AN: Since there aren't enough nakamaship fics (in my opinion), I've decided to create my own personal challenge. There are 36 possible two-person combinations in the crew. So, I'm going to write 36 drabbles, one for every friendship pairing possible (strictly to the crew, no Ace, sorry!)
The lengths will vary, depending on my inspiration.


Title: Solo Duet
Characters: Robin and Brook
Rating: K
Summary: In the middle of the night, Brook unexpectedly discovers they have another musician on the ship.
A/N: If Brook wasn't such a pervert, I'm sure he and Robin could get along swimmingly. Oh, and I don't know where Brook put his piano on the ship so I just put it in the aquarium bar. Forgive me!


Even though it had been weeks since he had joined their ragtag crew, Brook still found himself wandering aimlessly on the ship during the night. The old habit had carried over. Brook hoped to rid himself of his insomnia soon. The moon hung silently over the Thousand Sunny. The ocean, as black as a shadow's eye, lapped up against the hull like a friendly puppy. Brook stood at the front of the ship, looking out to the sea over the lion figurehead.

Ting ding… ding ding…

Brook twisted his skull around curiously. It sounded like piano notes drifting through the night air…

Ding ding…

The notes began to play faster and faster until they blended together into a mess of melodies. Brook was puzzled. It was very late and everyone was supposedly asleep. The skeleton silently walked over to the door leading to the aquarium bar, where he kept his piano. He opened the door.

The piano player didn't stop playing even as Brook stepped closer. The skeleton squeezed his jaws shut so he wouldn't gasp out in surprise.

Robin's eyes were half-closed as her hands gracefully flitted across the keys. Two more arms had sprouted out of each of her elbows and were playing as well. She was playing a duet all by herself. The song had a resonating sound, a blend of sadness and happiness in an arpeggio of notes. It sounded like there wasn't a precise melody but Brook could pick out a subtle tune amidst the notes intermingling with each other. Brook cautiously laid a skeletal palm on her shoulder. Robin stopped playing and looked up.

"A duet isn't a duet if there is only one player." Brook quietly said. Robin smiled. She scooted over on the bench and her extra arms disappeared. Brook sat down beside her.

Their hands began to press the keys and they continued on with the duet, the piano song carrying through the ship.


AN: Don't ask me why Robin knows how to play the piano.
SUGGESTIONS FOR THEMES ARE WANTED! Inspiration is needed badly. Requests for friendship pairings are also welcome.
Reviews will be greatly appreciated.