AN: Long overdue... here's the last chapter of Flying with Albatrosses. Really, I didn't expect it to become so popular. Thanks for all your support!


Title: It's Not the Last Day
Characters: Everyone
Rating: K+
Summary: Just as the title says. Why should we write about the end?
A/N: And what was your favorite chapter, may I ask?


Luffy and Chopper tiptoed outside Nami and Robin's cabin, periodically shushing each other rather noisily. Luffy bit his lower lip and slowly eased the door open.

His face was immediately met with an angry fist, courtesy of Nami.

Nami angrily demanded what the hell he was doing outside their room in the middle of the night and Luffy simply grinned and said he wanted to play with them.

Nami groaned and slapped her forehead. Chopper was hiding behind Luffy. The wrong way, of course. The two boys were saved when Robin came outside to see what Nami was yelling about now. Chopper explained that the other guys were being waaay too sleepy and tired and lazy to play a game with them.

Robin suggested it was probably because of the extensive battle against the Marines they had fought just that evening before they collapsed in their beds.

Luffy pouted and said that he wasn't tired, and he wanted to play! Nami responded by kicking him in the gut.

Right at that moment, Usopp and Franky came out of the men's cabin, groggily demanding why they were making so much noise. Luffy took the chance to glomp them and ask them to play with him.

Of course, the two said no. Luffy frowned and set to chewing on Franky's hairdo, causing Franky to flail wildly and bellow at Luffy to get the hell off.

And this chain of events woke up the rest of the men, since Franky's yelling probably sounded like a hundred bounty hunters roaring a battle cry. Sanji, irritated that he had been woken up with no good cause, punted Luffy off of Franky and began groveling before Nami and Robin, asking them if they couldn't go to sleep and he would certainly be glad to share a bed if his body heat was needed and-

Nami kicked Sanji. Robin told him he was bleeding all over the deck, and Sanji began declaring that Robin's morbid statement was a sure sign of her love for him.

Usopp sighed and turned to go to bed when Chopper tugged on his feet, asking him to play. Unable to resist his little brother's request, Usopp picked up Chopper and flung him at Zoro, much to the reindeer's delight as he barreled into the half-asleep Zoro's head and clinged on to the mossy hair.

Zoro began running around in circles, roaring at Chopper to get off his head and that he couldn't breathe. Chopper growled at Zoro to stop being so noisy and promptly turned into Heavy Point, crushing Zoro beneath his weight.

Brook, who had been standing silently, finally asked if he could play a lullaby to bring them all to sleep again. Nami gratefully told him to do so and seemed relieved until Brook asked for her panties in exchange for a soothing tune.

Brook joined Sanji on the ground.

Meanwhile, Franky had finally yanked the laughing Chopper off of the suffocating Zoro. Zoro began blaming Sanji, inexplicably, sparking a fight between them. It was short-lived, since Nami beat the crap out of both of them in record time.

Robin quietly said it was probably too late for any of them to go to sleep anymore. Nami cried out in frustration and promptly latched onto Robin, sobbing why oh why did they have to be stuck with a bunch of morons. This sight spurred a fresh nosebleed from Sanji.

Luffy loudly said that as captain, he demand that everyone play a game with him.

Brook said he hoped it was a game that involved the women giving him their panties. This time, Nami didn't have to punch him because Sanji did it for her.

Usopp sighed and scolded everyone for their immaturity, prompting Zoro and Sanji to pummel him simultaneously.

Luffy's smile began to die down and he loudly complained that this game wasn't fun at all, not at all. Franky sarcastically asked why, and Luffy finally yawned and realized he was tired the whole time- he had just been "Mysteriously Half-Sleepwalking". Chopper shrugged and said he followed along because he was simply bored.

Nami facepalmed and kicked Luffy's shin out of frustration. Robin was forced to hold her back to prevent any more bodily injuries inflicted to their captain.

Brook found a jaw harp in his back pocket and began to play a twangy song that only sounded annoying, not soothing at all. Zoro snatched it away and threw it overboard before anyone else could comment.

Sanji tried to help Robin restrain Nami (as an excuse to hug the both of them at the same time), but this only infuriated Nami even further and cause her to accidently kick Robin instead of her intended target, which sent her into a string of hasty apologies and death glares at Sanji. Robin simply smiled and waved it off.

Usopp came to and realized that Nami had kicked Robin, and thus it-was-the-end-of-the-world-oh-god-everyone's-gonna-die-run-away-Nami-hurt-Robin-impossible-oh-no-oh-no-END-OF-THE-WORLD. Chopper dragged the panicking Usopp away to calm him down with a glass of warm milk.

Then Brook remembered he had already drunk all of their milk. Chopper shrieked and smacked Brook across the skull.

Luffy had fallen asleep in the middle of the deck. Zoro caught sight of the sleeping boy and was immediately affected. Like a tree, Zoro toppled over next to Luffy, blowing a snot bubble in time with his snores. Franky shrugged and sat on top of Zoro, pulled out a cola bottle out of God-knows-where, and proceeded to enjoy his beverage on top of his marimo seat.

Meanwhile, the sun began to rise above the purple ocean and slowly illuminated the bleary-eyed pirate crew.


Nami groaned and pulled the highly amused Robin with her back into their room, barricading their door against the desperate Sanji. Franky lumbered into the kitchen to get more cola, seeing he was wide awake now and Chopper had calmed Usopp down and was leading him back to the men's cabin. Sanji knocked one last time on the ladies' door, sighed with defeat, and decided to drag the two idiots (Luffy and Zoro) away from the middle of the deck, seeing as they were an eyesore. Brook climbed up to the observation deck and began to play a morning awakening call before he, too, fell asleep in the middle of a chord.

And so it was another day for the Strawhat Pirates.


AN: ... and then there's Satirical Lulz. I'm shameless, advertising my own story like that...
Thanks for reading, everyone!