Hello my fellow fanfiction reader/writers. Some of you are glaring at this screen b/c it appears that I have so many stories foing on I don't what to do with myself. Some of you are intrigued as to what this is about, and genuinely don't care about the rest. And some of you are mad, b/c you read this on a different popular Bones fanfic site, and I never finished posting it there. For thos mad. I am sorry. I can't help my muse, and if it's any consolation I began writing this story over a year ago. So it is not like it is new for me or anything. For those of you who are mad b/c I never finished it where you first saw it. I am sorry again, but I found that site had too many rules for such an adverturous writer like me, and had to change.

Warnings: This story is not for the light of heart. It has many grotesque images that could quite possibly turn your stomach. (I am not saying this to be funny, I actually had a friend who read this and said her mother had asked her why she was green in the face all of a sudden.) This story dis not for someone who cannot handle language, for there will be a lot of it. This story is not for someone who is against reading/watching supernatural thrillers, b/c this is one. This story is not for someone opposed to being depressed at sporadic intervals throughout my story. This is not for someone who doesn' like charecter deaths.

And finally this story is not for someone who isn't able to handle mentions of abuse and torture inflicted upon children and adults alike.

I think I have well covered my bases now, I believe you have been duly(sp?) warned. On to the explanation of the story.

Synopsis: This picks up three months after Zack is admitted to the Psych Ward. Angela and Hodgins have already broken up, and neither are dealing with it very well. Booth and Bones are finally bridging that line they so stupidly put in place. And Cam is now feeling the effects of such a horrible career can do to your Psyche.

Further Synop: When a body is found so brutally murdered it is considered to cult driven, will Booth be able to handle the memories it brings up. What is happening to him, and why is everything changing around him? Who is the old enemy that is afterhim, and how is he starting events many and most all cannot explain? Are Angels and Demons real? Or is he really just crazy? Will Brennan believe him? What happens when she has no choice? Why are Angela, Sweets, Hodgins, Zack, Cam, and Charlie involved? And more importantly how? Who is Artemais and Arianna? Are they friends or foes? Do they make matters worse or better? Is Cam going to betray Booth? Or hold strong? Is all of this craziness, and hallucinations? Or reality? What does Angela and Hodgins past have to do with anything, and what is the truth behind her name change?

What do you do, when the world as knew...suddenly falls apart? Do you fight? Or do you pretend you don't see it, and act as if the problem isn't there?

Rating: T...there might be some rated M moments MUCH later, but I will section it off so you will be more than warned for it.

I hope I haven't scared you too much. I personally think I could have turned up the scary factor a WHOLE lot more. But decided not to. Also personally think it isn't so bad, but have been told repeatedly that I need to flag it beyond belief. I'll let you be the judge.

with that said I hope you enjoy this story. It is actually this poem that started my fanfic writing hobby. Litterally wrote while making my bed, no joke, and came up with an entirestory line in ten minutes. It isn't finished. But it will once it is, I will say it is my proudest work.

Without further adue, I introduce...

The Demons in the Shadows


There is a man of many shadows.

He hides his face,

But then he will follow.

Deep inside your dreams he lies,

Waiting to bring you to your demise.

He has a grudge he won't release.

He has a pain that won't ever cease.

In life he only has one goal.

To which he has lost his soul.

He strikes when least expected.

And once he has you,

Very soon will you regret it.

He will lure you in with sweet music and words of lies.

He will then make his grip upon you, and open your eyes.

No one knows this slithery man's name.

They only know all visits end the same.

But he loves to watch you struggle to stay alive.

Feeding off of your screams is his way to thrive.

And after all of the blood is spilled

His angry soul is not yet stilled.

He moves it into the next stage.

Little by little, he sucks out what life you have saved.

Don't go out late at night.

For if you do, you won't even have a fight.

Darkness is his greatest tool.

Before you know it, you're the fool.

Never underestimate his power.

He holds you hostage in yourself until you are devoured.

This to him is merely a game.

Cat and mouse tricks, all the same.

There is only ONE catch to it all.

It will be by your own slip do you fall.

Run and hide before he sees you.

Because once he has his choice is beyond undo.

His victims are always people close.

Just never the ones you expect the most.

This evil murderer has NO remorse, and his heart is as cold as winter snows.

And these are the reasons he is called:

The Man of Many Shadows.

Please read the next chapter and then review. All thoughts are welcomed. The good, the bad, and the ugly ones as ell. I love honesty, and I think it should be used more regurally. So please spare no feelings and let me have it! Unless you really like it and decide, 'Hey, I am going to say something nice.' I won't complain. Not at all. I like being liked. lol Thanks for reading.