Childhood sweetheart

Chapter 1

Soi Fon sighed at the sight in front of her. How was it possible to place so much paperwork on one small desk? She frowned. Nothing left for her to do than to start working. About 4 hours later she stretched, more or less finished with her work.

It had been a busy 3 months after the war was won, with fixing damages on buildings and such, she thanked god for Inoue Orihime for fixing her arm, as well as the stress relief of Hachigen keeping his promise letting her have her fun for a month with a certain white and green hat wearing jerk. She suddenly looked up as something came running through her window laughing.


Soi sighed. "Kusajishi fuku taicho what are you doing here?"

Yachiru smiled, Soi not liking the fact that she was holding a jar filled with some pink liquidish substance.

"Where did you get that?"

"Scary faces' place."

Soi Fon backed away. "You got that from the 12th squad?"

"Yeah, I don't know what it is but it looks FUN! And you seemed to need some fun; I don't think I have ever seen you smile."

"You get that thing away from me Kusajishi or else there will be hell to pay" Soi Fon said. No way in hell she was getting near anything that came from the 12th squad unless she could help it.

"CATCH!" Yachiru threw the jar at Soi and ran away laughing.

Soi could do little else than to cover her eyes as the jar hit the wall next to her, the pink liquid covering her from head to toe.

'Uh oh' she though as she felt the world go black around her.


The other taicho's could do nothing much more than to stare. About an hour or two after the accident there had been called an emergency taicho meeting. No one wondered why, it was clear as day.

"How did this happen?" Yamamoto asked.

"I don't know" Unohana said sighing. "I was called to the 2nd squad of one of the members, he had walked inside finding Soi Fon taicho looking like this… but how it happened?"

"I think I might be able to shed some light over this", Mayuri said grinning. "About 5 hours ago a substance was stolen from my lab, its effect looks very much like what we are seeing here."

"That still doesn't explain how it got from the 12th to the 2nd" Hitsugaya said frowning.

"Maybe it does," Mayuri said looking over to Kenpachi. "The substance was pink… and Nemu reported seeing Kusajishi fuku taicho hanging around the lab at the time it was stolen."

Kenpachi huffed. "Sounds like Yachiru all right."

"So what do we do?" Kyoraku asked gently shaking his head at the sight in front of him.

Yamamoto huffed. "Kurosotchi taicho, your squad is to drop everything else and work on an antidote. In the mean time, Unohana taicho, she seems to have bonded with you, until further notice you are in charge of her is that clear?"

"Hai sou taicho."

Unohana smiled and looked to the floor, where a small girl stood. She looked around 3 years old, dressed in black. One hand clutched a taicho haori, the other a small black cat plushie.

"Come on Soi Fon, let's go home."

The young girl grinned and walked over to Unohana hugging her legs.

"Hai mommy."

Unohana sighed. This was bad!