adena in hand-to-hand combat. They seemed evenly matched, but the laughing coming from Adena was enough to tell anyone that she was just toying with him. "You're boring me RJ," Adena tisked before ducking under an elbow strike and delivering a devastating kick to his stomach, sending him flying back to where Shane had been standing.

"RJ!" Shane shouted before firing air at Adena, hoping to knock her off of her feet. Adena crossed her arms in front of her face and dug her heels into the ground before looking up at Shane, a smirk present on her face. Shane was confused by this, before he realized why she was smirking, and internally wanted to kick himself.

Adena let fire engulf her, and the air Shane was blasting her with, caused the fire to grow tremendously, a mini explosion happening and knocking Shane off his feet and to the ground. "Air only fans the flames," Adena smirked as she looked at the three men in front of her, trying to get to their feet. "Oh come on, you have to have more in you then that."


Adena looked over her shoulder and grinned seeing Gana and Kaba strolling up to her. "Gana, Kaba, it's great to see you two awake. I'm assuming you've already heard about the others?"

"Yeah! Let's hightail it up to Lothor's ship and go and kick some ass!" Gana spoke, cracking her knuckles.

Kaba shook her head. "That would take too long, and we have a time frame."

"Kaba is right. We'd be no use to them if our darling hosts take over again. Besides, they'll be making their own mischief without a doubt," Adena rationalized. "Come, we must find the Stone of Giza or else we'll be trapped for another five years."

"What about them?" Gana asked, jerking her chin towards the three men looking on in shock. "Want me to freeze em? I can make it look way artistic!"

"No, leave them be. RJ, Cassie, and TJ were reckless. They brought friends of the hosts. Idiotic. As if they would actually do what needed to be done. They won't be any threat to us," Adena spoke, sneering at the groaning men. "Let's go."

The Rouge's took one look at the three men before Kaba and Gana created an ice slide, and Adena used her fire to fly, leaving the rangers groaning in pain and internally kicking themselves for letting them get away.

"You guys alright?" Cam asked as the rangers all walked back into Ninja Ops. He had seen everything that had happened in the woods, and was already in the middle of targeting the Rogues while trying to locate the stone that they were looking for. Still he wanted to make sure his fellow rangers were alright. Adam, Tori, and Cassie were still pulling chunks of ice off of their clothes; TJ, Blake, and Dustin were wrapped up in blankets. And RJ, Shane, and Hunter were limping around while smoke radiated from their clothes.

"Define 'alright'," Dustin spoke up as he plopped down on the ground.

"They all got away," Adam spoke up. "Please tell me you found out where the stone is?"

Cam gestured for everyone to gather around his computer screen and waited until they shuffled around him, ignoring the groans of protest from Dustin and Blake. "It took a little bit of time and a lot of digging but I finally found out where the Stone of Giza is."

"Well, don't leave us in suspense bro, where is it?" Shane asked.

Cam merely pointed to the map on the screen.

Adam, TJ, and Cassie all looked at the screen closely as if they couldn't believe what Cam was pointing at. RJ forced a laugh before shaking his head. "This has to be a blast in the past for you three, right? I guess we should've known though. Everything happens in Angel Grove."

"Angel Grove?" Tori asked in confusion.

Cassie nodded. "Yeah, sight of the first four ranger teams."

"Five if you count when we took over the Turbo team for Tommy and the others," TJ pointed out.

Dustin grinned. "There were five other teams?!"

Adam laughed. "Kid including your team, there is nine."

"Can we get back to the matter at hand?" Hunter spoke up, obviously not as entertained by the power ranger conversation as the Earth ninja. "Where in Angel Grove?"

"Well if my scanners are right, which I'm 100% sure they are, the Stone of Giza is located at the bottom of the lake in the center of Angel Grove," Cam said seriously. "But my scanners indicated that it was once in a pile of rubble out in the outskirts of Angel Grove. This means, someone has moved it recently."

"But who would move it?" Blake asked.

"And why?" Hunter added on for his brother.

Sensei climbed onto Cam's palm and looked up at the group. "It seems that there are people who knew about the Elementals other than those in this very room."

"Well, we can't really dwell on that now," Adam spoke up. "We have to get moving and get the Stone before they do. They'll be able to sense the stone, but not very accurately seeing as they aren't together with the other Elementals."

"So what are we waiting for?" Shane asked.

Cam nodded in agreement. "Alright, Shane lead everyone into the mobile command center. Dustin, Blake, come with me to pack up some medical supplies. This is gonna get ugly."

TJ looked over at RJ while Cam was barking orders. "Please tell me you called enough people in."

RJ smirking was his only response.

"All this waiting around is getting to me! Let's just go now!" Gana said in annoyance. She and her two fellow Elementals were still in the woods around Blue Bay Harbor, now sitting in a circle on the ground. To say her patience was wearing thin was the understatement of the century. She jumped up and started moving about. "Let's go!"

"Gana, we must locate the stone first before we leave," Kaba reminded her fellow Elemental.

"Why don't we leave now and THEN search?" Gana spoke up again.

Kaba rolled her eyes. "Because we could end up going in the wrong direction-"

"Quiet, both of you," Adena snarled. The two immediately ceased their arguing. "Gana, sit. We search then we leave. No if's and's or but's about it. Understood?"

The two nodded as Gana sat down and completed the circle. Stretching their hands out to the center, it glowed white as their eyes turned the same color. They sat in that manner for a few minutes before they pulled their hands back and their eyes returned to their unnatural colors. Adena rolled her eyes as she got to her feet. "They really couldn't find some place more creative? Come girls, we're going to Angel Grove."

The rangers all waited in silence as they sat in the back of the Mobile Command Center. The tension in the air was practically visible and no one wanted to break the silence by speaking. Some of the younger rangers even took care to breath quietly. RJ had a face of pure anguish adoring his features while TJ was trying to comfort a distraught looking Cassie. While the three adults had put up a brave face in front of the rangers earlier, it seemed that it wasn't as easy to contain their emotions as their journey to stop their daughters began. Dustin and Cam were completely silent, Dustin drumming his fingers on his knees in order to keep himself calm, and Cam typing away at the keyboard checking and double checking the information. Hunter had his eyes closed and his head leaning back on the wall of the vehicle, trying to calm himself down, and ignore what Cassie had told him earlier. He didn't like Danni. She was just the only girl around that was a good fighter and liked Motocross. That was it.

Adam, having had enough of the silence, cleared his throat. "Alright, while the silence is fun to wallow in, we really need to come up with a plan here. So, what's the game plan?"

It was silent for a moment before TJ spoke up. "Tori, you're the water ninja right?" Tori looked around in confusion as to why that would matter but nodded. "Alright, then our game plan is to protect Tori."

"What?" Tori stuttered out in confusion. "Thanks, but I can protect myself."

"This isn't a 'guys are stronger than girls' thing, Tori," Cassie spoke up, understanding where her husband was going, and how Tori interpreted it. "The Stone of Giza is all the way at the bottom of the lake in Angel Grove. That's more than 20 feet down. None of us would be able to swim that length, except for you."

Tori started to understand it. "So if anything were to happen to me-"

"Then we wouldn't be able to get the stone at all," RJ finished for the girl.

"So we protect Tori?" Blake asked for confirmation. When the four adults nodded he grinned. "You won't hear any complaints from me." Tori tossed a playful glare over to the Navy ranger who merely smirked.

"That doesn't sound much like a good game plan though," Shane pointed out.

RJ nodded. "That's not our only plan. Some of the reinforcements I called in are going to be waiting at the old Command Center. We assume the stone has been there for a while seeing as there was a higher energy concentration so that's probably where the girls will go first. Then from there we have three more lines of defense before they get to us at the lake. And hopefully by then, we'll have gotten the stone and are back on the road to make sure they can't find it."

Hunter frowned in confusion. "Who are our lines of defense?"

The Mobile Command Center stopped and the backdoors opened. The younger rangers looked out and stood in awe—Dustin nearly screaming like a girl—at who was in front of them.

Jason Lee Scott looked around in the vehicle and grinned, holding up a power coin. "Alright, so who's the one that's supposed to help Billy bring our morphers back on line?"

"They would be our lines of defense."

Cassie grinned as she looked at the awestruck faces of the younger rangers. "Allow me to introduce everyone. This is Jason, Kimberly, and Billy from the original Mighty Morphin team. Over here we have Justin and Tanya from the Zeo and Turbo team. Oh, hey you guys! These three are from our team, Andros, Ashley, and Carlos, from the Turbo and Space teams. From the Lightspeed Rescue teams we have Carter, Dana, Kelsey, and Ryan. Representing the Time Force team is Wes and Eric, and finally for the Wild Force team, we have Cole, Alyssa, Taylor, and Merrick. Everyone, this is the Ninja Storm team, Shane, Dustin, Tori, Hunter, Blake, Cam, and their mentor Sensei Watanabee."

"Hey there!" The former rangers chorused out.

"Oh my God… and I left my autograph book home today!" Dustin cried out in dismay.

Cam rolled his eyes. "I'm the one whose supposed to help get the morphers online."

"Alright, well we should get to work then huh?" Billy spoke up as he hopped onto the MCC and walked over to where Cam was sitting. "Eric, Wes, Kimberly, Taylor, and Carlos you guys are up first seeing as you're heading to the Command Center. Kim will be able to show you guys where to go." The five nodded as they, and the rest of the rangers, all piled onto the MCC and found spots to sit. The five handed their morphers to the two geniuses before sitting as well.

"So how long have you kids been in the ranger game?" Wes asked curiously.

"Not long… a bit longer than a month," Shane answered honestly.

"You guys are still pretty new to the whole thing then, huh?" Kim asked sympathetically.

Tori nodded. "You can say that."

Eric raised an eyebrow. "So, how old are you kids anyway? Twelve?"

"How old are you? Fifty?" Hunter retorted without missing a beat. Eric glared at the blonde, while Taylor—his ever faithful companion—laughed at his expense.

"That's what you get for being an ass, Eric," Taylor said still laughing. She then looked at Hunter and grinned. "Now you, I like. What's your name again?"


"Nice too meet you. My name's Taylor."

Eric snorted. "Like em young now?"

Taylor elbowed her boyfriend in the ribs and rolled her eyes. "If I did I wouldn't be with you, now would I?"

"Ooh! She got you good, Eric!" Ryan laughed.

"Yeah, like you can control your girlfriend any better?" Eric retorted. That caused Kelsey to cross her arms and smile at Ryan, just daring him to say something she didn't like. Ryan just chose to keep his mouth shut and start picking lint off of his jeans. "I thought so."

"Eric, Wes, Taylor, Kim, and Carlos you're good to go!" Billy called out, tossing them their morphers back.

"Show time," Wes spoke up as he and the other four stood up. "You guys ready?" The other four nodded.

"Call if you guys need help," Jason advised, though he was mainly looking at Kim. Kim merely smiled and nodded as they all ran out of the MCC and disappeared into the night.

"Second line of defense, we need your morphers!" Cam called out.

Kelsey, Justin, Tanya, Ashley and Adam walked forward and handed their morphers in. "This should be fun," Kelsey spoke excitedly.

The younger rangers looked at Kelsey in confusion before Ryan explained. "She's an adrenaline junkie. And she loves seeing the girls, even when they're all homicidal like they are now."

Justin started tapping his foot nervously. "So, do you think they'll be able to come to their senses?"

"Probably not," Adam remarked.

"Well, that's positive thinking," Shane commented.

Ashley shook her head. "He's not trying to be negative; we've already gone through this before with the girls. We all have. Not all at the same time like this, mind you, but we've each had to deal with them when they get like this. We know there is only a slim chance that they can break free of the hold."

"Not really instilling confidence, Ash," Tanya laughed.

"Alright, you five can go off!"

"Careful, Kelsey," Ryan warned just before they got their morphers.

"You too, Ashley," Andros added on.

Kelsey grinned. "Always am! And I'll take care of Ashley, Andros! No worries!" With that the group ran off.


Merrick, Alyssa, Dana, and Ryan got up and handed in their morphers. "Watch out for Alyssa, Merrick," Cole asked. Merrick gave the former red ranger a look.

"I'm the one who took care of Alyssa last time she got hurt and lost in the woods. I'll make sure she stays safe now too."

"And keep yourself safe too," RJ spoke up.

Merrick smirked. "Little brother? Worried, are we now?"

RJ glared playfully. "No, it's just a pain looking for decent babysitters who won't let my cub get away with everything."

"You two are related?" Dustin asked in confusion.

Alyssa laughed. "Brothers, if you could believe it. They are polar opposites."

"You should be there for the power ranger reunions," Dana said wincing. "It gets pretty interesting."

"Hectic would be a better term," Ryan corrected.

Billy cleared his throat. "Alright you guys are set! As soon as I'm done setting up the other morphers I'll be joining you."

The group of four nodded before running off. Jason, Cole, Andros, and Carter all stood up. "Guess that means it's our turn." The four red rangers stood up and walked their morphers over before preparing to for a fight.

"We'll make sure they don't get past us," Carter assured.

Cole nodded. "We'll give you as much time as you need."

"RJ, TJ, and Cassie, you guys just worry about taking care of the kids," Andros assured.

Shane frowned. "We're not kids you know."

"Yeah, we've been protecting Blue Bay Harbor for a month now," Hunter added on.

Jason smiled. "A month on the job makes you kids."

"You guys are set!" Billy called out before he got up and ran out of the MCC to meet up with Merrick, Alyssa, Dana, and Ryan. Cam handed out the morphers to the red rangers.

Jason grinned. "Later kiddies! Be sure you get that stone or else we're all screwed!" He called out before he and the other red rangers raced out. It was silent once again. Well… for a few seconds.

"Do you think they'd sign my race gear?"

"Dustin… not the time."

"This bringing back any memories for you guys?" Wes asked as he looked around the group he was to lead. Taylor and Carlos looked on edge while Kim and Eric—both having ample experience with being a ranger and being a law enforcer respectively—seemed oddly at ease. They all were standing around the ruins of what used to be the Command Center of the first few ranger teams, just chatting to pass the time.

"Reminds me of the time Jason and I went dark-side while helping the first Turbo team," Kim said laughing. "We gave them hell."

"I'll bet; you guys were the best," Carlos spoke up, remembering the story that Tommy and Adam had relayed to him and the other Turbo rangers who took over for the veterans.

"Keyword being 'were'," Eric piped up smirking.

Kim raised an eyebrow. "Want a spar? I'm sure either Billy, Jason, or I would be able to find time to school you."

Wes smiled a bit. "I don't know… it's been a while since you've had on the spandex. You could've lost your edge."

Taylor rolled her eyes as she looked at the two Time Force rangers. "You guys do realize that Kim was just at an Olympic gymnastics trial competition before flying over here right? I don't think she's lost her edge."

Carlos pouted. "Why'd you go and tell them that for? I was hoping to see that spar!" Taylor merely shrugged as she kicked a piece of the rubble.

"So… this is why RJ, TJ, Cassie, and Adam didn't put up much of a fight when we left."

The former rangers all tensed and looked up at the sky to see Gana and Kaba on their ice slides and Adena using her fire to fly. The three girls looked at the rangers as they slowly drifted to the ground. Kim pulled out her morpher and held it to her lips. "Team One to Mobile Command. Targets are in sight. Moving to engage."

"There's more of you?" Gana asked in annoyance.

"Lots more," Carlos responded with a grin.

Kaba turned to Adena. "Do you want us to split up and take care of the rest?"

Adena pondered that for a bit, lighting her fingertips on fire with a wicked smile on her face. "No… we have over 22 hours left… let's have fun with them."

Wes narrowed his eyes and turned to look at the rest of his team. All of them nodded. "Ready!"






Adena shared a look with her fellow rogues before turning back to look at the veteran rangers decked out in spandex in front of her. She smirked evilly before lighting her hands on fire. "This should be fun."

"Mobile Command to Teams 2-5, Team 1 has made contact with the rogues and is engaging in battle. All rangers remain at their post and await further instructions," Cam's voice rang out through the morphers.

Adam looked down at his morpher and sighed. He felt a comforting hand on his shoulder and turned to see his wife looking at him with a knowing look. "They'll be fine. We've always been able to get them back to their senses. It'll work out, sweetie, I know it," Tanya assured giving him a kiss on the cheek. Adam smiled and nodded.

"So, Adam when's this surprise party for RJ?" Ashley asked curiously.

Adam frowned. "Does everyone know about this already? Jason just suggested the idea to Danni two days ago."

"Jason's got a big mouth," Kelsey shrugged. "But it's only the girls who know."

"Hey! Billy and I know!" Justin defended, blushing a bit.

"Why only the girls?" Adam asked, ignoring Justin's outburst.

"Because everyone else would blurt it out to RJ!" Ashley rationalized. She then paused. "Well, Billy keeps secrets like a vault, Merrick refused to even hear about the plan when Jason tried telling him because he—and I quote—'can't lie to his younger sibling, for that shows disloyalty', and Justin just happened to be around when I was told, so we had to swear him to secrecy and he's under constant surveillance."

"I think they even bugged my phone," Justin said conspiratorially.

Tanya rolled her eyes. "Don't be overdramatic. We didn't bug your phones."

"But I thought Billy did?" Kelsey asked in confusion.

"Shh! You weren't supposed to tell him that though!" Ashley hissed.

Adam had to bite back a laugh as Justin had a completely horrified look on his face. The former black ranger didn't know whether to be amused or slightly worried about whether his conversations were being monitored as well. "You girls think you're taking this a bit far?"

"Of course not!" They automatically answered at once.

Adam nodded while sharing a sympathetic look with Justin. "Okay…"

"Kimberly to Mobile Command!" Kim's voice cut through their conversation. Everyone tensed as the very first pink ranger spoke with panic and fear lacing her tone.

"Mobile Command to Kimberly; go ahead."

"We've got a huge problem here! The other Elementals are here! But they're working with Lothor!"