This is my first decent fan fic, please go easy on me.
Disclaimer - K.A.A owns Animorphs, although I wish I did.
Againamorphs 1 The Chosen
Ellimist was sitting waiting for Crayak. As usual, he was late. Ellimist sighed. They were going to be discussing the Animorphs. If he ever showed up…which Ellimist believed would be unlikely. He reckoned he'd have to do this meeting on his own. As usual. When was the last time Crayak showed up? Last week. And there was a meeting every week.
Crayak swished into the room at a high pace. He sat down at the table and said, "Hello, Ellimist. You wanted to speak to me?"
"Yes, I did!" Ellimist told him furiously. "You were supposed to be here 3.86 minutes ago! Do you know what I could have been able to do in that 3.86 minutes? Time is money, Crayak. We have important things to discuss, which shall involve us both."
"Yes, well, hurry up," Crayak snapped. "I can't be here all day."
"It's only a few hours to the new day," Ellimist loftily reminded him. "And what we are here to discuss is important. I believe that our game is getting old, Crayak. I am getting bored of it."
"I've been getting bored of it for kind of a while," Crayak snapped. "And listening to you almost makes life as boring, so tell me your idea, so I can get out of here. Like now."
"Well, I have been thinking we should replay the prawns," Ellimist told him. "But this time with teams. And some new Animorphs."
This got Crayak's attention. "And who were you planning for as the new Animorphs?"
"A wide range of people," Ellimist explained. He clapped his hands and 11 humans and 1 Andalite appeared. "We would each chose 6 from this selection."
Crayak's eyes flickered over them. "Terms and Conditions?"
"There's not many -" Ellimist began, but Crayak cut him short.
"That's what you always say," Crayak muttered to himself. Ellimist glared at him before continuing.
"We cannot get too involved in them ,they have to make there own decisions but we can referee them as we please," Ellimist explained. "For instance, you can help them, but not get involved directly. You could insist in helping one get out of a trapped morph, as long as it would not harm the other team directly."
"Yeah, yeah," Crayak was still looking at them. Sizing them up, most likely. "Who shall pick first?"
"Be my guest," Ellimist waved a hand airily.
"As my leader, I chose….well, not Jake, that went terribly….I pick Tobias," Crayak concluded.
"Interesting choice…." Ellimist mused. "I chose Jake. I believe that everyone deserves a second chance."
"Unfortunately, Ellimist, his second chance shall be his last chance," Crayak grinned a little wickedly. "I chose Rachel, because Tobias will fry me if I don't, and Drode will assist him."
"Very well," Ellimist sighed. "I shall have Cassie, for similar reasons."
"You shall fall before we even begin," snorted Crayak. "I chose David. This teams gonna need a scheming mind."
"Then I'll take Marco," Ellimist grinned evilly. "I know you wanted him."
"No biggy," Crayak shrugged it off. "I take Ax." Ellimist's jaw dropped.
"No fair!" He exclaimed. "You know I wanted Ax…Oh well. I'll have Tom."
"He's worthless," Crayak snorted. "Truly worthless. I will have Melissa. Her father will help a lot."
"Your picking is swayed," Grinned Ellimist. "I shall have James. I believe a second leader will come in handy."
"I chose that girl next to Tom," Crayak insisted. "She looks like she could kick butt."
"Ahh, Natalie," Ellimist told him. "She's Marco's cousin. She was never introduced during the series." ((Natalie is the only character I can truly claim))
"I shall have Jordan," Ellimist looked weary. "Seeing as she's the last one."
"Where are we starting from?" Crayak asked.
"Find out in the next chapter," Ellimist replied, with a twinkle in his eye.
How was it? I can take critism. Please review and wait for the next chapter!