Paring : Bumblebee x Optimus prime

I love this paring so much…. A Halloween fic. well not exactly but there's something to do with Halloween.*smirk*

It was a normal day at the autobots base until …" PRIME!!!!!!!!!" a scream was heard through the whole ark. As optimus look up from his desk only to meet jazz blue visor and other pair of the autobots glance, "what make you come all this way for , jazz?"optimus ask calmly, " hey prime, I just found somethin' interesting in the human website it's called Halloween.", " what's hal-low-een?", the leader ask confuse ," I don't really know!!! Well… what it really means, I mean. But, what the humans do on Halloween is what makes it fun!!", " ok. So what did human do in this so called Halloween?", "that's the fun part you have to dress up or wear a costume of monsters or any kinds of stuff, some of the troops already agreed to this and some of them already searching for a costume to wear", "well, since some of the troops already go through all the way of searching for costume…. Why not? When will this occasion of yours be held jazz?", "in 31 October, that means only 3 more days to prepare!!! so don't forget to wear your costume prime it will be a spooky night!!!" jazz said, but his last statement was soon followed by a smirk in his face, thanking the autobot leader and go out of the office to inform the whole troops about the Halloween party in 3 following human-time. 'What is he planning?'optimus think, before continued to work with his paper work that is covering his table.

3 days later... (3 hours before Halloween's night party.)

As a blonde teen ran along the hall of the well decorate wall of Halloween, his face is covered with a scared expression as it's looks like that his running away from something or someone… "*pant-pant* STAY AWAY FROOM MEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", the figure seems to ignore the boy's rant and continued to chase the boy with higher speed " LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!" as the boy scream. The figure continued to chase him until the blonde boy is in a dead end "please!!! I BEG OF YOU I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK THERE!!! GAHHH!!! STAY AWAYY!!!! " as the figure drag the boy to the opposite side of the hall. "IRONHIDE PLESE!!!!!!!!! DON'T MAKE ME GO BACK THERE !!!!!"as the teen begged still trying to escape ironhide's griping his yellow colored shirt. "SHUT UP,KID!! You're the one who want a costume now you're getting one!!!! Be grateful Will ya!!??", ironhide grunt. " firstly yes it's true I want a costume for the Halloween party tonight but…. I WANT A BOY'S COSTUME NOT A GIRLY ONE!!!" as bumblebee shoot back with a huff in the end. "well Arcee's the one who make the costume!! Blame that to her !!!", as the both of them arrived at their destination(actually it's ironhide' s destination) ironhide throw bumblebee inside the room . As they come inside the room there're already some of the crew is choosing their costume and some of them already in makeup. As soon as arcee look at from her work (what ever she's doing) and look at bumblebee and to ironhide "ah ironhide good you catch bumblebee.. now let us chose you a costume shall we?", "wait what? 'us'?" as bumblebee's face turned from a frown in to a shock expression and started to panic , he know what was coming when it comes to choosing cloth or in this case costume, will be humiliating 'cause where ever there's arcee or makaela involve HE will be given a girl's cloth because he have a small body and if his hair is a little longer 'he' could be mistake as a 'she'. Bumblebee sigh and put his hand in the air 'there's no point in fighting… I'm out number and have no costume so I guessed that I have to bear with it.." as soon as bumblebee finished his thought he was pulled to the dresser room and multiple kind of (girly)costume is throw to him. After trying some girlie clith for several minutes he finally said something " hey!!! I got something that I could actually wear without being humiliated!!!" he scream from behind the dressing room, "really? Come out here and let me look at it." Arcee said, as bumblebee come out he was wearing a tomboyish or gothic wearing that could be mistaken as a boy's cloth. "well? What do you think I could wear this right? RIGHT?" arcee put a finger at her chin as if she was thinking about the blonde's cloth "hmm….NO", "WHAT?!! Why not ?!! it's a girl's cloth right?!!" , 'I can't believed that I just said that' thought bumblebee sadly. "Well it is a girl cloth but you *pointing at bumblebee* don't look like a girl" ,answer arcee in the in-mater-of-fact-tone. " of course I'm not a girl !! then what should I wear then ?" now a furious bumblebee asked. "hhmm…*thinking pose*aha!!! I know exactly what you should wear" arcee said smirking devilishly. Right know bumblebee don't know either he should be happy that arcee had finally found a costume for him or he should be scared… if you asked why.. well it's because there's a flaming background around arcee and the smirk she's using only means that she's planning something evil okay I take back what I said REALLY EVIL . "wh-what are you gonna do to m-me..?" bumblebee asked a little bit scared of arcee sudden change off expression . " *still smirking* ohh you'll see…. Hehehe~" , bumblebee's eyes twitched at the last statement 'what gonna happened to me? I hope I don't lose my pride..' the blonde's thought in silent.

Okay!!!! So this is chapter 1 I'll post the second chp later kay!! Cao!!!

O and forgive me for my grammar error and other thing….