Disclaimer: We do not own Transformers. We do, however, own Heather, Jessica, Raven, and others who are not in the actual movies.

An: The rewrite is here! And it shall be epicness! We have most of this planned out, but if there's anything you want to see, just let us know and we'll try to fit it in. Kay? Kay. On with chapter one!

chapter one

Raven Witwicky wasn't entirely too thrilled with the idea of going to a used car lot – especially one run by the dubious Bobby Bolivia – to get her first car. Yes, her older sister Jessica already had her first vehicle, and yes it was a rust bucket like most of the ones here, but that didn't mean Raven didn't have higher aspirations. She wanted a sleek, shiny sports car.

Oh well. At least her twin suffered with her.

Heather glanced over at Raven and made a face. "I feel like I need a tetanus shot just by looking at these things." she muttered. Raven had to stuff her fist in her mouth to smother her laughter. No need to let their father think they were mocking him. Ron was awfully proud of himself, and in all honesty, with three kids and only one job to support all of them, this was the best they could afford. Raven and Heather understood.

That didn't mean they liked it.

Raven pulled her dark hair back in a ponytail as Bobby guided them around the cars, extolling each one. Heather ran her fingers through her short-cropped hair and rolled her eyes. They both shared the same short height, slim build, and dark brown eyes. They wore the same sleeved shirts advertising a local garage band, but while Raven wore clean jeans and boots, Heather's jeans were being held together by luck and dirt and her sneakers weren't in much better condition. They were comfortable, and she refused to get rid of them.

No matter how many times Judy threatened to burn them.

Bobby glanced at the girls. "Are we gettin' two cars or just one?" he asked.

"Just one." Ron said hastily. "The girls can share."

While Bobby went off about some small, garishly yellow Beetle, Heather tugged on Raven's arm. "Take a look." she said, pointing across the lot. "It's actually shiny."

Raven wanted to laugh, but it was the truth. Shiny, sleek, and a classic. "What do you think it's worth?" she asked.

Heather shrugged. "Probably more than Dad's willing to pay, but it's worth asking." She made her way over to the car, looking it over. Chevy Camaro, yellow with black racing stripes, probably a 1980s version – she'd have to get Jess to tell her which year exactly. Jess and Raven were good with naming off models and years. Heather knew a classic when she saw one, even if she couldn't peg the exact year it was made. All three of them knew more about cars than Bobby B could probably fit in his brain.

Bobby followed the girls. "Now this here is a beauty." he announced, leaning against the trunk of the Camaro. "I brought this car all the way from –" He cut himself off. "Man, I don't know nothin' about this car. Hey, Manny!"

"What boss?"

"What's with this car?"

"I don't know boss! That's loco!"

"Don't go Ricky Ricardo on me, Manny – find out!"

Heather took the opportunity to slide into the driver's seat while Raven took the passenger's. Heather grinned at Raven. "Feels good." she announced. "Stick shift and everything."

Raven laughed. "Means no one will want to borrow it." she sounded pleased. "Hey – look at this." She reached over and rubbed her fingers across the steering wheel center where the airbag/horn should have been. There was a strange symbol – a sort of hieroglyph face. The two girls exchanged looks. Neither mentioned it.

"How much?" Ron asked.

"Well, considering the classic nature of the car, with the custom paint job – five grand." Bobby declaired.

"I'm not going over four." Ron said regretfully. "Sorry."

"Come on, kids – out of the car. I got one over here for four g's that'll rock your world. I brought this car-" Raven and Heather exchanged looks. Raven tilted her head questioningly. Heather grinned.

"That thing probably has around five hundred thousand miles on it." Heather announced, leaning against the driver's side door. "Judging from the rust, I'd say you got it from police impound."

Raven grinned. "Yeah, that and about fifteen others in here." she added conversationally. "Wouldn't people be interested to know that you're selling them pieces of crap that are about to fall apart? That one there's probably been in salt water for a good five years if the barnacles in the undercarriage are anything to go by." She glanced over at her twin. "Not unlike your jeans." she muttered.

Heather just smiled at her. "I like my jeans." she murmured back.

Bobby went pale. "Four thousand!" He took the money from Ron and scampered away.

Ron gave the girls a half-hearted glare. "You really shouldn't do things like that."

"But it's the truth." Raven muttered, taking the keys.

As the girls got in, Bumblebee couldn't help but laugh silently. So these were the Witwickies he was going to have to work with? This ought to be good.


AN: We do apologize for the roughness of this chapter. It should smooth out in future chapters.