Hey everyone this is my first fanfic so tell me if you like it or not. I'll take anything you got, and love it if it's good, so... enjoy.


"Dimitri? Dimitri! Dimitri! I felt pressure on my hand. The voice spoke again. "Dimitri! Adrian ! Adrian , he's waking up!" I started to bounce when I realized the voice belonged to Rose. Rose. Rose must have been really excited, I think she was bouncing.

Wait, that meant that… I had to wake up completely. I could hear Rose saying my name then she said the one thing that could wake me up.

"Dimitri." She spoke softly and confidently. "Dimitri, I love you, please wake up. I need you." My heart speed, apparently my eyes moved. "Come on Comrade! Wake up already!" The pressure on my hand increased making it painful.

Suddenly the room got orange, and then finally, finally I opened my eyes. As soon as my eyes opened, arms went around me. I immediately realized it was Rose. One her dark, wonderful, beautiful hair was in my face and two her arms were way to familiar. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close.

She shook some and I heard a little sniffle. I pulled back to look at her face; her eyes were glazed with unshed tears. I kissed her forehead and she sighed. When I pulled back again to lay back down she was glaring at me

"What?" I was confused.

She continued to glare at me and finally she spoke. "Don't you ever, ever and I mean ever, do that to me again! I… I didn't know what I was going to do. When they first brought you in and in the cave… Oh God…" She trailed off the glazed came back into her eyes.

I pulled her to me and laid her down next to me. "Sshhhhh, shhhhh. Oh, Roza, I won't ever do it again. I love you too much." I had to make laugh and see her smile. "Well, it's a good thing you tried to beat the crap out of Jesse and then we… um… showed each other new moves, then made that promise. Yep, those were some good moves."

That was all it took to get her to laugh. That beautiful, heart stopping smile spread across her face. She leaned down and kissed me sweet and softly. I wanted the moment to last forever.

I wanted, too soon. Adrian 's voice rang out. "Rose, Kirova , Alberta and the Doctor are coming down the hall to check on you lover boy, here." We broke apart to see Adrian 's ugly head poked in the door with a stupid grin on his face.

Rose and I sighed at the same time. Then Rose scooted off the bed and into the chair that was at my bed side, I'm guessing she rarely left that place.

She looked at me, "So, Dimitri," She started slowly, and gave me a come hither look. "You come here often?"

I burst out laughing and Rose started to laugh uncontrollably just as Kirova , Alberta and the doctor walked in.

They all looked happy and relived that I was awake. Then a loud thump echoed the room. Rose fell out of her chair and was on the ground laughing. They all looked at my beautiful Rose as if she were insane. Tho she probably wasn't too far off from the last few days.

" Miss. Hathaway, what on earth are you doing?" Kirova asked sternly.

Rose sobered up quickly and got in her chair, "Well you see Headmistress," she arranged herself so she looked like the Queen. "I heard something that tickled my fancy." She tilted her head up so her nose was in the air.

I had to hold back a laugh. Kirova looked at me, "Care to share Guardian Belivkov?" I put on my Guardian face.

"Not particularly, Headmistress."

She looked back over to Rose. "Well, Miss Hathaway I'm not sure why you're here but it's rather convenient that you are. I have a few questions," she looked back at me. "For the both of you." Rose and I both nodded, "Answer truthfully." Great. " Miss. Hathaway?" Rose looked up. "Why did you go after Guardian Belikov?" Rose looked you the window, she didn't answer, her eyes were far away, remembering.

Kirova was getting impatient so Alberta cut in, she got down to Roses level and blocked her view of the window. "Rose we need to know why you so desperately went after Dimitri." Rose didn't look at any of the females in the room, she looked at me, I nodded.

Her eyes didn't leave mine as she began to speak. "Well, you see, Dimirti taught me to fight. Not just for Moroi, but to fight for what's right. He taught me to control myself. Control what I was feeling, with Lisa's feelings. He gave me what no one else would, patience and time. He showed me what I could be if I tried." She aused and took a deep breath. "The shopping trip we took after we got, before the dance. After a day of guarding Lisa, on the way home, everyone else had fallen asleep, we ended up talking about what would happen if we ended up Strigoi. We made a promise to one another. I had to keep that promise, by doing everything in my power to keep him from having that fate forever." She looked down, the memories were written all over her face.

Kirova cleared her throat, "Rose, is there anything else that we need to know? Between you and Dimitri?"

Rose looked at me, I nodded, it was going to be ok. Her eyes shone with love. She looked Kirova right in the eyes and spoke, "We're in love." She smiled and walked over to me and sat by my side.

Kirova was speechless so Alberta choked out, "How long?"

I spoke, "A little time after she arrived back at the school."

Kirova found her voice, "What has gone on?"

"We've had many stolen kisses, and that's all."

She rose her eye brows. "Really, why did it take so long to calm her before the attack?"

I think she thinks she got us, I did too, but Rose smiled. "Well you've never actually seen Lisa when the 'darkness' is around. It's really bad when she has it but even worse when I have it. I have to destroy when I have it. It takes a long time for me to find myself. With Dimitri's help I can't do it on my own."

I took her hands in mine and smiled, I looked at Kirova , Alberta and even Dr. Olendzki. They believed her.

I smiled even more, "Doctor, am I free to go?"

She smiled, "Yes, as long as someone can say with you all the time for the next week, that means no shifts- nothing."

"I can stay with him!" Rose all but shouted.

I looked at her. "You have classes."

She gave me a devious smile, "Not for the next two weeks." There was more apparently.

Kirova smiled, well kind of. "Yes, we will also have another academy joining ours later this week."

That was exciting, in a boring kind of way. "Which academy is it?" I hoped it wasn't Trojan Academy ; they were like movie stars, especially when it came to drama and gossip. And their novices were, well lets just say that they were a pain in the butt to work with and had heads filled with helium.

"I believe its Trojan Academy ."

Rose stiffened and squeezed my hand extremely hard. I've heard some stories about what happed, lets just say it wasn't pretty from the last time they visited.

Rose stood and tried to pull me up too, I sat up and moved to the edge. "Do I have any clothes?"

Rose smiled, "Nope" she popped the 'p'. "Come on Dimitri, lets get you up to bed."

We were walking back toward her dorm to pack her bag for the net week and it turned out my coat was there. It was the middle of the night for everyone so no one was out. Rose and I walked hand and hand to her dorm.

"Rose?" she looked up at me, "What do you want for your birthday?"

She got that look in her eye. "I want a baby otter."

I pulled us to a stop and cupped her soft face in my hands. "Really, Rose? Is that really what you want? You sure you don't want anything else?" I gave her a wink. She giggled.

She winked back and gave her heart stopping, I can make you do what I want, man-eater smile. "Well there's a few other things I would like, but you can't wrap it up." She paused thinking, I waited. "Well actually, you could, but it would be really funny looking."

I had to smile at that, she could be so funny when she wanted to be. But that's not what I really wanted to know. "Rose, that not what I need to know." She gave me a knowing look, she knew all along. "Ah, Roza, the things you do to me."

She smiled that smile again; "Dimitri, you're not wearing pants!" she took my hand and pulled me to her dorm.

We snuck up the back ay. Once onto her floor I picked her up in my arms bridal style. She, however, didn't like that position because she moved so that her legs wrapped around my waist, he arms went around my neck, to hold herself up. My arms went under her, making a seat. I smile at her. "This reminds me of when I would hold my younger sisters."

She smiled even wider, we reached her door. "I remind you of your sisters?"

I put my forehead on hers, "If you were my sister, I have no idea what I would do. Because you, my dear, are my lover and friend, and will forever be." She looked so happy, she could explode.


Wow. I'm his lover? The scene from Titanic popped into my head. Except Dimirti's Jack and I'm Rose, that's ironic. My mind jumped to the scene in the car, steaming up the windows. Then it moved o the scene where they're a the front of the boat, looking over the water.

I was bubbling inside, "I love you. Always have, always will." I whispered.

His eyes full of love, earlier, gained more love and picked up lust. "Oh, Roza, I love you too." With that he kissed me. His kissed, oh, what they did to me. He pulled back, "Oh what you do to

me. " I smiled and kissed him again. He pulled back not too long after. I pouted, he smiled. "Rose, I'm not wearing pants, you're straddling me, in the novices dorms. I think we need to get your things before anyone comes up." He kissed my nose.

I sighed, he was right. I jumped off him and turned around to face my door. Dimitri put his arms around me and I go my key out.

As I opened my door he asked, "Why do you have my coat?"

I smiled, pulled us trough the door, and shut it. "Well, they took it off you in the infirmary. They made me come back here and shower so I took it and your other clothes with me."

He chucked softly, "So that's why you're wearing my shirt."

I looked down, "Well I was scared and it smelled like you and it was there. So don't blame me. " He hugged me close.

"Oh Roza." He felt so relaxed, then he stiffened, "Rose, what's that?" he turned me around and pointed at a box on my bed. There was a note on the top. I picked it up, finally realizing what the box was.

Dimitri came up behind me, "Rose, do you know what it is?"

I smiled and turned around. "My birthday present."

So how did you like it? Let me know, cause I really enjoyed writing it.